Acceptability of HCV screening and potential use of DAAs during pregnancy in women attending antenatal care in Egypt, Pakistan and Ukraine ========================================================================================================================================== * Karen Scott * Elizabeth Chappell * Aya Mostafa * Alla Voloka * Nida Najmi * Fatma Ebeid * Svitlana Posokhova * Raheel Sikandar * Marta Vasylyev * Saima Zulfiqar * Vyacheslav Kaminskyy * Sarah Pett * Ruslan Malyuta * Saeed Hamid * Manal El Sayed * Diana Gibb * Ali Judd * Jeannie Collins ## Abstract **Background** The risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is ≈6%, and evidence suggests HCV negatively affects pregnancy and infant outcomes. Despite this, universal antenatal HCV screening is not available in most settings, and direct acting antivirals (DAA) are yet to be approved for use in pregnancy or breastfeeding period. Larger safety and efficacy trials are needed. At current there is limited understanding of the acceptability of routine HCV screening and use of DAAs in pregnancy but only among women in high HCV burden countries. **Methods** We conducted a cross-sectional survey of pregnant or post-partum (<6 months since delivery) women attending antenatal clinics or maternity hospitals in Egypt, Pakistan and Ukraine. In Ukraine, this included one HIV clinic. Acceptability of free universal antenatal HCV screening and potential uptake of DAA treatment in the scenario of DAAs being approved for use in pregnancy was assessed. Results were stratified by HCV status and in Ukraine by HIV status. Descriptive statistics were used to explore differences in acceptability of treatment in pregnancy by country. **Findings** Among 630 women (n=210 per country) who participated, the median age was 30 [interquartile range (IQR) 26, 34] years, 73% were pregnant and 27% postpartum, and 27% ever HCV antibody or PCR positive. 40% of women in Ukraine were living with HIV. Overall 93% of women supported free universal HCV screening in pregnancy, with no difference by country. 88% would take DAAs in pregnancy if approved for use: 92%, 98% and 73% among women in Egypt, Pakistan and Ukraine, respectively. Motivation for use of DAAs in pregnancy (to avert vertical transmission or for maternal HCV cure) varied by country, HCV status and HIV status (in Ukraine). No predictors for acceptability of DAAs were identified. **Interpretation** Our survey across 3 high burden countries found very high acceptability of free universal HCV screening and DAAs if approved for use in pregnancy. Clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of DAAs during pregnancy and breastfeeding are urgently required. **Funding** This survey was conducted as part of the “HCVAVERT” study, funded by the UK Medical Research Council (ref MR/R019746/1). ## INTRODUCTION Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) in women of childbearing age is a major global public health concern with an estimated 15 million women aged 15–49 years1 living with HCV globally and 3.26 million children2 living with HCV, many of whom are vertically infected. In 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted new goals for global elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030. However, pregnant women and children are currently excluded from HCV elimination strategies and few countries recommend routine screening of HCV in pregnancy and DAAs are not licensed for use in pregnancy, breastfeeding or for children aged under 3 years. International guidelines currently recommend that pregnant women diagnosed with chronic HCV (defined as HCV PCR positive) are referred for treatment after cessation of breastfeeding. However, in many low and middle-income countries (LMIC), women commonly breastfeed for ≥2 years, and have multiple pregnancies in rapid succession which severely limits the opportunity to treat and cure the mother and avert the risk of vertical transmission. Numerous studies in both high and lower middle-income countries have reported extremely poor (<50%) maternal and infant retention in the HCV care cascade of care postpartum and low uptake of treatment among women post-partum.3-6 In addition to the risk of vertical transmission of HCV, estimated at ∼6%, there are also growing evidence of adverse pregnancy and infant outcomes associated with maternal HCV infection. Recent studies have highlighted increased risk of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy,7 preterm birth,8 low birth weight,9 and mitochondrial toxicity and inflammation from HCV exposure in pregnancy, leading to adverse perinatal outcomes.10 Antenatal HCV screening and treatment in pregnancy could cure maternal HCV and potentially avert vertical transmission and associated negative pregnancy and infant outcomes, and substantially advance the global HCV elimination targets. Although universal screening for HCV in pregnancy recommended in some countries, the extent to which it is being implemented is unclear and some countries, such as Pakistan, require out of pocket fees which may limit the uptake.11 A recent small phase I study in the USA assessed the pharmacokinetics of