The genetic etiology of childhood insomnia: Longitudinal gene-brain-behavior associations in the ABCD study =========================================================================================================== * Leanna M. Hernandez * Minsoo Kim * Cristian Hernandez * Wesley Thompson * Chun Chieh Fan * Adriana Galván * Mirella Dapretto * Susan Y. Bookheimer * Andrew Fuligni * Michael Gandal ## Abstract Childhood sleep problems are common and frequently comorbid with neurodevelopmental, psychiatric disorders. However, little is known about the genetic contributions to sleep-related traits in childhood, their potential relationship with brain development and psychiatric outcomes, or their association with adult sleep disturbance. Using data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development study, we performed a comprehensive characterization of the genetic and phenotypic relationships between childhood sleep disturbances (SDs; insomnia, arousal, breathing, somnolence, hyperhidrosis, sleep-wake transitions), global and regional measures of brain structure, and multiple dimensions of psychiatric symptomology in 9-10-year-old youth (discovery/replication N=4,428). Among the six SDs assessed, only insomnia showed significant SNP-based heritability (h2=0.15) and had replicable associations with smaller brain surface area (SA). Furthermore, insomnia showed significant positive phenotypic and genetic correlations with externalizing disorders (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]). Polygenic risk scores (PRS) calculated from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of ADHD predicted insomnia and externalizing symptoms longitudinally, as well as decreased SA at baseline. In contrast, PRS trained using the largest adult insomnia GWAS did not predict childhood insomnia. Together, these findings demonstrate a distinct genetic architecture between childhood and adult SD, and indicate that childhood insomnia should be considered along the dimensional axis of ADHD and externalizing traits. These results highlight the importance of developmental context when interpreting gene-brain-behavior relationships and underscore the need for further large-scale genetic investigations of psychiatric phenotypes in pediatric populations. ## Introduction Sleep is a fundamental biological process that is critical for optimal physical and cognitive development and functioning.1–5 The structure of sleep and circadian rhythms undergo substantial shifts across the lifespan, especially during critical adolescent periods when many psychiatric symptoms emerge. Sleep disturbance is also nearly universally observed in childhood and adult psychiatric disorders and often among the most impairing comorbidities.6 In adults, genome wide association studies (GWAS) have shown that sleep-related behaviors are heritable and polygenic, with more than 200 associated genetic loci, and show significant genetic correlations with adult psychiatric disorders including depression and sczhizoprenia.7–10 Genetic variants associated with adult sleep disorders are enriched for genes expressed in the brain and have implicated pathways involved in locomotor behavior, neurodevelopment, and synaptic transmission, among others,7–10 suggesting a neurogenetic basis for individual differences in sleep behavior. Yet, while the heritable polygenic contributions to adult sleep disturbance have been established, much less is known about the origins of sleep-related traits in childhood, a developmental period during which sleep disruptions are extremely common, affecting an estimated 20-30% of the general pediatric population.11–13 Identifying a genetic basis for childhood sleep disturbance – and potential shared genetic etiology with neurodevelopmental, psychiatric disorders – would provide a critical foundation for understanding fundamental aspects of developmental biology and for fostering potential clinical interventions for the millions of children who experience these symptoms. Childhood and adolescence are characterized by age-related decreases in brain volume, surface area, and cortical thickness,14,15 coinciding with normative shifts in the timing of homeostatic and circadian rhythms,16 and the emergence of life-long chronic psychiatric disorders.17 Thus, biological interactions between sleep, brain structure, and mental health may be particularly important during childhood, when dynamic changes occur in all three domains. Indeed, recent neuroimaging research suggests that childhood psychiatric symptoms (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD],18 depression19) predict future sleep disturbances and moderate the association between smaller brain size and sleep problems. However, to date no large-scale genetics studies have been conducted to identify a heritable basis