THE US MIDLIFE MORTALITY CRISIS CONTINUES: INCREASED DEATH RATES FROM CAUSES OTHER THAN COVID-19 DURING 2020 ============================================================================================================ * Dana A. Glei ## ABSTRACT COVID-19 has prematurely ended many lives, particularly among the oldest Americans, but the pandemic has also had an indirect effect on health and non-COVID mortality among the working-age population, who have suffered the brunt of the economic consequences. This analysis quantifies the changes in mortality for selected causes of death during the COVID-19 pandemic up to December 31, 2020, and investigates whether the levels of excess mortality varied by age group. The data comprise national-level monthly death counts by age group and selected causes of death from January 1999 to December 2020 combined with annual mid-year population estimates over the same period. A negative binomial regression model was used to estimate monthly cause-specific excess mortality during 2020 controlling for the pre-pandemic mortality patterns by age, calendar year, and season. To determine whether excess mortality varied by age, we tested interactions between broad age groups and dichotomous indicators for the pre-pandemic (January-February) and the pandemic (March-December) portions of 2020. In relative terms, excess all-cause mortality (including COVID-19) peaked in December at ages 25-44 (RR=1.58 relative to 2019, 95% CI=1.50-1.68). Excluding COVID-19, all of the excess mortality occurred between ages 15 and 64, peaking in July among those aged 25-44 (RR=1.45, 95% CI 1.37-1.53). We find notable excess mortality during March-December 2020 for many causes (i.e., influenza/pneumonia, other respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, kidney disease, and external causes), but almost exclusively among young and midlife (aged 25-74) Americans. For those aged 75 and older, there was little excess mortality from causes other than COVID-19 except from Alzheimer’s disease. Excess non-COVID mortality may have resulted, at least partly, from incorrectly classified COVID-19 deaths, but neither misclassification nor an atypical flu season that disproportionately affected younger people is likely to explain the increase in mortality from external causes, which was evident even during January-February 2020. Exploratory analyses suggest that drug-related mortality may be driving the early rise in external mortality. The growth in drug overdoses well before there was any hint of a pandemic suggests it is probably not solely an indirect effect of COVID-19, although the pandemic may have exacerbated the problem. ## INTRODUCTION We know that COVID-19 has taken a heavy death toll among older Americans, but we may be underestimating the indirect impact of the pandemic on health and mortality from other causes among the working-age population. Only 38% of the excess mortality among Americans aged 25-44 during March-July 2020 can be attributed directly to COVID-19 (1). Nearly two-thirds appears to have resulted from other causes (1). Although they are much less likely than older Americans to die from COVID-19, younger Americans suffered the brunt of the economic consequences as their work lives were abruptly altered. Essential workers continued to be in high demand, but faced additional stressors (e.g., fear of exposure to the virus; shortages of personal and protective equipment). An additional threat was posed by recalcitrant individuals who resisted public health orders, particularly when enforced by low-wage workers (e.g., grocery/retail store employees). Business owners had to grapple with logistical challenges resulting from new public health regulations and the financial aftermath of reduced demand for their services. Other workers suffered sudden income decline from job loss or reduced hours as some jobs (e.g., hospitality) disappeared virtually overnight. The most fortunate workers retained their jobs with reduced exposure to SARS-CoV-2, but had to adapt to working from home and learning new technologies. The unexpected closure of child care centers and schools further exacerbated the conflicts between work and family life for young and midlife Americans. With no warning, parents of young children lost access to child care services and became responsible for helping homeschool their children, while continuing to juggle work demands and the potential needs of their own parents, who were particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. Depending in part on the period of coverage, prior studies have reported a 16-23% increase in excess mortality during the pandemic (2–4), but only 72-89% of those deaths can be attributed directly to COVID-19 (2–5). During the period from January 26, 2020 to October 3, 2020, Americans aged 25-44 suffered the largest relative increase in excess mortality (27% peaking at nearly 50% in mid-July), whereas those aged 85 and older experienced a smaller increment (15%, but also peaking near 50% in late April) (6). Excess mortality peaked earlier—in April—and declined more rapidly for Americans aged 45 and older