Harvoni® (sofosbuvir/ ledipasvir) in pregnant women from 24 weeks gestation; the eight women included in the study all completed the 12 week DAA treatment and received adequate drug exposure, achieved viral suppression and functional cure by time of delivery and no safety signals arising.12 In addition, there are few small studies reporting off-label use of DAAs in pregnant women in routine care or conception during DAA treatment, which also reported no safety signals but were based on small sample sizes.13, 14 There is increasing recognition of the need for larger clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of DAAs to cure pregnant women and prevent vertical transmission of HCV.15, 16 At current, there remains scarce data on the potential uptake of HCV screening and treatment in pregnancy or breastfeeding period. Only one small study has examined the acceptability of HCV screening and treatment in pregnancy in the USA. The study surveyed 121 non-pregnant women with current or previous chronic HCV attending one facility in the USA, 60% of women reported willingness to take DAA treatment in pregnancy to reduce the risk of vertical transmission of HCV. When asked as a separate question, 21% were willing to receive treatment for self-cure only.17 There are no comparable data from LMIC settings with high burden of HCV. In this study, we assessed the acceptability of free universal antenatal HCV screening and the potential uptake of DAA treatment in the scenario of DAAs being approved for use in pregnancy among women attending antennal or maternity clinics in three HCV high burden countries: Egypt, Pakistan and Ukraine. Egypt and Pakistan have some of the largest budget of HCV globally, with generalised epidemics and estimated prevalence in pregnant women of 9%18 and 6%19 respectively. Ukraine is part of the Eastern European region which has one of the highest HCV infection rates, with a concentrated epidemic and a high prevalence of HCV among people living with HIV.20 ## METHODS Women aged ≥18 years, currently pregnant or delivered in the last 6 months and attending participating antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals in Egypt (1 site), Pakistan (7 sites) and Ukraine (3 sites, including one HIV antenatal clinic) were invited to participate in our survey and gave written informed consent. Ethical approval was obtained from the UCL research ethics committee and local ethics committees. A self-completed REDCap online survey was developed by the study team and translated into local languages. Participants with poor literacy or limited IT skills had the questions read to them by a study staff member. Minor local adaptions were made for cultural sensitivity (e.g. HIV status was not collected in Egypt or Pakistan as this was considered highly sensitive and both countries have low prevalence of HIV and no routine HIV testing in pregnancy).21, 22 The survey was composed of two parts. First, women were asked about their sociodemographic status, their pregnancy and HCV history and knowledge. After completion of this section women were given a prepared factsheet about HCV and pregnancy (Supplementary Materials A), which they were asked to read or were read to them by study staff. Second, women were asked about their views on the acceptability of hepatitis C screening and potential treatment in pregnancy in the scenario that DAAs were approved for use in pregnancy. When asked whether they would take DAAs in pregnancy, women were given three options: (i) “Yes, to cure me, even if it does not lower the chance of my baby getting hepatitis C,”; (ii) “Yes, but only if it lowers the chance of my baby getting hepatitis C or has other potential benefits for my baby” or (iii) No, I would wait until after my pregnancy to start treatment.” Our survey was based on a survey developed by Kushner et al. in their acceptability study in the USA.23 Overall, 210 women were enrolled in each country between July 2020 and July 2021, providing a total sample size of 630. We aimed to include up to 50% of women with known HCV positive infection status (defined as PCR or antibody positive) in Ukraine and up to 20% in Egypt and Pakistan. The higher target in Ukraine was due to expected higher proportion of women with known HCV status and higher prevalence, particularly among women attending the HIV clinic. We combined women with antibody or PCR positive result as few women in these settings have ever received a PCR test, even if antibody positive as these require out of pocket fees. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the characteristics of participants and survey response, overall and by country. Differences by country were explored using chi squared tests for categorical variables, and t tests for continuous variables. Descriptive statistics were used to explore differences in acceptability of treatment in pregnancy by country and demographic and clinical characteristics:(age, education, socioeconomic score (number of rooms excluding kitchen and bathroom/number of people in home) relationship and employment status, pregnancy status (currently pregnant vs. given birth in the last 6 months), HCV status (ever HCV antibody or RNA positive vs. never), HIV status (in Ukraine only), number of previous children, and a composite HCV knowledge score. For HCV knowledge women were asked eight questions about HCV, risk of HCV transmission, availability of treatment and HCV in pregnancy. Each question had equal weighting and a composite score was derived (range from 0-24). ## RESULTS Sociodemographic characteristics of the 630 women enrolled are shown in Table 1. The median age of women ranged from 29 years in Pakistan to 33 years in Ukraine. Ukraine had the highest proportion of women aged ≥35 years, at 38% compared to 24% in Egypt and 15% in Pakistan. Sixty-percent of women in Ukraine had ever tested HCV positive (antibody or PCR) compared to 3% and 20% in Egypt and Pakistan, respectively. A quarter of women in Egypt and 10% in Pakistan reporting never having a HCV test. Forty percent of women in Ukraine were living with HIV, of whom 33% have ever tested positive for HCV. View this table: [Table 1]( Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics by country The majority of women in Ukraine (93%) were pregnant at the time of survey compared to two-thirds of women in Egypt and Pakistan. Over a third of women in Ukraine were surveyed during their first pregnancy compared to <20% in Egypt and Pakistan. In terms of socio-economic and demographic characteristics, the large majority of women were married or co-habiting. Below secondary school completion was the highest level of education in ∼40% of women in Egypt and Pakistan compared to 9% in Ukraine. The proportion of women who completed university level education was ∼40% in Ukraine and Pakistan and 19% in Egypt. The majority of women (>70%) in Egypt and Pakistan were unemployed compared to 47% in Ukraine. The socioeconomic score, where a lower score signifies a high level of overcrowding in the household, indicated that overcrowding was highest in Pakistan and lowest in Ukraine. Overall the median HCV knowledge score was 12 [IQR 9,15] out of a possible score of 24. HCV knowledge was similar across countries, with a median score of 14 in Ukraine, 11 in Egypt and Pakistan. Awareness of HCV was lowest in Egypt where 13% of women reported to have not heard of HCV before compared to 2% and 3% in Pakistan and Ukraine respectively. Across all three countries, the acceptability of free universal screening during pregnancy was very high at 88%, 95% and 95% in Egypt, Pakistan and Ukraine respectively (Figure 1). ![Figure 1:]( [Figure 1:]( Figure 1: Acceptability of universal HCV screening in pregnancy The majority of women (88%) reported that they would take DAAs in pregnancy if approved for use (Figure 2a). Acceptability was highest in Pakistan (98%) followed by Egypt (91%) and Ukraine (73%). The majority of women who would take DAAs in pregnancy were for the reason of stopping vertical transmission rather than for maternal cure and this was consistent across all countries. Ukraine had the largest proportion of women who would not take DAAs during pregnancy and would prefer to wait until after delivery, at 27% compared to 9% in Egypt and 2% in Pakistan. When we combine results from all countries and stratified by HCV status, acceptability of DAAs was highest among women who had never tested HCV positive at 92% and was lowest among women who had tested positive at 78% (Figure 2b). Among women in Ukraine, the proportion who would choose to have DAAs in pregnancy was similar irrespective of HIV status although women living with HIV were more likely to agree to treatment to stop vertical transmission. (Figure 2c). ![Figure 2a:]( [Figure 2a:]( Figure 2a: Acceptability of DAA treatment if known to be safe during pregnancy, by country & overall ![Figure 2b:]( [Figure 2b:]( Figure 2b: Acceptability of DAA treatment if known to be safe by HCV status ![Figure 2c:]( [Figure 2c:]( Figure 2c: Acceptability of DAA treatment if known to be safe by HIV status among women in Ukraine Table 2 presents the acceptability of DAAs in pregnancy in each country and overall by key participant characteristics, will data from all countries pooled there was no evidence for a difference in acceptability of DAAs by age, partner’s employment status and HCV knowledge score in any of the countries (all p>0.05). When stratified by country, whether a women was pregnant or recently delivered at the time of survey completion was associated with acceptability (p=0.001) among women in Egypt. Factors associated with acceptability for women in Pakistan were age (p=0.014) where slightly more women aged 18-24 years would prefer to wait until after pregnancy and breastfeeding than women in older age groups. Number of previous children (p=0.009) and socioeconomic score (p=0.031). Factors associated with acceptability for women in Ukraine were HCV status (p=0.021) and HIV status (p=0.002), education (p=0.007) and employment status (p=0.008). View this table: [Table 2:]( Table 2: Distribution of acceptability of taking DAAs in pregnancy by country and overall Due to high acceptability, exploration of factors associated with the acceptability of screening could not be conducted. ## DISCUSSION To our knowledge, this