for these phenotypes or to elucidate potential genetic relationships between sleep disturbance and childhood mental health,18–20 leaving unanswered how polygenic risk for sleep, brain, and psychiatric traits interact over time. By contrast, there has been robust and well-powered genomics research in adults indicating significant genetic pleiotropy between adult insomnia, sleep duration, neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, ADHD, and schizophrenia7,8,10), and brain surface area,21 indicating that genetic risk for these traits in adulthood is in-part shared. Parallel analyses of the shared genetic architecture between childhood sleep psychiatric symptoms, and brain structure have not been performed and may provide novel insights into the developmental origins of comorbid psychiatric/brain traits. To address the these questions, we perform a comprehensive examination of the phenotypic and genetic relationship between sleep, mental health, and brain structure in youth who participated in baseline and follow-up assessments of the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.22 Using parent-report data of children’s sleep behavior (i.e., Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children23) and behavioral/psychiatric symptoms (i.e., Child Behavior Checklist24), we determine the extent to which individual variability across 6 dimensions of sleep disturbance (i.e., insomnia, arousal, breathing, somnolence, hyperhidrosis, sleep-wake transitions) predict individual variability in 20 subscales of psychiatric symptomatology, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of global and regional brain volume, surface area, and cortical thickness at 9-10-years of age. Next, to estimate the contribution of common genetic factors, we calculate the heritability of – and genetic correlations between – childhood sleep, psychiatric symptoms, and global brain size. Finally, we examine the extent to which polygenic risk scores (PRS) for sleep, brain, and psychiatric traits predict brain and behavioral phenotypes in children at 9-10-years of age and psychiatric symptoms 1-year later. ## Methods ### Subjects Participants were youth who completed the baseline and follow-up assessments of the ABCD study,22 an ongoing multi-site longitudinal investigation of brain development in the United States. Subjects were recruited from schools within geographical areas that approximate the sociodemographic diversity of the national population.25 The current analysis was completed using de-identified structural neuroimaging, genetic, demographic and behavioral data obtained from the ABCD 2.0.1 National Data Archive (NDA) data release (NDAR DOI: 10.15154/1504041). ### Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) The SDSC23 was used to generate dimensional indices of sleep problems. The SDSC is a parent-report questionnaire designed to identify the presence of sleep disturbances over the past 6 months in children with/without clinically significant sleep disorders. Individual item-level scores on the SDSC are grouped into 6 sleep-disorder subscales: Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining Sleep (DIMS), Sleep Breathing Disorders (SBD), Disorders of Arousal (DA), Sleep-Wake Transition Disorders (SWTD), Disorders of Excessive Somnolence (DOES), and Sleep Hyperhidrosis (SHY). The DIMS subscale encompasses a single question relating to sleep duration, as well as several questions indexing sleep quality (e.g., insomnia-related symptoms); we focused our analysis on DIMS questions indexing insomnia-related symptoms (Supplementary Information). For all SDSC sleep measures, higher scores are indicative of more severe sleep problems. ### Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) The CBCL24 is a widely used parent-report questionnaire indexing child behavior across a number of psychiatric domains. Here, we assess the relationship between sleep and t-scores on 14 CBCL subscales, as well as 6 DSM-oriented subscales. ### NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery Cognitive function was assessed using the NIH Toolbox® Cognition Battery,26 which was administered to children on an iPad. Summary scores indexing Cognitive Function Composite Score, Fluid Cognition Composite Score, and Crystalized Cognition Composite Scores were obtained for each child. ### Structural magnetic resonance imaging Structural MRI (sMRI) data were collected by individual sites affiliated with the ABCD consortium on either a Siemens Prisma, Phillips, or GE 750 3T scanner. 