Neuromotor Prosthetic to Treat Stroke-Related Paresis ===================================================== * Mijail D. Serruya * Alessandro Napoli * Nicholas Satterthwaite * Joseph Kardine, Jr * Joseph McCoy * Namrata Grampurohit * Kiran Talekar * Devon Middleton * Feroze Mohamed * Michael Kogan * Ashwini Sharan * Chengyuan Wu * Robert Rosenwasser ## Abstract **Background** Functional recovery of independent arm movement typically plateaus within six months following a stroke, leaving survivors with chronic deficits. This feasibility study tested whether a wearable, powered exoskeletal orthosis, driven by a percutaneous, implanted brain–computer interface (BCI), using the ensemble activity of individual neurons in the precentral gyrus in the affected cortical hemisphere, could restore voluntary upper extremity function in a chronic hemiparetic stroke survivor. **Methods** One chronic hemiparetic stroke survivor with moderate-to-severe upper-limb motor impairment used a powered wearable elbow-wrist-hand orthosis that opened and closed the affected hand using cortical activity from the affected hemisphere with imagined hand movements. The system was evaluated in a home setting for 12 weeks. Motor function was evaluated before, during, and after the treatment. **Results** Robust single unit activity was present throughout the precentral gyrus areas implanted for the duration of the study. Although abnormal oscillations, that appeared to correlate with contralateral spasticity, were present, the participant was able to acquire voluntary control over a hand-orthosis BCI based upon ensemble single unit activity and high frequency local field potential power. The study participant (C2) was able to achieve a maximum score of 10 points on the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) while using the BCI system as compared to 0 without any device, and 5 using only myoelectric control. Orthosis-powered hand-opening was faster with BCI-based control as compared to myoelectric control, likely due to the fact that BCI-control could be deployed without triggering abnormal spasticity inevitably reinforced by myoelectric control. **Conclusions** The findings demonstrate the therapeutic potential of an implantable BCI system targeting the affected hemisphere, to “electrically bypass” the stroke, in this n-of-1 pilot study. The participant’s ability to rapidly acquire voluntary control over otherwise paralyzed hand opening, more than 18 months after a subcortical stroke, lays the foundation for a fully implanted movement restoration system that could restore independent arm function to stroke survivors. ## Introduction Stroke is a leading cause of disability 1 with a global prevalence of over 42 million people in 2015 2, with over four million adults in the United States alone with 800,000 new cases per year 3. Stroke leads to permanent motor disabilities in 80% of cases 4, and half of stroke survivors require long term care. Brain computer interface (BCI) technologies offer a potential solution to restore functional independence and improve health in people living with its effects. In the past decade, intracortical BCI technology has continued to advance, with multiple groups demonstrating the safety and efficacy of this approach to derive control signals 5–7. In parallel, wearable robotic orthosis technology has evolved into FDA-cleared devices bringing concrete benefits to patients with weakened limbs 8,9. This single-patient pilot clinical trial sought to leverage these two neurotechnology trends to investigate the functionality of a commercially available powered arm orthosis linked to the person’s cerebral cortex in an adult with chronic stroke. Electromyographic control of powered orthosis or electrical stimulation, has proven problematic either because users could not generate sufficient activity, or because voluntary activation of those recorded muscles was opposed by the stimulator’s effects 10. Contralaterally controlled electrical stimulation-where activity from the intact arm triggers stimulation on the paretic arm-appears to be a promising therapeutic intervention to improve function in the weaker limb11 but it is not clear how it could be generalized to continuously-worn devices to enable the arms to move independently. Several groups have explored scalp EEG to derive control signals to drive robotic braces, and in one case, FES 8,12–14. While using EEG-derived signals may be promising for rehabilitation therapy settings, it would not be feasible for daily independent function. Namely, scalp EEG requires careful electrode positioning by a trained technician, while skin sweat and hair can cause impedances to fluctuate, thus compromising signal quality. Daily application of even a subset of contacts to the same skin sites can lead to skin breakdown and potentially fatal cellulitis. Given the major factor limiting the ability of orthoses and FES to restore more complex movement is the derivation of a control