Background Africa has one of the highest incidences of gonorrhoea, but not much information is available on the relatedness with strains from other geographical locations. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a major public health threat, with the bacteria gaining resistance to most of the available antibiotics, compromising treatment across the world. Whole-genome sequencing is an efficient way of predicting AMR determinants and their spread in the human population. Previous studies on Kenyan gonococcal samples have focused on plasmid-mediated drug resistance and fluoroquinolone resistance using Illumina sequencing.
Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies like Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) have helped in the generation of longer reads of DNA in a shorter duration with lower cost. However, long-reads are error-prone. The increasing accuracy ofbase-calling algorithms, high throughput, error-correction strategies, and ease of using the mobile sequencer in remote areas is leading to the adoption of the MinION sequencer (ONT), for routine microbial genome sequencing.
Methods To investigate whether MinION-only sequencing is sufficient for diagnosis, genome sequencing and downstream analysis like inferring phylogenetic relationships and detection of AMR in resource-limited settings, we sequenced the genomes of fourteen clinical isolates suspected to be N. gonorrhoeae from Nairobi, Kenya. The isolates were tested using standard bacteriological methods for identification, interpreted using analytical profile index and antibiotic susceptibility tests had indicated ciprofloxacin and gentamycin resistance. Using whole-genome sequencing, the isolates were confirmed to be cases of N. gonorrhoeae (n=12), Additionally, we identified reads from N. meningitidis (n=2) and both of N. gonorrhoeae and Moraxella osloensis (n=3) in the sample (co-infections) respectively, which have been implicated in sexually transmitted infections in the recent years. The near-complete N. gonorrhoeae genomes (n=10) were analysed further for mutations/factors causing AMR using an in-house database of mutations curated from the literature. We attempted to understand the basis of drug resistance using homology modelling of AMR proteins, using known structures from other bacteria.
Results We observe that Ciprofloxacin resistance is associated with multiple mutations in both gyrA and parC. We identified mutations conferring tetracycline (rpsJ) and Sulfonamide (folA) resistance in all the isolates and plasmids encoding beta-lactamase and tet(M) were identified in almost all of the strains. Phylogenetic analysis clustered the nine isolates into clades containing previously sequenced genomes from Kenya and countries across the world.
Conclusion Here, we demonstrate the utility of mobile DNA sequencing technology supplemented with reference-based assembly in sequence typing and elucidating the basis of AMR. Bioinformatics profiling to predict AMR can be used along with routine AMR susceptibility tests in clinics. The workflow followed in the study, including AMR mutation dataset creation and the genome identification, assembly and analysis, can be used for the genome assembly and analysis of any clinical isolate. Further studies are required to determine the utility of real-time sequencing in the outbreak investigations, diagnosis and management of infections, especially in resource-limited settings.
Data availability The raw reads generated for this study have been deposited in BioProject Accession: PRJNA660404 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). The biosample details are available under the ids SAMN15960547, SAMN15960548, SAMN15960549, SAMN15960550, SAMN15960551, SAMN15960552, SAMN15960553, SAMN15960554, SAMN15960555. The genomes and annotation files are available under the bioproject.
Gonorrhoea is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which is caused by N. gonorrhoeae (gonococci). It is estimated to have affected 87 million people (between the ages 15 to 49) worldwide, 11.4 million in the African Region, in 20161. Gonorrhoea can cause epididymitis in men and pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which can result in infertility and ectopic pregnancies. It is also implicated in neonatal ophthalmia, which can result in blindness and increased acquisition and transmission of other STIs2. WHO included N. gonorrhoeae in its list of AMR “priority pathogens” in 20173 and has projected for a 90% reduction in global gonorrhoea incidence by 20301. Although N. gonorrhoeae infections are treated with antibiotics, gonococci are now resistant to most antibiotics and despite two clinical trials, no vaccines are available4. Increasing antimicrobial resistance threatens effective treatment and control.