3D T1-weighted images had the following scan parameters: matrix size 256×256, 176 slices, FOV 256×256, resolution 1mmx1mmx1mm, TR 2500ms, TE 2.88ms, flip angle 8°, total scan time 7m 12s (Supplementary Information).27 Morphometric measurements of cortical thickness (CT), surface area (SA), and subcortical volume (VOL) were calculated in FreeSurfer using the Desikan parcellation atlas.28 As recommended in the ABCD NDA 2.0.1 Release Notes for Imaging Instruments, exclusionary criteria included subjects with MRI findings that were considered for clinical referral (N=402), subjects with poor quality T1 images (as described above; N=11), and subjects for whom the Freesurfer parcellation performed poorly (N=391). ### Statistical Analyses To demonstrate the robustness of the reported phenotypic associations, the sample was split into discovery and replication cohorts. One child per twin/triplet was included to ensure the statistical independence of the data in each of the cohorts; siblings were randomly assigned. The final sample consisted of 8,856 subjects which were split into discovery (N=4,428) and replication (N=4,428) cohorts using the ISLR package in R (Table 1). Results were deemed to be significant and to replicate if they survived FDR correction (*q*<0.05) in the discovery cohort and demonstrated a P<0.05 in the replication cohort. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Subject characteristics Statistical analyses were performed in R v4.0.2. Linear mixed-effects models were run using the lme4 package to test the relationship between SDSC and sMRI indices. Dependent variables included CT and SA (34 regions per hemisphere), as well as 39 measures of subcortical VOL. Independent variables were sleep-related phenotypes (i.e., insomnia, SBD, DA, SWTD, DOES, and SHY). Age, socioeconomic status (SES; computed as the average of parental education and family income), sex, and parent-reported ethnicity were specified as fixed effects; family ID (to control for sibling relatedness) and MRI scanner were modeled as random effects. Analyses were performed with/without controlling for global sMRI measures, by including either whole brain VOL, mean SA, or mean CT as covariates. The relationship between CBCL and SDSC subscales were assessed using a series of log-linked Gamma general linear models (GLM) and identical covariates. ### Heritability and Genetic Correlations Saliva samples were collected from participants; genotyping data for 733,293 SNPs was generated using the Affymetrix NIDA Smokescreen Array. Sample preparation and genotyping were performed at the Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository (Supplementary Information). Ancestry was determined by merging ABCD data with data from the 1000 Genomes Project29 followed by principal component analysis of the merged dataset and application of a k-nearest neighbors classification algorithm to the first four ancestry principle components. Subsequent analyses were restricted to subjects of European ancestry (N=6,089) to control for population stratification. PLINK v1.9030 was used to prune SNPs for linkage disequilibrium (LD), minor allele frequency <1%, missingness per individual >10%, missingness per marker >10%, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p<10-6). The genetic relationship matrix was computed from autosomal chromosomes using GCTA v1.93.31 One subject from each pair of individuals with an estimated relatedness greater than 0.05 was removed from further analyses, leaving 4,728 unrelated European subjects. Ancestry principal components (PCs) for the European cohort were calculated in PLINK v1.90. Heritability was estimated using GCTA’s restricted maximum likelihood (REML). Due to non-normality, SDSC subscales were binarized using a 25%ile cutoff. A rank-based inverse normal transformation was applied to continuous phenotypes to correct for deviations from normality. For heritability estimates of behavioral and cognitive measures, age, sex, 10 ancestry PCs, and genotyping batch were included as covariates. sMRI heritability estimates used identical covariates in addition to MRI scanner. Genetic correlations used identical covariates and were estimated using bivariate REML.32 ### Polygenic Risk Score Profiling To assess the effects of subject-level genetic liability, polygenic risk scores (PRS) were computed for European subjects using PRS-CS33 with summary statistics from GWAS of insomnia,7 ADHD,34 and brain surface area.21 Genotype data was imputed using the Michigan Imputation Server35 using the TOPMed reference panel with Eagle v2.3 phased output and mixed ancestry for QC. Individuals with >10% missing genotypes, and SNPs with >10% missingness rate, minor allele frequency <5%, or out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p<10-6) were removed; the final European dataset included 4,534,127 genetic variants. One subject from each pair of individuals with an estimated relatedness greater than 0.05 was removed, leaving 3,386 subjects at baseline and 1,669 at follow-up. PRS were generated using the European LD reference and a global shrinkage