signal, intracortical interfaces offer a potential solution since the brain is itself the ultimate origin of such signals in healthy adults. Notably, intracortical neuromotor prosthetics have not been tested in people with strokes above the mesencephalon. A proof-of-concept that a brain-computer interface, based on arrays implanted in healthy cortex above a subcortical stroke, could restore behaviorally useful independent, voluntary movement, could lead to the development of a fully implantable medical device that, in principle, could reverse the motor deficits caused by stroke, and ultimately other lesional diseases such as tumors, multiple sclerosis, and arteriovenous malformations. This approach of using adjacent healthy cortex could also be expanded to restore non-motor functions, including language, memory, perception and executive function. ## Methods Approval for this study was granted by the US Food and Drug Administration (Investigational Device Exemption) and the Thomas Jefferson University Institutional Review Board. The participant described in this report has provided permission for photographs, videos and portions of his protected health information to be published for scientific and educational purposes. After completion of informed consent, medical and surgical screening procedures, two MultiPorts (Blackrock Microsystems, UT), each comprising two 8×8 microelectrode arrays tethered to a titanium pedestal connector, were implanted into the cortex of the precentral gyrus using a pneumatic insertion technique15,16. Details of the human surgical procedure are in preparation for publication. Selection criteria are available online (see, number [NCT03913286]( The trial was designed with the implantation phase to last a maximum of three months (Fig. 1). ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. The clinical trial timeline. ### Participant The participant (ID number C2) was a right-handed male who experienced right hemispheric stroke, manifest as acute onset dense left hemiparesis and expressive aphasia, at which time he was age between ages 35 to 40. Due to unknown time of onset and hypertension at presentation, the participant was not a candidate for thrombolysis. CT angiogram showed occlusion of the right posterior cerebral artery and high-grade stenosis of the left posterior cerebral artery in the proximal P2 segment. MRI of the brain showed acute infarcts in the right basal ganglia/corona radiata and right occipital lobe. He was started on dual antiplatelet therapy for 3 weeks and then was transitioned to aspirin 81 mg once daily, along with atorvastatin and anti-hypertensives. He had left-sided hemiparesis, dysphagia, left homonymous hemianopsia and dense left visual neglect and was transferred to rehab hospital for supervised therapies. He subsequently underwent two months of intensive inpatient rehabilitation and aphasia and dysphagia resolved; he gradually acquired the ability to ambulate independently, albeit with a persistent left foot drop. Neuroimaging showed evidence of multi-focal strokes, and prior silent strokes. The participant had previously been in good health and did not have any known stroke risk factors such as diabetes or smoking. There was a history of loud snoring and the participant had not been evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography were normal as were serial hypercoagulability panels; the participant was adopted and the biological family history unknown. The participant was deemed to have had embolic strokes of unknown source (ESUS). Although serial electrocardiography since the stroke was normal, the participant is being scheduled for a loop recorder to survey for possible paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The participant had learning disabilities and was presumed to have had mild cognitive impairment prior to the stroke. Screening formal neuropsychological testing identified significant neurocognitive problems (full scale IQ 59) and also concluded that the participant remained fully capable to provide proper informed consent and to participate in this trial, meeting its demands and requirements. The participant provided both verbal and written informed consent, both to participate in the trial and to share his identifying information with the public. He had been working full time at the time of the stroke and had been unable to return to work since the stroke. ### Pre-operative fMRI The participant underwent MRI on a 3T Philips Ingenia MRI scanner (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). A 1mm isotropic 3-D T2 FLAIR was obtained for structural localization. A single-shot echoplanar gradient echo imaging (EPI) sequence with 80 volumes, repetition time (TR) = 2 s, echo time (TE) = 25 msec, voxel size = 3 x 3 mm2, slice thickness = 3mm, axial slices = 37. *Motor Task:* The participant was asked to visualize movements of his paretic left hand during the MRI. Each motor trial consisted of a block design featuring a 20 s