Many clinical samples are developing resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs) and azithromycin, which are used as the last options of the first-line therapies of gonorrhoea. In many countries, ceftriaxone and azithromycin dual therapy is being used5. However, with many isolates showing increased MICs to both these antibiotics, this is not viable as a long-term treatment6. Many countries in the African region have reported decreased susceptibility to drugs like ceftriaxone, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin4. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) allows for timely detection and elucidation of AMR determinants in bacteria7. Third-generation sequencing has many advantages, like long read lengths, short time, and reduction of bias introduces through amplification by PCR-steps8. WGS has been used to investigate quinoloneresistant gonorrhoea outbreaks9,10 in Kenya. It has also been used to analyse isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin, azithromycin and cefixime in other countries11–13.
MinION, a mobile sequencing device from ONT (Oxford, UK), sequences DNA by monitoring the transfer of individual DNA molecules through various types of pores, resulting in very long and unbiased sequence reads, as there is no amplification or chemical reactions used during sequencing11. The mobile nature of the MinION offers many advantages and the sequencer has been evaluated for use in resource-limited settings and on the International Space Station (ISS)14,15. MinION has also been shown to be effective for diagnostics, high-quality assemblies, and AMR surveillance in bacteria. However, the high error rate for the sequencer limits its use. Golparian and co-workers sequenced fourteen clinical isolates of N. gonorrhoeae and evaluated multiple methods for genome assemblies using MinION with Illumina reads11. Street and co-workers used MinION to obtain a de novo assembly of N. gonorrhoeae isolated from patient urine samples16. Zhang and co-workers showed that AMR-profiling results for N. gonorrhoeae were comparable when using only MinION-based assemblies or MinION-Illumina hybrid assemblies.
In a previous study, 22 multi-drug resistant gonococcal isolates from heterosexual patients (2 females and 20 males) were sequenced using Illumina MiSeq for understanding gyrA and parC mutations in ciprofloxacin resistance10. Cehovin et al sequenced 103 genomes from 73 patients from coastal Kenya, mainly men who had sex with men, using Illumina HiSeq and analyzed the plasmids conferring antibiotic resistance17. These studies in Kenya have used the Illumina platform and mainly focused on isolates from male patients. We sequenced nine isolates derived from women who visited STI clinics in Nairobi between 2012-2017, using only MinION sequencing in Kenya and evaluated methods for assembly and AMR profiling of genome. We have also carried out phylogenies with previously deposited sequences in PubMLST, from Kenya, and other countries. Here we assess the possibility of using MinION data alone for genome assembly and comparative analysis.
Materials and methods
Bacterial isolates and culture conditions
N. gonorrhoeae isolates were derived from high vaginal swabs collected between January 2012 to December 2017. The stocked organisms were stored at -70ºC and retrieved and cultured on Modified Thayer-Martin agar. The plates were incubated at 37°C and 5% carbon dioxide (under raised CO2) as per the standard protocol.
Isolates were identified by Gram stain, Catalase test, Oxidase test, and carbohydrate-utilization studies of glucose, maltose, fructose and sucrose, and confirmed by analytical profile index testing kit (API NH, bioMérieux). All gonococcus isolates were re-stocked in 20% glyceroltryptic soy broth for long-term storage at −70°C for external quality control, sequencing and molecular characterization. Standard N. gonorrhoea isolates i.e WHO K, WHO P, WHO O, WHO R, WHO M18 were used to test the media for viability and colonial characteristics. Phenotypic characterization was performed by characterizing lactamase production determined using nitrocefin solution. In the present study, clinical isolates from nine patients were sequenced (Supplementary Table 1).
Antibiotic susceptibility testing
Ciprofloxacin, Spectinomycin, Penicillin, Tetracycline, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Erythromycin and Azithromycin strips were used to set E-test according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Antimicrobial gradient diffusion (E-test) method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of N. gonorrhoeae using WHO reference ranges, interpretation of susceptibilities for selected antimicrobial agents as recommended by CLSI (Supplementary Table 2).
