THE EFFECT OF HAND HYGIENE INTERVENTION ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS LEVEL OF SCHOOL CHILDREN ============================================================================================ * Nurlela Mufida * Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin ## ABSTRACT **Background** Hand washing is an alternative, effective and inexpensive method that can be used to prevent infectious diseases. Washing hands with soap can improve children’s health. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hand hygiene intervention on the level of knowledge and skills of elementary school students. The method used to conduct this research is a critical review, namely by reviewing articles from databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Direct, Medline. The search keywords used were: quantitative studies on delivery, intervention, hand hygiene, skills, children, and primary school. The selected articles are articles that meet the standard writing criteria, which were published between 2017-2021, both in English and Indonesian. Based on these evaluation criteria, 20 (twenty) studies were obtained. From the results of a literature search, several studies on the use of intervention strategies to provide hand hygiene health education found that although there were other intervention strategies to improve hand hygiene, there were significant differences in both knowledge and skills after being given the intervention. Keywords * hand hygiene intervention * knowledge * skills ## INTRODUCTION School-age is an important period for the formation of clean and healthy living habits in children, who in the future are expected to become agents of change who can encourage healthy living in schools, communities, and the home environment (Nuraida, 2015). One of the strategic places in promoting health is Educational Institutions. Habits carried out by a child at school will also be carried out at home which is expected to influence the behavior of other family members (Solehati, 2015). Hand hygiene is cleaning dirt by washing with water which can inhibit or kill bacteria acquired on the skin of the hands due to human contact with the environment, thereby preventing infections transmitted by hands. Failure to perform proper hand hygiene is a major cause of infection and the spread of resistant microorganisms (Hidayah & Ramadhani, 2019). The habit of washing hands to maintain cleanliness is often forgotten and not noticed by many people, even though this habit has a positive influence that can affect the improvement of the health status of themselves and those around them. The results of the literature reveal that school children have not realized that clean living behaviors such as the habit of washing hands in daily life, both in the school environment and in the playground, can improve their health. Children often eat food using unwashed hands. This habit is one of the factors that contribute to the incidence of diarrheal diseases and other infectious diseases. Based on the above phenomenon, the authors are interested in conducting a literature search as a first step to determine the effect of providing hand hygiene interventions on the level of knowledge and skills of school children. ## METHOD The articles analyzed were obtained from search results across databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, Medline, and Pubmed using the keywords: delivery, education, health, hand hygiene, skills, students, elementary school. Articles reviewed are articles that have met the criteria based on the PICO, with a publication range from 2017-2021, which are written in Indonesian and English. The inclusion criteria must include the most effective and applicable methods in terms of time and tools to improve hand hygiene skills in elementary school students. The articles are then evaluated using a critical appraisal and in the form of a PRISMA guide. From the literature review, there are 20 (twenty) articles. The PRISMA flowchart used to determine the literature can be seen as follows: ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. PRISMA Flowchart ## RESULT View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Summary of review results ## DISCUSSION Based on the results of a systematic literature review on the effect of providing hand hygiene interventions on handwashing skills in elementary school students, namely as follows: When searching for hand hygiene articles in this study, it was found that there were 10 studies with quasi-experimental and pre-experimental designs. This study found that there was an impact of hand hygiene interventions using different methods on the level of knowledge and skills indicated by a significant improvement in hand hygiene practices. The selection of methods and media also determines the effectiveness of the intervention. As in the research conducted by (Ni Ketut Vera P, 2020) which showed that there was an impact of health education on handwashing with soap using video media on the ability to wash hands for class III SDN 1 Berangbang Jembrana. This is also in line with research by (Afik Achsanti Saputri, Suryati; 2019) on the effect of audiovisual health education on CTPS knowledge for Class IV MI Jamilurrahman Bantul children. In addition, different simulation interventions were carried out by (Yulianto, et al; 2018) with the song method which was more effective than the simulation method in improving the ability to wash hands. Meanwhile, in the study (Agus Erwin Ashari, et al; 2020) the results showed that there were no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practices between the pre-test and post-test in the control group. In the intervention group, there was no significant difference in knowledge, attitude, or practice before and after CTPS exercise. There is a difference in knowledge between the intervention group and the control group, but there is no difference in attitude and practice When deciding on methods and media, the effectiveness of the intervention is also needed. Several studies, such as research by Arbianingsih (2018), show that the use of intervention strategies in the form of games (android-based educational games) can be an effective medium to increase handwashing self-efficacy in preschool children, thereby helping prevent diarrhea. Even in research (Rina Mariyana, et al; 2021) to activate children’s ability to wash their hands, it can be taught through animated videos that are played repeatedly. Based on the evaluation of the literature that has been obtained, it is known that there is an effect of various hand hygiene interventions on the knowledge and skills of elementary school students through the lecture and role-playing methods combined with audiovisual media. This is because, according to the survey above, the average skill level reaches scores were quite high, and in most studies, the health education intervention improved after washing hands with audiovisual media such as lectures, demonstrations, and role-playing. The increase was also higher in the intervention group than in the control group. ## CONCLUSION In the collection of literature contained in this study, it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in handwashing behavior in students who are intervened with health education methods. demonstrations and audiovisuals. In addition, the selection of attractive media also affects the effectiveness of an intervention. Although some of the literature studies obtained have intervention strategies to improve other hand hygiene skills, lecture and role-playing methods and the use of audiovisual intervention strategies have been shown to make a significant difference after the intervention increased. ## Data Availability Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form All authors need to complete and submit this form when submitting a manuscript. Disclosures and signatures from all authors on one form is preferred. Article title: THE EFFECT OF HAND HYGIENE INTERVENTION ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS LEVEL OF SCHOOL CHILDREN : A LITERATURE REVIEW Please note that a conflict of interest statement is published with each paper and must be inserted in your text document right before the reference list. √ I/we certify that there is no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article. (Please print names) (1st author): Nurlela Mufida Signature: Date: 4st January, 2022 (2nd author): MOSES GLORINO RUMAMBO PANDIN Signature: Date: 4st January, 2022 Corresponding Author: Name: E-mail: []( ## Footnotes * Email : nurlela.mufida-2021{at}, moses.glorino{at} * Received January 15, 2022. * Revision received January 15, 2022. * Accepted January 15, 2022. * © 2022, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## REFERENCES 1. 1.Afik Achsanti Saputri, Suryati. (2019). Pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan audiovisual Terhadap Pengetahuan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) Pada Anak Kelas IV Di MI Jamilurrahman Bantul; Jurnal Medika Respati Vol. 14 (3) Juli 2019. DOI: []( 2. 2.Agus Erwin Ashari, dkk. (2020). 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