rest block and a 20 s active block repeated. This block design was repeated between 4-6 times for a total of 160-240 s scans. Visual stimulus comprised a 20 s video depicting two 3D modeled limbs at rest, followed by a 20 s video of the limb(s) performing the desired motor task. Motor tasks were designated “hand” (repeated hand open/clench) and “arm” (repeated arm extension elbow), and classified as “active” (participant performed or attempted to perform the motion) or “passive” (physician manually moved participant’s hand/arm). Hand motor was performed as bilateral-active, paretic-active, and paretic-passive. Arm motor was performed as paretic-active and paretic-passive. In active tasks, the participant was instructed to follow the movements in the video or concentrate on following in the case of the paretic limb. Task choice and prioritization was based on pre-exam training and examination of participant’s capabilities and examination of BOLD activation observed during the scan. For example, a breath-hold challenge was employed after the first couple of tasks failed to show desired activation with an attempt to improve cerebrovascular reactivity. BOLD activation subsequently became apparent. Post processing of the BOLD data including motion correction, smoothing, and general linear model (GLM) estimation was performed using SPM software ([]( as well as Nordic brain EX software (NordicNeuroLab, Bergen, Norway). After BOLD post-processing, generated statistical maps were overlaid on the 3D T2 FLAIR image for visualization of activation. ### Cortimo system ‘Cortimo’ is the designation provided to the FDA to represent the overall system (Fig. 2) that comprised two percutaneous Multiports (Blackrock Microsystems, Inc), each in turn having two multi-electrode array sensors, the cabling, amplifiers, software and the powered MyoPro orthosis (described subsequently). Each sensor is an 8×8 array of silicon microelectrodes that protrude 1.5 mm from a 3.3 x 3.3-mm platform. At manufacture, electrodes had an impedance ranging between 7 KOhm and 34 KOhm. The array was implanted onto the surface of the MI arm/hand region following pre-operative fMRI; with electrodes penetrating into the cortex to attempt to record neurons in layer V. Recorded electrical signals pass externally through a Ti percutaneous connector, which is secured to the skull. Cabling attached to the connector during recording sessions routes signals to external amplifiers and then to a series of computers in a cart that process the signals and convert them into different outputs, such as servo motor position of the MyoPro brace or screen position of a neural cursor that can be viewed by the participant on a computer monitor. Currently, the system must be set up and managed by an experienced technician. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. The Cortimo system. The overall device comprises two Multiports, each with two 8×8 microelectrode arrays, patient cables linked to external amplifiers, a decoding computer and a wearable, powered arm orthosis. ### MyoPro brace The MyoPro (Myomo, Inc, Cambridge, MA) is an FDA-cleared myoelectric powered arm orthosis designed to support a paretic arm 9.The rigid brace incorporates metal contacts attached to soft straps that can be adjusted such that contacts rest on the biceps and triceps proximally, and on wrist flexors and extensors distally, on the paretic upper extremity. The sensors continuously record the root mean square of underlying muscle activity. Thresholds are manually set using software such that signals exceeding them will trigger one of the MyoPro motors. Because the participant retained residual elbow flexion and extension strength, the motor at the elbow was set up such that biceps activation triggered elbow flexion and triceps activation triggered elbow extension. For hand opening, the MyoPro was set up to either use myoelectric control, or to use BCI-based control. Since the participant was unable to voluntarily extend the wrist or open the fingers, the myoelectric mode was set up such that the default state was with the hand open, and it would only be closed by activating enough wrist flexor activity. ### Recording sessions Research sessions were scheduled five days per week at a temporary residence, adjacent to the hospital, provided to the participant. Sessions could be cancelled (for example, due to participant request or schedule conflict) or ended early at the participant’s request. Sessions would commence with neural recording and spike discrimination. While initial sessions included filter building and structured clinical end-point (cursor control) trials, in the final month of the trial, “training-less” algorithms were used with the participant proceeding directly to BCI-controlled hand action as soon as the patient cables were connected. Performance of computer tasks, orthosis control and occupational therapy exercises followed. The electrodes and neural signals selected immediately before