Isolation of genomic DNA
All the colonies from Thayer-Martin agar (37°C in a humidified 5% CO2 environment for 36 hours) with the phenotypic characteristics of N. gonorrhoeae were picked up to create a culture suspension in 1X PBS. The genomic DNA was isolated using the Qiagen DNA isolation kit using manufactures specifications. Extracted DNA was purified using AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter, UK), eluted in 50 μl of nuclease-free water, and quantified using a QiaXpert (Qiagen). Pipetting was minimized to reduce shearing of the DNA prior to sequencing.
ONT library preparation and MinION sequencing
DNA library preparation for Nanopore sequencing was carried out using Ligation Kit SQKLSK109 (ONT). Fragmented DNA was repaired and dA-tailed using the NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix and NEBNext Ultra II End Repair/dA-Tailing Module (New England BioLabs). An individual barcode was added to dA-tailed DNA by using the barcoding extension kit EXPNPB104 in accordance with the ONT protocols with NEB Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix (New England BioLabs). Each barcoded DNA was pooled in equimolar amounts, and an adaptor was attached using the NEBNext Quick Ligation Module (New England BioLabs). The MinION flow cell and reagents were shipped from Bangalore, India, to Nairobi at +4°C. The number of active pores was checked before loading. The samples were pooled using equimolar pooling, the library was loaded into the SpotON flowcell R9.5 (FLO-MIN106), and sequencing was carried out on MinKNOW using the 48-hour script.
Basecalling, Read trimming and processing
Guppy (v 3.2.2) (ONT) was used for basecalling of fast5 files. Reads with a mean qscore (quality) greater than 7 and a read length greater than 500bp were used and trimmed for adaptor sequences and barcodes using qcat (v1.1.0) (https://github.com/nanoporetech/qcat) from ONT. The files corresponding to each barcode (sample) were analyzed as follows.
Assembly and assessment
The selected raw reads were corrected, trimmed and assembled using Canu (v1.8) (https://github.com/marbl/canu) using the parameters genomeSize=2.1m and minReadLength=50019. Minimap (v 2.17) (https://github.com/isovic/racon) and Miniasm (v0.3) (https://github.com/lh3/miniasm) were used for the self-mapping of the raw reads and the concatenation of the alignments to get the de novo assembly, respectively20. Two rounds of error-correction of this draft assembly were carried out with Racon (v1.4.3) (https://github.com/isovic/racon) using raw reads21. The above assemblies were polished using the raw nanopore reads with Nanopolish (v0.11.1) (https://github.com/jts/nanopolish)22. We also carried out a guided genome assembly using reference genome N. gonorrhoeae FA 1090 (NCBI:txid485). The trimmed raw reads were aligned to the reference genome using the bwamem option from bwa (v0.7.12) (http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/)23. Samtools (v1.9) (http://www.htslib.org/) was used for deriving the bam alignment file and the consensus assembly (bcftools), after normalizing the indels and variant calling24. The options bcftools filter --IndelGap 5 and bcftools consensus -H ‘A’ were used for deriving the consensus assembly. Mummer (v3.9.4) (http://mummer.sourceforge.net/)25 and bedtools (v2.25.0) (https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)26 were used for calculating the correspondence of the assemblies with the reference genome, genome coverage and sequencing depth. The base positions with zero coverage were extracted using awk commands and bedtools maskfasta option was used to derive the draft genomes, missing nucleotides were marked in the assembly as N.
Genome annotation
The gene prediction and annotation were carried out using the RAST server (https://rast.nmpdr.org/) using the reference genome for guiding the gene prediction27.