than for their younger counterparts (aged 25-44), among whom excess mortality was persistently high (>30%) throughout early April to early August, peaking in mid-July (6). It remains unclear exactly how the burden of the non-COVID excess mortality is distributed across those other causes and the extent to which it varies by age. Recent reports documented that, compared with 2019, the number of deaths in 2020 increased for various causes: diabetes (15%), unintentional injuries (11%), stroke (6%), influenza & pneumonia (6%), and heart disease (5%) (7). That same report showed virtually no change in the number of deaths from cancer or kidney disease and revealed a small decline in deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases (−3%) and suicide (−6%). Other evidence suggested that mortality from drug overdoses (8), homicides (9), and motor vehicle accidents (10) also increased during the pandemic. The extent of change in alcohol-related mortality for the US as a whole remains unknown, but some evidence showed increased alcohol consumption, particularly among women and Americans aged 30-59 (11), and provisional data for Minnesota implied that alcohol-attributable deaths were 25-65% higher in June-December 2020 compared with the same months in 2019 (12). Here, we quantify the changes in mortality for selected causes of death during the COVID-19 pandemic up to December 31, 2020. In particular, we evaluate the extent to which the levels of excess mortality varied by age group and across the months of 2020. ## METHODS ### Data These analyses are based on national-level monthly death counts by age group (0-4, 5-14, 15-24, 25-34,…75-84, 85+) and selected causes of death for the period from January 1999 to December 2020, although the data for 2020 remain provisional (13,14).1 The provisional data were reported on April 23, 2021 and cover the period through March 2021 (13), but we restrict our analysis to the period through December 31, 2020 because the data are likely to be less than 85% complete for the 15 weeks prior to reporting (15).2 We use annual mid-year population estimates by age (16,17) to compute the cause-specific death rates. Collectively, the dataset represents 56.8 million deaths over 6.7 billion person-years of observation for the entire US population. ### Measures #### Outcome: Age-Specific Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death We focus on the following causes of death for which the provisional monthly death counts by 10-year age group were available: 1) influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18; 1.2 million deaths); 2) other respiratory diseases excluding COVID-19 (J00-J06,J30-J47,J67,J70-J98; 3.8 million); 3) heart disease (ICD-10 codes I00-I09,I11,I13,I20-I51; 14.2 million); 4) cancer (C00-C97; 12.6 million); 5) cerebrovascular disease (i.e., strokes, transient ischemic attacks (TIA), aneurysms, and vascular malformations; I60-I69; 3.2 million); 6) Alzheimer’s disease (G30; 1.9 million); 7) diabetes mellitus (E10-E14; 1.7 million); 8) nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (i.e., kidney disease; N00-N07,N17-N19,N25-N27; 1.0 million); and 9) external causes (derived as deaths from all causes minus deaths from natural causes; 4.1 million). In addition, we analyzed all-cause mortality (including and excluding COVID-19) for comparison with the cause-specific results and with prior studies of overall excess mortality. For the models excluding deaths from COVID-19, we exclude all deaths attributed to COVID-19 as either the underlying or as a contributing cause. #### Control Variables To account for the pre-pandemic patterns of mortality during 1999-2019, we include control variables to account for variation in mortality by age, calendar year, and season. A set of dummy variables for each age group (i.e., 0-4, 5-14,…74-84, 85+) accounts for the age pattern of mortality. Dichotomous indicators for each month account for the seasonality of pre-pandemic mortality. Finally, we control for the year-to-year changes in mortality prior to the pandemic by including dummy variables for each calendar year from 1999 to 2018, with 2019 serving as the reference year. #### Mortality During 2020 The key variables of interest are the dichotomous indicators for each month during 2020. To test whether excess mortality during 2020 differed by age group, we interact a set of dummy variables for broad age groups (i.e., <15, 15-24, 25-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75+) with two dummy variables: one for the pre-pandemic period (Jan-Feb 2020) and one for the pandemic period (Mar-Dec 2020). In exploratory models, we also test whether excess mortality varies by both age and wave of the pandemic: March-June (Wave 1), July-September (Wave 2), and October-December (Wave 3).3 ### Analytical Strategy The monthly age-specific mortality rates for each cause of death are modeled using a negative binomial model, which allows for possible over-dispersion. The model includes control variables to account for mortality patterns during 1999-2019 (i.e., dichotomous variables for each age group, month, and calendar year