filter building remained constant for any given session’s orthosis control trials. ### Spike discrimination Units were extracted using an automatic thresholding approach based on Root Mean Squared multipliers. Namely, for each channel a detection threshold was set to −4.8 x channel RMS at the beginning of each recording session, while the subject was at rest. Before spike extraction, the continuous voltage signals sampled at 30 KHz were high-pass filtered using a 4th order Butterworth filter with cutoff frequency set to 250 Hz. At the beginning of each recording session, the quality of the extracted spike waveforms was manually validated by a technician using a real-time display of the triggered spike waveforms provided by the Central software (Blackrock Microsystems, UT). We did not perform any type of spike sorting and applied no objective criteria to determine whether any particular unit (or admixture of units) recorded on one day was the same as that recorded on a subsequent day. Smaller amplitude signals likely comprised a combination of spikes from multiple neurons. ### Decoder Filter Building For each session, single and multiunit data or high frequency (100-1000 Hz) local field potentials derived from multiple channels (20-30) were used to create a linear filter to convert these real-time multidimensional neural features into either a one or a two-dimensional (position or velocity) output signal. During the course of the trial, a variety of motor activity and motor imagery approaches were tested for filter building, including imagining opening and closing the paretic hand, passively flexing and extending the elbow, passively opening and closing the hand, and simply observing the cursor moving up and down without any specific instruction. The training data for building the linear filter were collected with the participant gazing at a screen where a target cursor was moved slowly up and down for one minute. After this preliminary filter was built, a new 1-minute re-training session was performed, this time the manually controlled target cursor was accompanied by a prediction cursor that was neurally controlled by the participant. Using this additional training set, a second filter was built and then tested on a simple target acquisition game in which the y-position of the predicted output was discretized into zones such that positions on the upper part of the screen would cause an animation sprite to move up by a fixed amount, and positions on the lower part of the screen would cause the sprite to move down by a fixed amount. ### BCI Orthosis use The discrete output was then used to control the aperture of the hand via the MyoPro’s hand brace motor. The up-down mapping on the screen was translated into closed-open positions of the hand. The participant then performed a series of functional tasks including grasping and then dropping an object, the Action Research Arm Test 17, and a variation on Jebsen Taylor item moving test 18. These were tested with both the participant seated and standing. ### “Training-less” Mapping During certain sessions, the participant was able to effortlessly adapt the continuous cursor control on to hand open-close control. During other sessions, however, the participant could not achieve this ‘efferent remapping,’ and would attempt to overpower the orthosis motors with residual finger flexion strength. A novel ‘training-less’ approach was deployed in which a rolling 1-second baseline of the LFPs signals from the most neuromodulated 20 channels was used to calculate spectral power in the high gamma band (100-500 Hz). Namely, 1-second long LFP continuous voltages were used for computing the average spectral density estimation in the frequency band 100-500 Hz, using non-overlapping frequency bins with a 50Hz width. Spectral density was computed using the Matlab built-in periodogram method. Spectral values were updated every 500 ms, using 1-second-long rolling windows with 50% overlap. Finally, these real-time spectral features derived from the 20 most neuromodulated channels were averaged across channels to produce a single high gamma band value for each 500 ms software update. Orthosis hand-closure would be triggered by an increase in this mean spectral power from the resting baseline ranging between 0.5 and 3 V2/Hz to values greater than 10 V2/Hz, where real-time values above this threshold would make the hand motor close. ### Concomitant Occupational and Physical Therapy Since being discharged from acute rehabilitation 60 days after the initial stroke, the participant enrolled in outpatient physical and occupational therapy. Prior to the device implantation, the participant completed a six-week course of occupational therapy (two to three sessions per week) intended to be a screening phase to assess the participant’s ability to wear and use the MyoPro device with myoelectric control and follow complex instructions. Following device implantation, the participant continued occupational