Context Large-scale testing is an intervention that is instrumental for infectious disease control and a central tool for the COVID-19 pandemic. Our rapid review aimed to identify if and how equity has been considered in large-scale testing initiatives.
Methods We searched Web of Science and PubMed in November 2020 and followed PRISMA recommendations for scoping reviews. Articles were analyzed using descriptive and thematic analysis.
Results Our search resulted in 291 studies of which 41 were included for data extraction after full article screening. Most of the included articles (83%) reported on HIV-related screening programs, while the remaining programs focused on other sexually transmitted infections (n=3) or COVID-19 (n=4). None of the studies presented a formal definition of (in)equity in testing, however, 23 articles did indirectly include elements of equity in the program or intervention design, largely through the justification of their target population.
Conclusion The studies included in our rapid review did not explicitly consider equity in their design or evaluation. It is imperative that equity is incorporated into the design of infectious disease testing programs and serves as an important reminder of how equity considerations are needed for SARS-CoV-2 testing and vaccination programs.
It is essential to understand how COVID-19 testing campaigns are being offered in the current pandemic situation, in order to improve their equitable implementation. Racialized and marginalized communities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 (1–3) and improving equitable access to COVID-19 testing would be a vital step in reducing disease propagation (4). Large-scale testing is instrumental for surveillance, directly informing measures of prevention, control, and mitigation of infectious diseases (5–8). The goal of large-scale testing interventions is to reduce transmission rates through detection, treatment, isolation, and any other relevant control and prevention measures (9). Testing programs often act as a link to care and support programs, which should be provided equitably, based on risk of infection and disease burden (10). A proportionate universalism framework-based public health program would imply two components: a universal approach of support and services available to the population as a whole, accompanied by accessible targeted initiatives for those highly vulnerable and for those least likely to benefit from the universal program (11,12). When applied to COVID-19 testing initiatives, a proportionate universalism approach could include a universal program for SARS-CoV-2 testing with concerted efforts to reach vulnerable groups less able to access the universal testing programs.
Equity is defined by the “absence of systematic disparities in health or in major social determinants of health between groups with different levels of underlying social advantages/disadvantages’’ (13,14) whereas health inequities refer to “differences in health status or in the distribution of health resources between different population groups, arising from the social conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. They are unfair, avoidable, and could be reduced by the right mix of government policies.” (15,16). This is an important concept for understanding the differences between (in)equity from the more general term (in)equality, two words that are often confused (17,18). Health inequalities refer to the uneven distribution of health or health resources (i.e. clinics, healthcare providers, disease tests, infrastructure, clinical material) in or between populations and it is primarily a descriptive term exempt from moral perspective (17–19). Social determinants of health play a key role in both inequality and inequity. Disparities in social determinants are found along social gradients (1) and are often avoidable as they result from deeply rooted social institutions, practices, and injustices (18). Thus, (in)equity is the politicized expression of (in)equality involving a moral commitment to social justice (18). In light of these fundamental differences, equity-sensitive public health interventions require measures of health and social determinants of health specific and sensitive to the health issue at hand (20). In our review we identify if and how equity has been considered in large-scale infectious disease testing initiatives. Identifying examples of (in)equity in these initiatives can help guide the design of large-scale testing campaigns for the COVID-19 pandemic.
We chose to conduct a rapid review approach as it enabled us to synthesize, with rigor and in a relatively short period of time, the state of knowledge about our research objective (21,22). We have a detailed online protocol published elsewhere (23).
2.1 Research strategy
The research strategy was developed in consultation with librarians from the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) and the University of Montreal. We began our electronic database query in July 2020 on PubMed and Web of Science, and updated our search in November 2020 to better reflect the rapidly evolving state of COVID-19 literature. The following english and french key words were used to define our queries (Appendix 1) : “testing”, “mass testing”, “dépistage”, “screening”; “TB”, “tuberculosis”, “tuberculose”; “HIV”, “VIH”, “human immunodeficiency virus”; “COVID-19”, “SARS-CoV-2”, “coronavirus”; “design”, “planification”, “planning”; “equit*”, “equal*”, “inégalités”, “inégalités sociales en santé”, “ISS”, “social inequities in health”; “pandemi*”, “epidemic”, “outbreak”, “endemic”; “infectious disease”, “maladie infectieuse”.
We followed the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (24). We used the Automated Text Classification of Empirical Records (ATCER) (25) tool to classify abstracts with an empirical degree ≥ 80. ATCER is a tool that automatically categorizes publications indexed in bibliographic databases into (a) empirical studies (>50), and (b) non-empirical work (<50) (25). We selected the ATCER threshold of ≥ 80 to reflect articles that were “highly empirical”, due to our objective of including studies with quantitative data such as program evaluation indicators. The inclusion criteria for articles were: i) a focus on an infectious disease, ii) description of the design portion of a testing or screening program, iii) published in English or in French, iv) had an empirical degree greater than 80 according to the ATCER tool, and v) published after 2010.