parameter of 1e-2. The extent to which youth’s PRS predicted insomnia (binarized using a 25%ile cutoff) was assessed using logistic regression controlling for age, SES, sex, and 10 ancestry PCs. Predictions of baseline and follow-up CBCL subscales were assessed using log-linked Gamma GLM using identical covariates. Linear mixed-effects models were used to assess the relationship between PRS and brain structure, using an additional covariate of MRI scanner. All regressions using follow-up data were controlled for sleep or psychiatric symptoms at the first timepoint. ## Results ### Widespread Associations between Child Sleep Disturbance and Psychiatric Symptoms At baseline, childhood SDs showed pan-positive correlations with dimensional ratings of psychiatric symptomatology from the CBCL (FDR<0.05 with replication P<0.05; Figure 1; Supplementary Figures 1-3). Regression analyses revealed a significant positive relationship such that greater frequency of any sleep disturbance predicted higher levels of psychiatric symptomatology across all 20 CBCL subscales (Figure 1; Supplementary Table 1-6). A small, but significant negative relationship was observed between cognition and insomnia. ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Associations between the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC), Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and intelligence in the discovery cohort (*q*<0.05). All depicted associations between sleep and psychiatric symptoms replicated (*p*<0.05); the relationship between Sleep Breathing Disorders and Fluid Intelligence Composite did not replicate (p>0.05). Abbreviations: DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Cog, Cognitive. ### Childhood Insomnia Uniquely Associated with Decreased Brain SA, VOL We next examined the relationship between childhood SDs and global measures of brain structure (mean CT, mean SA, and whole brain VOL) at baseline. Higher levels of parent-reported insomnia was significantly associated with lower SA and smaller VOL across discovery and replication cohorts (FDR<0.05 with replication P<0.05; Table 2). No other SD showed replicable associations with global brain structure, nor were any measures associated with cortical thickness. As such, childhood insomnia is uniquely associated with global measures of childhood brain structure. View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Regression analyses with whole brain structure To test for regional associations between SDSC measures and brain structure, linear mixed-effects models were run with regional-measures of CT, SA, and VOL as dependent variables and each of the sleep-related phenotypes as independent variables. Higher insomnia scores were related to reduced SA in frontal, temporal and parietal regions, as well as smaller VOL of cerebral white matter (Figure 2; Supplementary Table 8-9). Regional findings were no longer significant when controlling for global measures, indicating that the association between insomnia and whole-brain SA and VOL are an important contributor to the observed region-level effects (Supplementary Tables 25-27). Regional CT was not significantly associated with insomnia (discovery FDR>0.05; Supplementary Table 7). No other SDSC subscales demonstrated replicable effects (Supplementary Figures 5-9; Supplementary Table 10-24). ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Associations between insomnia and regional brain structure in the discovery and replication cohort. Standardized betas for all brain regions of interest are plotted. See Supplementary Tables 7-9. *Replicated finding (discovery cohort FDR *q*<0.05 and replication cohort *p*<0.05). Abbreviations: Std, Standardized; L, left; R, right. ### Childhood Insomnia Exhibits Significant SNP-based Heritability We next sought to determine the extent to which common genetic variation contributes to liability for childhood SDs. SNP-based heritability estimates were calculated using GCTA-REML for childhood sleep-related traits as well as brain structure, cognition, and psychiatric symptoms (Figure 3A). Among the childhood SDs, significant SNP-based heritability was observed only for insomnia (P<0.05, h2=0.15, SE=0.09). In addition, significant SNP-based heritability measures were observed for global brain structure, cognition, and several CBCL subscales including ADHD and attentional problems (h2=0.15-0.37, SE=0.09; Figure 3A; Supplementary Table 28). These findings confirm a heritable basis for childhood insomnia driven by common genetic variation. ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. Heritability and genetic correlations. A) REML heritability estimates (h2). B) Genetic correlations (rG) between pairs of traits that displayed significant SNP-heritability. C-D) Relationship PRS and behavioral/phenotypic measures. E) Proposed model of associations between genetic risk factors and mental health outcomes. Abbreviations: DA, Disorders of Arousal; DOES, Disorders of Excessive Somnolence; SBD, Sleep Breathing Disorders, SHY, Sleep Hyperhidrosis; SWTD, Sleep-Wake Transition Disorders; CT, cortical thickness; SA, surface area; VOL, volume; Cog, Cognition; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. *p<0.05. ### Genetic Overlap between Childhood Insomnia, ADHD, and Externalizing Behaviors Given the genetics underpinnings of childhood insomnia, we next investigated whether the phenotypic associations between insomnia, brain structure, and psychiatric symptoms reflected shared genetic factors. Pairwise genetic correlations were performed between traits that demonstrated significant SNP-heritability. Significant positive genetic correlations were observed between insomnia and CBCL total problems, externalizing, and ADHD (rG’s>0.84; P’s<0.05; Figure 3B; Supplementary Table 29). For brain-traits, significant positive correlations were observed between whole-brain VOL and mean SA, SA and crystalized cognition, and between VOL and total and crystalized cognition (Supplementary Table 29). Notably, however, despite their phenotypic associations, we did not detect significant genetic correlations between childhood insomnia and brain VOL or SA, with estimates in the opposite expected direction (rG’s 0.2, 0.1 respectively; N.S.). These results indicate a shared genetic basis among childhood insomnia, ADHD, and externalizing behaviors that does not contribute to decreased brain size. ### Distinct Genetic Contributions to Childhood versus Adult Insomnia The previous data identify a heritable basis for childhood insomnia, exhibiting genetic and phenotypic overlap with ADHD/externalizing symptoms. To replicate and extend these associations, we calculated polygenic risk scores (PRS) using the largest available GWAS summary statistics of insomnia (in adults) and ADHD. Mirroring the genetic correlation results, we found that higher ADHD PRS was associated with childhood insomnia at both baseline (βStd=0.11, SE=0.05, P=0.02; age 9-11) and 1-year follow-up timepoints (βStd=0.18, SE =0.07, P=0.02; Figure 3D). As a positive control, ADHD PRS also significantly predicted externalizing and ADHD symptoms at baseline and follow-up (P’s<10-4). Surprisingly, however, adult insomnia PRS did not predict insomnia at 9-10-years of age or 1-year later (P’s>0.05, Figure 3C). This insomnia PRS, however, did significantly predict baseline ADHD symptoms (P<0.002), indicating that the GWAS was adequately powered to detect phenotypic associations. Together, these results demonstrate that the common genetic variants contributing to the heritability of insomnia symptoms in adults are largely distinct from those in children. ### Insomnia-Brain Structure Associations Mediated by ADHD PRS Finally, we sought to better understand the observed, replicated phenotypic associations between insomnia and decreased brain VOL/SA. Here, we generated PRS to predict the genetic component of brain SA, using the largest available GWAS from ENIGMA. As a positive control, this SA PRS very strongly predicted brain SA in our cohort (βstd=0.22, SE=0.02, P<10-46). In contrast, SA PRS was not associated with childhood insomnia symptoms, affirming our genetic correlation results. Previous work has identified a negative, genetic association between ADHD and intracranial volume.36 To determine whether genetic overlap with ADHD could account for the observed brain structure associations, we performed a series of follow-up analyses in brain regions where we found replicable phenotypic changes with insomnia (i.e., regions in Figure 2). Notably, ADHD PRS significantly predicted lower SA in three regions — left superior frontal gyrus (βstd=-0.04, SE=0.02, P=0.012), left rostral middle frontal gyrus (βstd=-0.04, SE=0.02, P=0.019), and right insula (βstd=-0.03, SE=0.02, P=0.049). Additionally, we observe that the association between insomnia and brain SA disappears when conditioning on ADHD. Together, these findings support a dissociable pleiotropic model in which genetic risk for ADHD contributes separately to both smaller brain SA as well as symptoms of insomnia in childhood, such that insomnia symptoms are not directly mediated by brain structure. In support of this model, we further observed that ADHD PRS continues to predict childhood insomnia at baseline and follow-up timepoints (P’s<0.05; logistic regression) even when controlling for brain structure (mean global SA) and its potential genetic drivers (SA PRS). Altogether, results greatly refine our understanding of the genetic architecture of childhood sleep disturbance, as well as its relationship to adult sleep disturbance, brain structure, and developmental psychopathology. ## Discussion