therapy, twice per week, and physical therapy, once per week. Occupational therapy focused on postural training while seated and walking, donning and doffing the MyoPro, and using the MyoPro for functional activities. Timed functional electrical stimulation (e.g., pincer grasp programs; XCite, from Restorative Therapies, Inc, Baltimore, MD) and vibration therapy were used for spasticity management both pre- and post-operatively. Physical therapy exercises included scapular mobilization, progressive range of motion, weight bearing, forced use with game-related activities to encourage left UE volitional control, aerobic endurance exercise. Broadly, the therapeutic goal was to encourage volitional control outside of the abnormal synergistic patterns while varying postural stability. ## Results The participant underwent intracortical implantation in autumn of 2020 and explantation three months later on January 2021, in accordance with the intended 3-month duration of the trial. Over the course of the study, the participant had three minor, and one serious, device-related adverse events, all of which were treated, resolved, and reported to the governing regulatory bodies. The serious adverse event was the development of a scalp infection at the left pedestal site one week prior to the device removal date, despite a regimen of topical antibiotics and regular cleaning. The left pedestal site had posed a challenge since the time of the initial surgery as it was not possible to exactly re-approximate the skin flap leaving the base of the pedestal exposed. This area was protected and eventually granulated and grew new skin. The participant was afebrile and asymptomatic, and the infection was detected only by close visual inspection. The participant was treated with twice daily amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for the 7 days prior to the device removal. Pedestal site skin cultures taken at device removal revealed pansensitive *staphylococcus lugdunesis* and *staphylococcus capitis*, and yeast, and appropriate antibiotic treatment was provided. No organisms grew from cultures taken of the bone adjacent to the pedestals. The only macroscopic evidence of infection at device removal was a small area (∼ 2 cm3) of erythema and friable tissue at the skin adjacent to the right pedestal. The participant was discharged home. The participant remains in the Cortimo trial both for ongoing neurosurgical follow-up and surveillance, and to track any further performance improvements in myoelectric MyoPro use with ongoing outpatient occupational therapy. ### Preoperative anatomic and functional neuroimaging Preoperative imaging revealed the old infarct in right lentiform nucleus and adjacent white matter including corona radiata and a portion of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, along with a large old right PCA infarct, progressed since the acute stroke imaging MRI from 2019 (Fig. 3). In addition, a small region of bandlike signal abnormality involving subcortical white matter and medial aspect of hand knob region of right precentral gyrus was identified, likely reflecting retrograde neuronal degeneration, (which influenced the clinical decision for the implant placement). On DTI, there was extensive loss of fractional anisotropy in the region of right corticospinal tract from old infarct. The “imagined” left hand motor paradigm and passive elbow/forearm motor paradigm were diagnostic with good concordance. When gross motor movements did not cause any BOLD signal change, instructions to the participant were altered to have him hold his breath for several seconds (hypercapnia challenge). Subsequently a marked BOLD signal was evident at the precentral gyrus. The brief breath-holding presumably allowed relatively increased carbon dioxide retention (relative respiratory acidosis) that in turn induced mild cerebral vasodilatation facilitating BOLD signal acquisition (in this subject with underlying vascular abnormality as a cause of his multiple strokes). On the “imagined” left hand motor paradigm, activation was noted in the expected location along central sulcus involving lateral aspect of the hand knob region of the precentral gyrus and the adjacent portion of postcentral gyrus (Fig. 3c). On the passive left elbow/forearm motor paradigm, activation was seen along central sulcus which shows good concordance with the “imagined” motor task as discussed with a slightly more posterior and superior extension of activation reflecting the prominent sensory component of this passive motor paradigm. A 3D brain model was printed using the 3D FLAIR sequence to allow for 3D visualization of the surgical field for more accurate pre-operative planning (Fig. 3d). ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. Neuroimaging results. Diffusion sequence from MRI scan on January 19, 2019 when the acute stroke occurred; diffusion restriction is evident in the right lentiform nucleus and adjacent white matter (a). T2-weighted MRI from January 22, 2021, shows areas of encephalomalacia and relative ventriculomegaly that have developed since the stroke (b). Functional neuroimaging revealed a hot spot of activation, indicated by a red circle, in the depth of the central sulcus along the ‘hand knob’ area of the precentral gyrus (c). A three-dimensional reconstruction of the participant’s cortical surface derived from the MRI with the imagined left hand movement centroid of activity indicated by the red circle (d). The green shading indicates an area responsive to sensory stimulation of the left hand. The black squares indicate the location of the four microelectrode arrays. ### Neural recordings Well-delineated single units were recorded from 87 of the 256 channels (Fig. 4). Neural activity correlated with actual and attempted movements in both the paretic left arm in addition to the intact right arm. The multi-electrode arrays that were recorded via the right pedestal connector were more lateral and posterior along the precentral gyrus and were closer to the centroid of fMRI imagined movement activation (Fig. 3c) and closer in absolute terms to the subcortical stroke. Although all four arrays were closely spaces along the precentral gyrus, cross-array discharge properties appeared to vary amongst them (Fig. 5). The discharge rate of various units appeared to correlate with specific residual actions, including the wrist extension that gradually developed in the course of the three-month duration (Fig. 6). By taking the spike counts recorded at each channel every 200 milliseconds and running them through a leaky integrator19, and then summing these leaky integrator outputs across all channels, we were able to visualize the cumulative cross-array firing rate activity in comparison to forearm electromyographic activity (Fig. 7). Of the 256 electrodes, in each session, we identified 20 to 40 channels that were eventually used for neural decoding. These channels were used for extraction of neural features (whether threshold crossing or spectral high-frequency power) that coded for hand and elbow flexion and extension. Two main decoding approaches were used: 1) A discrete two-class (hand opening/closing) classifier based on a 1-dimensional linear filter continuous output; 2) a “training-less” threshold crossing approach with a rolling baseline normalization, used to control hand closing or opening. ![Figure 4.]( [Figure 4.]( Figure 4. Action potential waveforms. Snapshot of action potential waveforms recorded from two of the arrays. ![Figure 5.]( [Figure 5.]( Figure 5. Spike rasters derived from both pedestals (four arrays) in a 200-second example clip. Recordings from the left pedestal (top panel) reflect activity recorded by the two arrays located more medially and dorsally along the precentral gyrus. Recordings from the right pedestal (bottom panel), reflect activity by the two arrays located more laterally along the precentral gyrus and closer to the stroke. ![Figure 6.]( [Figure 6.]( Figure 6. Neuronal activity correlated with performed movements in the paretic limb. Over a 110-s period, the participant was asked to perform a series of left limb movements (which are described on the abscissa). Movement instruction times, delivered as a verbal command, is indicated by a small vertical hash mark. Spiking activity of two simultaneously recorded units is displayed. Rasters indicate the time of each action potential. Normalized, integrated firing rates appear beneath each raster, as derived by the ‘leaky integrator’ equation described in 19; normalization is achieved by dividing by the maximum integrated firing rate from each unit’s spike train over the time period displayed. Although both units tend to discharge with wrist extension and hand squeezing, the top unit (channel 61) is relatively more active for hand squeezing than wrist extension, relative to the bottom, simultaneously recorded unit (channel 62). The participant performed all movements; however, such motions required effort and he was unable to engage a consistent level of activity for each cue, and also exhibited a variable reaction time to a given cue. The participant was easily fatigued, requiring him to take a break and then adjust his posture. ![Figure 7.]( [Figure 7.]