2.2 Selection of studies
All identified studies were imported from PubMed and Web of Science into Rayyan QCRI (26), a systematic review software, for screening of the titles, abstracts, and full texts. At least two of three involved reviewers (KO, LD, CD) independently assessed the relevance of titles and abstracts based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The second stage of review involved two of three reviewers independently identifying potentially relevant publications based on a full article review. Any discordance in the process was discussed among all reviewers and if no consensus was reached, an additional reviewer (LT) was consulted.
2.3 Study characteristics and data extraction
After independent full text screening was conducted by at least two reviewers, data from the retained articles were extracted and assessed. Extracted data included the following elements: characteristics (title, authors, year), context (country, disease addressed), and the consideration of health inequities or inequalities in the design of the intervention, the main results, and the discussion of the study. If the study considered health inequities, we extracted further information on which measures of equity were considered and if a specific tool or theoretical framework was used in the program design. Generally, a theoretical framework can be used to inform how a public health program is planned and what strategic and operational components were considered during the process of this planning (27). We considered equity (explicit or implicit) in the i) intervention rationale, ii) design, iii) choice of target population, and iv) final recommendations for future initiatives based on the PROGRESS-plus criteria (28). The PROGRESS Plus framework was developed and endorsed by the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group, in order to highlight a set of social determinants of health that drive variations in health outcomes and the inequalities among the social determinants of health gradient (28). The categories referred to by the acronym are: place of residence, race or ethnicity, occupation, gender, religion, educational level, socioeconomic status (SES), and social capital. Our goal, through the use of these tools, was to assess the presence or absence of the consideration of health inequities in the implementation or evaluation of testing programs.
We used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) (29), and specifically used the section on study methodology to apply a systematic definition to the included articles. The MMAT encompasses five study design categories: i) qualitative research, ii) randomized controlled trials, iii) non-randomized studies, iv) quantitative descriptive studies, and v) mixed methods studies.
In addition, we followed the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR-PHP) checklist and guide to assess study coherence and program reporting and evaluation completeness (30). The 12-item checklist includes categories: (brief name, why, what (materials), what (procedure), who provided, how, where, when and how much, tailoring, modifications, how well (planned), how well (actual)) and is an extension of the CONSORT checklist.
3.1 Description of the studies
We initially identified 291 references with 41 peer reviewed studies being included in the review (Figure 1). According to MMAT classifications, the studies were a mixture of 2 randomized studies (31,32), 17 non-randomized studies (33–50), 18 descriptive quantitative studies (51–67), and 4 mixed-methods studies (68–71) (Table 1). Most of the studies (83%) reported on HIV-related screening programs, while the remaining studies focused on other sexually transmitted infections (n=3) and COVID-19 (n=4). The evaluated studies were implemented in North America (n=27), Europe (n=8), Africa (n=5), and Asia (n=1).
The main type of study setting among the included articles were hospitals (n=16) and clinic-based (n=10). Nine of the 16 hospital-based studies were in emergency departments (31,35,49,50,53,55,56,59,71), 6 were hospital inpatient or outpatient-based (43,45,60,61,69,70), and 1 was directed at hospital healthcare workers (44). Of the 10 clinic-based studies, 7 occurred in HIV/STI testing centers, public health clinics, or community health centers (36,39,42,62– 64,72), 2 were in general practitioner offices (35,47), and 1 was in an urgent care clinic (67). For participant recruitment, 13 studies recruited participants outside of healthcare testing settings, such as: prison-settings (38,65,68), community-based or mobile clinic (34,40,42,46), dental or pharmacy settings (52,54), homeless shelters (51,58), residential homes (48), and multiple sites and settings (37). Most studies (n=38) focused on a combination of adults over the age of 18 and sexually active individuals over the age of 13 (31,32,34–40,42–50,52–54,56–60,62–72). Two articles investigated pediatric populations (55,61), with one other study focused on newborns and their mothers (41) and one on the elderly (48).