Leveraging longitudinal data from a population-based, demographically diverse sample of youth, the current study examined the genetic contributions to SDs as well as their relationships with childhood mental health and brain structure. Among six domains of childhood SDs, only childhood insomnia was significantly heritable (*h**2**SNP* 0.15) and was associated with reduced whole-brain SA and VOL, as well as reduced regional SA in frontal, parietal and temporal cortices. We observed significant genetic overlap between childhood insomnia, ADHD, and externalizing-related psychiatric symptoms. However, no genetic overlap was observed between childhood insomnia and brain structure or with a well-powered adult insomnia PRS. Rather, insomnia could be longitudinally predicted by ADHD PRS, even when controlling for brain structure. Together, these findings highlight a model of shared polygenic mechanisms underlying sleep quality and mental health during childhood brain development (Figure 3E), largely distinct from those observed in adulthood, and suggest that childhood insomnia should be considered along the dimensional axis of ADHD/externalizing disorders. Finally, our results indicate that childhood insomnia is not mediated by reduced brain size, which rather appears to reflect the pleiotropic effects of shared ADHD genetic risk. One mechanism through which sleep may affect trajectories of brain development is through alterations of normative developmental processes, including synaptic pruning. Age-related decreases in cortical thickness, surface area, and volume occur throughout childhood and adolescence,14,15 which are thought to be driven by ongoing synaptic pruning37 and consequent changes to brain area and gyrification.38 In mice, chronic sleep deprivation has been associated with upregulation of astrocytic phagocytosis and microglial activation, resulting in enhanced synaptic degradation.39 Thus, long-term disturbances in sleep may promote prolonged microglial activation, making the brain more susceptible to other genetic and environmental insults.39 Indeed, we found that poorer sleep – across multiple dimensions of sleep behavior – is consistently associated with higher levels of parent-endorsed psychiatric symptoms. Our multi-trait sleep analysis extends the finding of recent population-representative pediatric sleep studies, which have either narrowly focused on sleep duration (i.e., hours of sleep per night)19,20 or on a limited number of psychiatric traits,18 and suggest that behavioral interventions aimed at improving the full range of sleep issues experienced by youth may improve mental health across the clinical spectrum. Neural regulation of sleep and wakefulness is governed by reciprocal communication between the brain stem, subcortical regions, and cortex.40 In line with previous research findings of reduced grey matter volume in sleep disturbed children41 and adults42, we find that childhood insomnia is associated with reduced surface area in the frontal cortex (among other cortical regions), a brain area encompassing the basal forebrain, which animal studies have shown contain GABAergic neural populations critical for wakefulness.43,44 Recent work has further demonstrated the relationship between brain size and sleep is mediated by psychiatric symptoms.18,19 Here, we refine this model through the addition of genetics, which provides a causal directional anchor. We find that it is ADHD/externalizing psychiatric symptoms and their genetic risk, in particular, that are mediating the relationship between brain size and sleep. Ultimately, however, multiple waves of longitudinal data will be required to fully elucidate the causal temporal relatinonships between brain size, cognitive/psychiatric symptoms, and poor sleep. Importantly, we did not find evidence of pleiotropy between childhood insomnia and brain size, indicating that the genetic loci influencing phenotypic expression of pediatric insomnia and brain size may be unique. These null findings are in contrast to adult genomics studies, which have shown significant negative genetic correlations between insomnia and brain surface area (rG∼-0.2 to -0.3),21 and suggest distinct neurobiological mechanisms underlying adult and pediatric sleep disturbance. These discrepant phenotype/genotype associations between childhood insomnia and brain size may also be due to differences in power (due to our modest sample size for genetics analyses), which may have limited detection to only very strong genetic correlations. Alternately, it is possible that the nature of our pediatric dataset, covering a developmental period characterized by continued and dynamic change in brain volume, surface area, and cortical thickness15 may introduce sufficient heterogeneity in brain structure across participants to obscure genomic covariation