from 1999 to 2018). An additional set of dummy variables for each month of 2020 provides an estimate of the extent to which monthly mortality differed from 2019 adjusted for the seasonality of mortality prior to the pandemic. Prior to March, there were few COVID-19 deaths in the US and the pandemic had yet to make a substantial impact on everyday life here. Thus, we expected the rate ratios to be close to 1.0 for January and February (i.e., indicating that mortality in early 2020 did not differ from 2019 after adjusting for the seasonality of mortality). We also include interactions between broad age groups (<15, 15-24, 25-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75+) and dichotomous indicators for the pre-pandemic (January-February) and the pandemic (March-December) periods to evaluate the extent to which excess mortality during 2020 varied by age. Finally, we fit an auxiliary set of models that test whether the effects varied by both age group and wave of the pandemic (i.e., Wave 1: March-June; Wave 2: July-September; Wave 3: October-December), but the additional interactions do not improve model fit based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC); results not shown. For some groups of causes, the death rates are exceptionally low at young ages, which can result in very high rate ratios. Thus, we restrict the cause-specific models to the age range within which the average death rates in each age group (across 1999-2020) are at least one per million: ages 15 and older for heart diseases; ages 25 and older for cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and other respiratory diseases; ages 35 and older for kidney disease and influenza/pneumonia; and ages 55 and older for Alzheimer’s disease. ## RESULTS All-cause mortality rates (including COVID-19) in 2020 were generally higher than in 2019 above age 15, but rates below age 15 were lower than expected (Figure 1). In relative terms, excess mortality was highest at ages 25-44, peaking in December at 58% higher than in 2019 (RR=1.58, 95% CI=1.50-1.68). Mortality rates during April-December were also 19-31% higher than expected among those aged 15-24 and 45-64, but only 7-18% higher above age 65. ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Rate Ratios (relative to 2019) for All-Cause Mortality (Including and Excluding COVID-19) by Age Group and Month During 2020, US Note: These rate ratios are based on the regression models shown in Table S1. A rate ratio higher than 1.0 implies that the mortality rates were higher than in 2019, whereas a value less than 1.0 suggest lower than expected mortality rates. Models excluding COVID-19 deaths exclude all deaths from COVID-19 as either the underlying or a contributing cause. When we exclude deaths attributed to COVID-19, there was no excess non-COVID mortality below age 15 or above age 65. All of the non-COVID excess mortality is restricted to working-ages (25-64), peaking in July among those aged 25-44 (RR=1.45, 95% CI 1.37-1.53). During January and February 2020, all-cause mortality rates were not significantly elevated relative to 2019 except among those aged 25-44, for whom mortality was 16% higher than expected in January and 20% higher in February. During this pre-pandemic period, the mortality rates from influenza and pneumonia, external causes, diabetes, and cerebrovascular disease were elevated among working-age Americans (Figure 2). For example, compared with 2019, influenza and pneumonia mortality was more than twice as high in February among Americans aged 25-44. During January-February 2020, mortality from external causes was also 24-32% higher than expected at ages 25-64. In addition, substantial excess mortality was evident for diabetes at ages 25-44 (e.g., 24% higher than expected in February). In contrast, among Americans aged 75 and older, mortality from influenza/pneumonia, heart disease, and diabetes, were significantly lower than expected in both January and February. ![]( []( ![]( []( ![]( []( Figure 2. Rate Ratios (Relative to 2019) for Selected Causes of Death by Age Group and Month During 2020, US Note: These rate ratios are based on the regression models shown in Table S2. A rate ratio higher than 1.0 implies that the mortality rates were higher than in 2019, whereas a value less than 1.0 suggest lower than expected mortality rates. During March-December 2020, mortality rates were higher than expected for many causes (i.e., influenza/pneumonia, other respiratory diseases, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and external causes), but almost exclusively among young and midlife (aged 25-74) Americans. For those aged 75 and older, there was little excess mortality from causes other than COVID-19 except for Alzheimer’s disease (e.g., peaking at 21% higher than expected in April). In relative terms, excess mortality was generally highest at ages 25-64. For example, during March and April, mortality from influenza and pneumonia was more than 80% higher than expected among those aged 45-64 and more than 60% higher than expected at ages 25-44 and 65-74. In contrast, influenza and mortality rates among those