( Figure 7. Cumulative, integrated spike activity across channels fluctuating with joint position (top) and residual left forearm electromyographic activity (bottom). The summed spike activity across channels and run through a leaky integrator 19 appeared to fluctuate with specific residual actions in the left upper extremity. More proximal residual activity in the biceps and triceps generated a more normal-appearing pattern: as seen between 290 and 310 seconds in the bottom panel, biceps (blue trace) and triceps (red trace) activity alternate. In the distal upper extremity, however, wrist flexor (green) and wrist extensor (yellow) trace, tend to occur together in an abnormal synergy; it is also evident that wrist flexor activity is likewise abnormally synergitisic with biceps activity (an abnormal flexor synergy). The summed, integrated spiking activity across channels appears to fluctuate most consistently with wrist flexor activity. ### Orthosis control The left upper extremity score on the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) 17 was 0 without the orthosis on, 5 using the orthosis under myoelectric control, and 10 using the orthosis under direct brain-control. In one component of the Jebsen-Taylor standardized test of hand function 20, the goal is to pick up and move 5 cans, one at a time, a few inches away forward on the table (normal times are 3.23 seconds for empty soup cans in subtest 6, and 3.30 seconds for full cans in subtest 7). Because the design of the hand orthosis precluded the ability to grasp a soup can (i.e., the brace only supports the thumb and next two digits such that not all digits can be used for grasp and the fourth and fifth digit, since they remain tightly flexed, in fact physically block the can), the participant performed variations on the test. It took the participant 146 seconds to pick up, move and release 5 pill bottles using myoelectric control, and 95 seconds to perform the identical task under BCI control. Another task was to hold an object in the right hand (e.g., a stress ball or a whiteboard eraser) and place it into the paretic left hand, and then extend the left arm down towards the floor and drop the object into a bin; this process was then repeated 5 times in a row. Both these tasks were performed with the participant seated. On two trials of this pick-up-and-drop-5 in myoelectric mode, the participant’s completion times were 128 and 222 seconds; on five trials of the same task in BCI mode, times were 81, 106, 137, 214 seconds. In addition to measuring the total time to perform these grasp-move-release tasks, we also quantified the time it took to release an object once the hand was in the target position. Hand release times were faster under BCI control than myoelectric control (*p=0*.*04*, two-sample t-test). ### Motor outcomes Motor measures, performed when the participant was not connected to the BCI or wearing the MyoPro orthosis, were tracked over time and demonstrated that the implantation procedure did not decrease residual strength in the paretic left arm and left leg. In fact, muscle strength increased in the left arm. Whereas serial neurological exams since the time of the stroke demonstrated an absence of voluntary wrist extension or finger extension (0/5 on manual muscle testing, starting two months into the trial, the participant began to consistently exhibit voluntary wrist extension against gravity (3/5), and on a few occasions was able to voluntarily extend the fingers slightly (2/5) 21. One month prior to the device implantation, the Fugl-Meyer upper extremity score was 30 (out of a maximum of 66) for the left upper extremity; this increased to a score of 36 four weeks after the two Multiports were implanted, and a score of 38 seven weeks post-implantation 22. Although the participant did not receive botulinum toxin injections, or receive any type of anti-spasticity medication, during the clinical trial, spasticity gradually decreased with time as reflected in gradually decreasing numbers on serial measurements of the modified Ashworth scale for spasticity for passive flexion and extension movements of the fingers, wrist, and elbow, along with internal and external rotation of the shoulder 23. ## Discussion This pilot trial demonstrated that ensemble single unit activity remains active in ipsilesional cerebral cortex overlying chronic subcortical stroke. To our knowledge, this is the first report of intracortical recordings in ipsilesional cerebral cortex for a stroke above the mesencephalon. The trial established that activity can be decoded and mapped into control over a powered orthosis to restore functionally useful voluntary upper extremity movement. Importantly, this brain-computer interface system can be used simultaneously with residual intact movement, in particular in a limb with a gradient of intact to absent voluntary movement. While myoelectric approaches based upon wrist flexion did enable voluntary hand opening, this approach triggered increased muscle tone that subsequently slowed orthosis use (as the motors were opposing the abnormal tone): the BCI control mode essentially bypassed this issue and allowed motors to operate more smoothly and quickly. Electromyographic recordings demonstrated that while the participant did continue to engage wrist flexors during BCI control, the amplitude was decreased from abnormally elevated levels to more normal amplitudes. This trial was not intended to restore voluntary motor control in the hemiparetic upper extremity in the absence of any device use, and even so, we found that strength improved, and spasticity decreased. At the very least, this suggests that the implantation of four microelectrode arrays