between neuroendophenotypes and insomnia (highlighting the need for larger pediatric imaging-genetics samples of sufficient power to detect polygenic effects on fluctuating developmental phenotypes), or that the genetic covariation previously observed in adult studies is driven by atypical rates of surface area reduction later in life. While less research has been conducted on the genetic correlates of sleep disturbance in childhood, there is emerging evidence suggesting that the genetics of sleep may be different in adult versus pediatric populations. For example, pediatric GWAS have reported low genetic correlations between childhood sleep duration and adult sleep duration or adult psychiatric traits (i.e., bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia), suggesting that the genetic variants associated with childhood sleep duration and both adult sleep duration and psychiatric disorders are distinct.45 Importantly, pediatric GWAS of sleep duration have found the largest (although not significant) genetic correlations between sleep duration and ADHD,45 mirroring our findings of genetic pleiotropy between childhood insomnia and ADHD. Our findings of positive genetic correlations between childhood sleep disturbance and ADHD are also in agreement with previous research documenting behavioral comorbidity46,47 and overlapping affected neural systems.18 Further, we found that ADHD PRS predicted insomnia, suggesting that childhood insomnia may be an extension of pediatric ADHD/externalizing disorders. Finally, the effects of ADHD on childhood insomnia were not mediated by brain size; however, as ADHD was pleiotropically associated with reduced brain surface area, we hypothesize that this genetic relationship induces a phenotypic correlation between brain size and insomnia. In contrast to the robust ADHD-insomnia relationship observed in the current study and in prior GWAS of childhood sleep duration, studies in adults find the greatest amount of genetic pleiotropy between insomnia and depression,7 and between sleep duration, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.7,10 Thus, different genetic mechanisms may underlie the relationship between childhood sleep/neurodevelopmental *vs*. adult sleep/adult-onset psychiatric disorders. In sum, using publicly available data from a socio-demographically diverse sample of youth, we sought to elucidate the phenotypic and genetic associations between sleep, mental health, and brain structure. Overall, these data indicate that childhood insomnia is genetically rooted in polygenic risk for ADHD and that the link between genetic risk for sleep disturbance, sleep behavior, and psychiatric symptoms may change across the lifespan, underscoring the importance of further elucidating the relationship between sleep-related genes, brain, and behavior in developmental populations. As sleep is crucial for optimal cognition and mental health, a better understanding of the genetic and neural underpinnings of sleep disturbances in children is essential to further our understanding of how sleep affects brain development, informing public policy surrounding guidelines for optimal sleep during childhood, and designing effective interventions aimed at improving cognitive and psychiatric outcomes in youth who experience sleep difficulties. ## Supporting information Supplemental Information [[supplements/204735_file02.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Data [[supplements/204735_file03.xlsx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability Data is available at the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) []( ## Footnotes * Author Disclosures: All authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interests. * Received October 2, 2020. * Revision received October 2, 2020. * Accepted October 5, 2020. * © 2020, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Besedovsky, L., Lange, T. & Haack, M. The sleep-immune crosstalk in health and disease. Physiol. Rev. 99, 1325–1380 (2019). [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 2. 2.Freeman, D. et al. The effects of improving sleep on mental health (OASIS): a randomised controlled trial with mediation analysis. The Lancet Psychiatry 4, 749–758 (2017). 3. 3.Dewald, J. F., Meijer, A. M., Oort, F. J., Kerkhof, G. A. & Bögels, S. M. The influence of sleep quality, sleep duration and sleepiness on school performance in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews 14, 179–189 (2010). [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 4. 4.Meijer, A. M. Chronic sleep reduction, functioning at school and school achievement in preadolescents. J. Sleep Res. 17, 395–405 (2008). [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 5. 5.Wolfson, A. R. & Carskadon, M. A. 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