aged 75 and older were, if anything, lower than expected throughout 2020. Apart from influenza and pneumonia, the relative increase in mortality was greatest for diabetes at ages 25-44, peaking in April at 69% (95% CI 57-81%) higher than expected. Excess diabetes mortality is evident between ages 25 and 74 throughout most of the pandemic period. Mortality from external causes was also substantially elevated, especially among younger Americans: it peaked at 49% higher than expected in July among those aged 25-44, but was at least 34% higher than expected throughout March-December. Similarly, excess mortality from external causes was at least 30% higher than expected at ages 45-64 in May-November. Mortality from heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, kidney disease, and other respiratory disease was higher than expected at working ages. Excess mortality from Alzheimer’s disease was evident, especially at ages 55-74. For cancer, there was no evidence of excess mortality at any age. Although the mortality rates increased in relative terms among working-age Americans, it is important to recognize that mortality is low at these ages and thus, a substantial increase in the relative risk can translate into a very small absolute increment in mortality. For example, the rate ratios for diabetes mortality in April were higher at ages 25-44 (RR=1.69, 95% CI 1.57-1.81) than at ages 75 and older (RR=1.11, 95% CI 1.04-1.18). Yet, the estimated absolute increase in the mortality rate for that month compared with 2019 was only 1.8 per million at ages 25-44 (4.3 vs. 2.5), whereas it was more than nine times as high (16.4 per million) at ages 75 and older (177.5 vs. 161.1). Nonetheless, while deaths at younger ages may be smaller in terms of absolute number, they have a disproportionate effect on estimates of overall life expectancy. ### Exploratory Analysis of Sub-Categories of Mortality from External Causes Although we would like to analyze external mortality in more detail, monthly death counts by age group are not yet available for sub-categories within external causes. Nonetheless, we were able to do some exploratory analyses based on monthly crude death rates for drug overdoses,4 homicides, suicides, motor vehicle accidents, and unintentional injuries as a whole5 (19). Currently, these provisional data are available only through October 31, 2020. The exploratory models were similar to the models described above (i.e., we adjusted for seasonality and year-to-year differences in mortality between 1999 and 2019), but we were unable to control for age or evaluate the extent to which excess mortality for these causes varied by age. We found that drug overdoses exhibited the highest excess mortality (peaking 52% higher than expected in May) followed by homicides (peaking 35% higher than expected in August). The broad category of unintentional injuries also increased relative to 2019 (peaking 22% higher than expected in May). Prior to June, there was little evidence of excess mortality from motor vehicle accidents; in fact, rates were 18% *lower* than expected in April. However, death rates from motor vehicle accidents increased during June-September, peaking at 17% higher than expected in September. As demonstrated in earlier studies, the death rate from suicides was generally lower than expected, particularly in April (−15%), May (−11%), and October (−8%). Strangely, even during the pre-pandemic period (January-February 2020) mortality from drug overdoses were higher than expected (+9% in January, +12% in February). ## DISCUSSION Excess mortality is likely to be, at least partly, a result of misclassification of COVID-19 deaths. Woolf et al. (20) noted that during the early stages of the pandemic, some COVID-19 deaths may have been classified as other respiratory causes (e.g., pneumonia) or causes reflecting related-complications (e.g., coagulopathy, myocarditis). Similarly, Rossen et al. (6) suggested that increases in circulatory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and respiratory diseases could have resulted from COVID-19 deaths that were incorrectly classified. Our results imply that influenza and pneumonia exhibited the highest degree of excess mortality, but this category is particularly likely to include misclassified COVID-19 deaths, especially early in the pandemic when testing for SARS-CoV-2 was limited. Notably, excess mortality from influenza and pneumonia was limited to younger Americans; at ages 75 and older, mortality rates from these causes were, if anything, lower than expected throughout 2020. While is possible that misclassification of COVID-19 deaths was more likely at younger than at older ages, it seems surprising that this age difference was evident even in January and February when few deaths were coded to COVID-19 at any age. Alternatively, it is possible that there was excess mortality from influenza that was unrelated to COVID-19. Analyses by the CDC suggested that children under the age of 5 and adults aged 18-49 were more severely affected by the 2019-20 season than in other severe flu seasons such as 