into ipsilesional precentral gyrus cortex did not exacerbate pre-existing hemiparesis (i.e., it did not worsen weakness). One potential explanation for the participant’s unexpected improvements in voluntary wrist and finger extension include mass practice (from regular physical and occupational therapy, with daily practice reinforced by clinical trial assistants), Although the use of an extension arm splint 8 hours each night, and the frequent use of an electric blanket to warm the paretic forearm, undoubtedly helped reduce spasticity and stretch flexor tendons, these interventions cannot account for the benefits as they had been in use for months prior to enrollment when serial measurements showed no improvements in manual muscle testing. Another, more speculative, explanation for the participant’s improved forearm function is that the daily exercise of ipsilesional cortical activity for BCI-orthosis control, promoted a plasticity driven response to either normalize or compensate for abnormal motor synergies. Although the limited number of trials on various tasks reduced statistical power to compare myoelectric to BCI control, qualitatively there appeared to be a trend of faster control in the BCI mode. We speculate that this may be due to the fact that triggering orthosis action from direct cortical recordings does not activate abnormal forearm synergies in the same manner that myoelectric control appears to. Post-stroke spasticity is thought to represent a form of abnormal plasticity and loss of corticoreticular facilitation of the medullary inhibition center in turn leading to decreased inhibition from the dorsal reticulospinal tract on the spinal stretch reflex: the medial reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts are unopposed leading to stretch reflex hyperexcitability 24. In the myoelectric mode, where hand closing is triggered by activation of residual wrist flexors, this hyperexcitability is inevitably triggered such that the orthosis motors have to ‘fight harder’ to open the hand, slowing that process. In the BCI mode, even if residual wrist flexor and extensor activity are engaged, it is to lesser degree such that abnormal tone is not elevated, and the orthosis motors can more easily and rapidly achieve hand actions. This pilot study implies that usable control signals are present in ipsilesional cerebral cortical activity. To be clinically scalable, future devices must be fully implantable to minimize infection risk. With the advent of fully implantable BCI (i.e., no percutaneous connectors, 25,26,27), a wider range of stroke survivors could benefit. Although a fully implantable BCI could be coupled to an external wearable orthosis, an option that may gain even wider clinical adoption would be to couple direct cortical control to implantable functional electrical stimulation in the paretic arm, as has been demonstrated in at least one stroke survivor [17]. The combination of a fully implantable brain sensor with a fully implantable peripheral neuromuscular stimulation hence could be a potential solution to “unparalyze” the arm. Direct cortically driven peripheral muscular stimulation may have both rehabilitative 28 benefits when used intermittently and direct functional benefits if deployed continuously in daily life. Fully implantable brain-computer interfaces may represent a medical device opportunity to help stroke survivors break through their plateau in recovery and keep going to achieve greater functional independence. ## Data Availability Data sharing agreements are available and can be requested by contacting the first author. ## Funding This research was supported by philanthropy to the Farber Institute of Neuroscience at Thomas Jefferson University. ## Ethics Committee Approval This research was approved, and remains in approved status, by the Institutional Review Board of Thomas Jefferson University, protocol number 17D.459. ## Conflict of Interest Statement Drs. Serruya and Napoli are inventors on a US provisional patent application that has been filed by Thomas Jefferson University on the methods described in this paper. All authors report that they do not have any conflicts of interest with the research described. ## Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following people for their assistance and input: Erica Jones, Shivayogi Hiremath, Christopher Thompson, Carlos Vargas-Irwin, John Donoghue, Nicholas Hatsopoulos, David Weisman, Kristofer Feeko, M.J. Mulcahey, Joseph Tracy, Diana Tzeng, Daniel Graves, Ashly Parekh, Joely Mass, Thomas J. Kelly, IV, Stephen Valverde, Allison Weiss, Shaista Alam, Robin Dharia, Elan Miller, Lisa Bowman, Rodney Bell, Michael Sperling, and the participant and his mother. * Received February 3, 2021. * Revision received February 3, 2021. * Accepted February 8, 2021. * © 2021, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Katan, M. & Luft, A. Global Burden of Stroke. Semin. Neurol. 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