3.2 Consideration of Health Equity, PROGRESS-Plus: Measures of (In)Equity
Measures of equity/inequity were assessed based on the PROGRESS-Plus framework. None of the 41 included studies evaluated whether the intervention reduced health inequity or inequalities as a study objective, nor did they include a formal definition of equity/inequity (or framework). Elements of health equity were indirectly addressed in 23 studies (Table 2), largely through the use of targeted interventions. Of these 23 studies, 20 included at least one category of PROGRESS-plus in the justification, methods, results or discussion of the paper, while only 8 of the 23 articles alluding to health equity addressed a PROGRESS-plus category in all relevant sections of their article (Table 2): from the introduction to the discussion and conclusion. The target populations were most often described as disadvantaged subgroups of the population who bore the largest burden of disease and/or have the least access to health care. For example, four articles, two of which focused on HIV and/or STI testing and two on COVID-19, all targeted their programs towards four different “high risk” populations. For the HIV and/or STI testing programs, one program (72)targeted men based on their sexual orientation whereas another program (62) focused on race and ethnicity. For the COVID-19 testing programs, one intervention (51) focused on those experiencing homelessness, whereas another was based in a long-term care facility (48).
Results of equity appraisal using concepts of implicit/explicitly defined equity and PROGRESS-plus categories
This rapid review largely featured articles addressing HIV testing programs, and/or testing programs of infectious disease in North America in formal healthcare settings such as clinics or hospitals. None of the 41 studies included in this rapid review examined health equity in their interventions, however, 8 studies did consistently include elements of equity in their testing intervention, without the inclusion of any formal measurement of, or framework specifically implemented in order to address health equity. Specifically, most (n=6) of these 8 articles considered the PROGRESS-plus categories of gender and/or sex.
To our knowledge, no prior studies have examined the equitable access, delivery, or design of COVID-19 testing programs. This review shows that implicit measures of equity have been implemented through targeting COVID-19 testing programs to high-risk populations such as health care workers (44), people living in homeless shelters (51,58,73) and long-term care facilities (48). It is largely recognized that targeted actions towards specific communities or groups imply labelling, thus stigma, and increases the risk of missing numerous infections in particularly vulnerable population groups (11,12,74,75). The current pandemic is exacerbating health inequities and testing programs need to be designed accordingly to address these inequities, which are also central to mitigating disease spread (76–79). An example of an approach that could be used in combination with existing testing infrastructure to increase equitable access to COVID-19 testing consists of the deployment of rapid antigen testing kits for in-home testing for those with faced with mobility or geographic restrictions or work and/or family obligations that do not easily coincide with testing program schedules (3).
Numerous tools exist to support incorporating equity values within public health interventions and programs (80–82). These tools should be used both during the design, implementation, and evaluation process, as the link between equity intention and action remains challenging (83). TIDieR-PHP was developed to enable consistent reporting of Population Health and Policy (PHP) interventions to promote transparency and transferability of findings to diverse settings. PHP interventions are crucial to addressing disparities in social and economic determinants of health (30). This tool, when used in combination with the PROGRESS-plus framework, should ensure that researchers and practitioners are thinking critically about what health inequities they are addressing, how they are being measured and considered consistently throughout the program design, implementation, and evaluation process. To ensure that public health interventions are developed and implemented around the concept of equity, strong health policies and educational goals of healthcare professionals need to be on the public political and economic agenda (84).
Recommendations towards improving the inclusion of health equity in large-scale testing interventions
Use tools such as PROGRESS-Plus framework to ensure explicit inclusion of health equity when in the process of designing, implementing, and/or evaluating interventions.
Promote the use of TIDIER-PHP to systematically review public health programs and promote replicability of existing equitable programs to other settings.
4.1 Limitations
Given our objective to include studies with empirical results and also to conduct the review in a timely manner, we chose an ATCER threshold of 80. This may have limited our findings and the generalizability of the results. We recommend that a full scoping review be conducted on this topic to further investigate important trends on the incorporation of health equity into infectious disease testing programs.
4.2 Conclusion
The results of this rapid review highlight the overall lack of consideration of equity in the design of large-scale testing interventions. This is a particularly concerning issue as social and economic inequities continue to be exacerbated by COVID-19 and there has not been any research to date that discusses how COVID-19 testing programs have been designed with equity in mind (1–3). To achieve equity in testing and to optimize the role of testing in disease prevention and control, strategies should ensure that the probability of being tested is proportionate to the risk of being affected by the disease (85,86). We urge practitioners, decision makers, and researchers to explicitly include equity measures when designing and implementing COVID-19 large-scale testing interventions, which should also be considered in COVID-19 vaccination programs.
Data Availability
All rapid review search criteria, databases, and keywords are listed in the manuscript or appendix.
This work was supported by The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) [ZINKA170, 2020]; CIHR Canadian 2019 Novel Coronavirus Rapid Research Competition [440254]; and the French National Research Agency (ANR) (ANR-20-COVI-000). Authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
The authors would like to thank Laurence Goury, librarian at the IRD, and Julie Desnoyers, librarian at the University of Montreal, for their advice regarding the search strategy and the queries on the bibliographic databases.
APPENDIX 1 PRISMA diagram for selection of articles for data extraction
APPENDIX 2 Queries in the electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science (filled in on 15/11/2020)
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