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the 2017-18 season (21). Thus, it is unclear whether the estimated 61-109% increase in influenza/pneumonia mortality among working-age Americans during January and February of 2020 reflects misclassification of COVID-19 or an atypical flu season that disproportionately affected younger individuals, but it seems unlikely to represent an indirect consequence of the pandemic because daily life in the US was not substantially affected until March. While misclassification of COVID-19 deaths could account for excess mortality from influenza/pneumonia, other respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, circulatory diseases, and other natural causes, it is unlikely to explain the increase in mortality from external causes. We suspect that the increase in injury-related mortality is an indirect result of economic distress, the disruption of normal life, and heightened uncertainty. Although I had expected to find that injury-related mortality rose over the course of the pandemic as extended isolation and behavior fatigue took their toll, the data imply elevated external mortality even in January and February of 2020. Our exploratory analyses of crude death rates within sub-categories of external causes suggest that the increase in external mortality may have been driven primarily by drug-related mortality. A recent study reported that overdose deaths were 27% higher during September 2019 through August 2020 than in the previous 12-month period, but the increase was especially steep during March-May 2020 (8). The number of drug overdose deaths grew every month after February 2019, although the pace increased in the fall of 2019 and then sharply after March 2020 (22). The rise in drug overdoses well before there was any hint of a pandemic suggests it is probably not solely an indirect effect of COVID-19, although the pandemic may have exacerbated the problem. We suspect that alcohol-related mortality also increased during the pandemic, but those data are not yet available. Early in the pandemic, many experts predicted that suicides—which represent the third component of the so-called “deaths of despair”—would increase, but suicide rates appear to have declined during 2020, particularly during the peak months of the first wave of the pandemic. Next to influenza and pneumonia, diabetes exhibited the largest percentage increase in mortality, particularly among working-age Americans. Furthermore, excess diabetes mortality persisted throughout most of 2020. While smaller in magnitude, several other chronic diseases (i.e., heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and kidney disease) exhibited a similar pattern of excess mortality at working-ages. The social and economic consequences of the pandemic were likely to pose a special challenge for those suffering from chronic diseases that require careful management on a daily basis. Delayed health care, diversion of health care resources, and shortages of staff and equipment could have contributed to excess mortality from chronic diseases such as diabetes. Economic distress, disruptions of social life and support networks, and other stressors induced by the pandemic may have further hampered the management of chronic conditions. For diabetics, a lapse in glucose control or the temptation to ration insulin because of financial difficulty or loss of employer-sponsored health insurance, can cause deadly complications. Although we found no evidence of excess cancer mortality, there could be a lagged effect. Whereas a myocardial infarction or stroke can cause sudden death, cancer generally kills much more slowly. Delays in standard screening and reluctance to visit a doctor for a suspected problem may have reduced early detection and could later result in rising cancer mortality. ### Limitations These analyses are based on provisional death counts for 2020, which are likely to be under-estimated, particularly during Wave 3. Because of lags in reporting, it is possible that only about 85% of deaths for December were reported by late April 2021 (15), which is the latest date for which we have provisional estimates. The data are likely to be even more incomplete for injury-related deaths (∼70%), especially drug overdoses (15). As mentioned earlier, problems of misclassification are likely to plague the cause-specific mortality data. Over the course of the pandemic, as the availability of testing increased and death certifiers became more experienced identifying COVID-19, cause-of-death reporting undoubtedly improved. Thus, part of the decline in apparent excess mortality as the pandemic progressed could be a statistical artifact of more accurate reporting of COVID-19 deaths. As yet, we are unable to examine age variation in excess mortality from more detailed causes such as drug- and alcohol-related mortality, homicide, motor vehicle accidents, and suicides. Once county-level data become available, we plan to explore geographic variation in the impact of the pandemic on the deaths of despair and other external mortality. There is already ample evidence that socioeconomically-disadvantaged