is one of the largest studies on acceptability of HCV screening and treatment to date and the first to focus on high HCV burden countries. Acceptability for free universal HCV screening was very high at 93%. In the scenario that DAAs were approved for use in pregnancy, acceptability ranged from 78% in Ukraine to 98% in Pakistan. The different level of acceptability may be due to our study focusing on women who are currently pregnant or in the early post-partum period or it may reflect the broader differences in sociodemographic characteristics of women across countries and their wider acceptance of treatments during pregnancy. In our study, the majority of women (76%) who would take DAAs in pregnancy were driven by the goal of preventing vertical transmission and adverse pregnancy and infant outcomes and fewer reported maternal cure as the main reason to receive treatment. This trend was consistent across the three countries, by HCV status and HIV status. This estimate is at a substantially higher level than the 60% acceptability reported among non-pregnant women with chronic HCV in the USA.17 One of the strengths of our study is the inclusion of women from three lower middle-income countries, all with a broad range of education backgrounds and socioeconomic groups, this was especially the case in Pakistan where we included women attending clinics in public and private facilities. It is interesting to note that despite a high profile national HCV elimination campaign in Egypt where over 50 million have been screened for HCV and 4 million treated since 2015,24 there remained a proportion of women (13%) who were not aware of HCV and 25% of women had never been tested. Other countries with high HCV burden such as Nigeria also found a high proportion of pregnancy women (52%) with no knowledge of HCV.25 To counter the potential lack of HCV knowledge, all women in our study were given basic information sheet on HCV and pregnancy before asking their views on the potential acceptability of DAAs in pregnancy, to ensure they were able to make informed choices. A key limitation of our study is that our assessment of acceptability is based on a hypothetical question asking women to imagine a scenario where DAAs are safe and approved for use and to assume they are pregnant with chronic HCV. The majority of women included in the study in Pakistan or Egypt have never tested HCV positive or have never been tested and may be more likely to respond positively to such a scenario. In contrast almost 60% of women in Ukraine have ever tested HCV positive (PCR or antibody). Interestingly, in Ukraine women who ever had a HCV positive result had the lowest proportion willing to start treatment in pregnancy at 88%. However, these remain hypothetical responses and uptake of treatments if approved for use may differ. We found very few individual level factors associated with the acceptability of DAAs, which was in part due the high acceptability observed. It may be difficult to understand the factors which drive women’s answers and a more qualitative approach may be needed. In summary our study found very high acceptability of both universal screening and potentially treatment with DAAs in pregnancy. Studies in the USA26 and France27 have reported the cost effectiveness of routine HCV screening in pregnancy even without the option of treatment during pregnancy, driven by the potential benefits of identifying HCV positive women to refer for treatment post breastfeeding and identification of HCV exposed infants to screen. There is a lack of comparable studies in LMIC with high HCV burden, but if integrated with other routine antenatal tests there may be similar benefits, and if treatment of pregnant women were an option, the potential benefits for the woman and infant would be likely to increase further.28, 29 It is important to highlight that pregnant women with chronic HCV currently have no option other than waiting until end of breastfeeding before they can seek curative treatment. In settings with poor follow up of women with HCV post-partum and rapid succession of pregnancies, this may result in prolonged delays in access to treatment and risk of disease progression which may affect maternal and infant outcomes for current and future pregnancies. Research into this area including randomised controlled trials on use of DAAs in pregnancy and delivery, particularly in high burden countries is urgently needed to provide better treatment options for women with HCV globally. ## Data Availability Data sharing requests may be made in writing to UCL * Received September 29, 2021. * Revision received September 29, 2021. * Accepted September 29, 2021. * © 2021, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Dugan E, Blach S, Biondi M, Cai Z, DePaola M, Estes C, et al. Global prevalence of hepatitis C virus in women of childbearing age in 2019: a modelling study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;6(3)169-84. 2. 2.Schmelzer J, Dugan E, Blach S, Coleman S, Cai Z, DePaola M, et al. Global prevalence of hepatitis C virus in children in 2018: a modelling study. 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