communities were harder hit by COVID-19 than more advantaged communities (5,23–25). We wonder whether the pandemic further exacerbated socioeconomic disparities in drug- and alcohol-related mortality. Similarly, we are curious about whether the decline in suicide benefited all communities equally. We suspect that well-off communities were able to mount a more effective response that benefited all residents, whereas more disadvantaged communities experienced further social disintegration and rising deaths of despair. ### Conclusion All of the non-COVID excess mortality occurred among working-age Americans. We find evidence of excess mortality during March-December 2020 from influenza/pneumonia, chronic diseases (e.g., other respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and kidney disease), and external causes, but it was limited almost exclusively to Americans aged 25-74. Among the oldest Americans (aged 75 and older), there was little excess mortality from causes other than COVID-19 except from Alzheimer’s disease. The evidence suggests that external mortality began to rise even before pandemic, probably driven by drug-related mortality. Similarly, among those aged 25-74, there were big increases in mortality from influenza and pneumonia even during January and February of 2020; no such excess was evident above age 75. These deaths may reflect an atypical flu season that disproportionately affected younger Americans. Consequently, some of the apparent excess mortality during 2020 may be unrelated to the pandemic, although the social and economic upheaval likely exacerbated those problems. Although much less likely to die from COVID-19 than their older counterparts, working-age Americans suffered big relative increases in mortality from other causes of deaths during 2020. The US midlife mortality crisis deepened, which will have a disproportionate effect of overall life expectancy. ## Supporting information Supplemental Table [[supplements/257241_file02.docx]](pending:yes) STROBE Checklist [[supplements/257241_file03.docx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All of the data used in this analysis are publicly available from the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. ## ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks for Maxine Weinstein and Magali Barbieri for their comments on early drafts of this manuscript. This research was supported by grants from the National Institute of Aging (#1R03-AG058110-01A1 and center grant #P30AG012839) and the Society of Actuaries. ## Footnotes * 1 In the provisional data, death counts below 10 have been suppressed to protect confidentiality. For those cells with suppressed counts, I randomly assigned a value between 1 and 9 (because we know it was within that range). In the national data used for this analysis, the only suppressed death counts were for COVID-19. Most occurred at ages below 15 or during January-February 2020. There were only nine cells with suppressed count above age 15, all of which occurred in January-February 2020. * 2 The final death counts for 1999-2019 include some deaths of unknown age. The maximum was 11 of deaths of unknown age from external causes in November 1999, which represented less than 0.2% of all deaths from external causes in that month. Within each group defined by calendar year, month, age, and the selected cause of death categories (see Measures section), we redistributed those deaths proportionately based on the distribution of deaths where age was known. * 3 As indicated by the 7-day COVID-19 death rates for the US as a whole (18), COVID-19 mortality rose rapidly between March 7, 2020 (0.01 per 100,000) and April 23rd (4.83 per 100,000) and then generally declined until June 22nd (1.29 per 100,000), thus ending the first wave. After that, the rates rose again, peaking on August 3rd (2.38 per 100,000) and declining after that until October 6th (1.42 per 100,000), thus ending the second wave. Finally, the COVID-19 death rate increased again in late October through early January, peaking on January 13, 2021 (7.22 per 100,000) and fell after that to 1.25 per 100,000 on 5/12/2020. * 4 Includes all drug overdoses, regardless of intent. Thus, the category overlaps with homicides and suicides. * 5 Including unintentional drug overdoses. * Received May 17, 2021. * Revision received May 17, 2021. * Accepted May 18, 2021. * © 2021, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## REFERENCES 1. 1.Faust JS, Krumholz HM, Du. C, et al. All-Cause Excess Mortality and COVID-19–Related Mortality Among US Adults Aged 25-44 Years, March-July 2020. JAMA. 2021;325(8):785. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.24243. [CrossRef]( 2. 2.National Center for Health Statistics. Excess deaths associated with COVID-19. [\_deaths.htm]( Published April 28, 2021. 3. 3.Weinberger DM, Chen J, Cohen T, et al. Estimation of Excess Deaths Associated With the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, March to May 2020. JAMA Intern Med. July 2020. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.3391. 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