Genome-based MLST analysis
Gene profiles for sequence typing of N. gonorrhoeae were downloaded from different databases like NGSTAR (N. gonorrhoeae Sequence Typing for Antimicrobial Resistance) (https://ngstar.canada.ca/)28, PubMLST (Public databases for multi-locus sequence-typing) (https://pubmlst.org/)29,30 and NGMAST (N. gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence typing) (http://www.ng-mast.net/)31. NGMAST uses two highly polymorphic loci, the outer-membrane porin (por) and transferrin binding protein β-subunit tbpB, for sequence typing. NGSTAR uses variants in seven antimicrobial resistance determinants (penA, mtrR, porB, ponA, gyrA, parC and 23S rRNA) to three classes of antibiotics (cephalosporins, macrolides and fluoroquinolones) and PubMLST uses seven housekeeping genes (abcZ, adk, aroE, fumC, gdh, pdhC, and pgm) for sequence typing. Profiles were created and blastn (E-value 10-7) from standalone BLAST+ (https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/)32 was used to assign the genes to the different alleles for MLST genes.
Identification of mutations causing AMR
Around 85 mutations in 14 genes reported to be involved in AMR were checked for in the sequenced strains, including promoter mutations resulting in overexpression of efflux proteins33. Additionally, we checked for the presence of four drug efflux pumps, two genes from conjugative plasmids and plasmid-mediated AMR determinants (Supplementary File). Mutations were manually screened for, in the protein sequences identified using the RAST server in all the genomes. Sequencing depth at the corresponding gene loci was calculated using a custom shell script. We compared our results with that of two publicly available databases for AMR, CARD database and PathogenWatch34,35. Resistance genes from plasmids were identified using blastn (E-value 10-7) against NCBI Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance Reference Gene Database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/PRJNA313047/)36.
Homology modelling
To understand the basis of antibiotic resistance, wild-type and mutant proteins implicated in AMR, were modelled using templates from other bacteria. Co-ordinates of heteroatoms like antibiotics and DNA are present in the templates used. Hence, the heteroatom modelling module from Modeller (v9.23)37 was used to build a multi-chain model with symmetry restraints. Clustal Omega (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalo/) was used for the alignment of query protein sequences with the template protein sequence, with manual correction of the alignment38. The residues in different chains were separated using ‘/’ and the symbol ‘.’ was used to indicate the ligand molecules, in the alignment.
Multiple-sequence alignment and phylogenetics
Phylogenetic tree analysis was carried out using 123 previously sequenced N. gonorrhoeae strains and 130 strains from different countries across the world, standard WHO strains and the reference genome. The genome analysis module from Bacterial Isolate Genome Sequence Database (BIGSdb) (https://pubmlst.org/software/database/bigsdb/) was used to generate neighbour net tree structure based on distance matrices30 using core genome alignments. Phylogenetic trees were derived using the Neighbour Joining (NJ) module using SplitsTree. The trees were annotated with details like WHO geographical region and antibiotic sensitivity using iTOL.
The workflow for reference-based assembly used in the study has been illustrated in Figure 1a, and the subsequent analysis workflow has been shown in Figure 1b. The workflow for the de novo assemblies has been shown in Supplementary Figure 1.
Overview of sequenced data
We obtained between 534-2387 Mb of reads from the MinION sequencing runs for each sample. The longest reads ranged from 156-406 kb with an average length of 1.5-2.7 kb (Table 1).
Genome assembly statistics and species identification
Overview of the mappability of the reads from different strains to the reference genome has been depicted in Supplementary Figure 2. Assemblies were compared and selected based on the following criteria: the lowest number of mismatches, misassemblies, contigs, and the highest fraction of genome coverage using QUAST39 (Supplementary Table 3a-c). The length of the assemblies and the number of CDS identified were fairly the same across different methods. No plasmid or transposon gene insertions were observed in the genomes assembled de novo and the reference-based assembly. The species of the de novo assembled genome was confirmed using the Ribosomal Multilocus Sequence Typing rMLST40 approach from BIGSdb, PubMLST to identify the causative organism and co-infections. The database uses 53 genes encoding the bacterial ribosome protein subunits (rps genes) for species assignment. We also used blastn with 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA as the queries for species confirmation. The reference-based assembly obtained from bwa-mem and the plasmid sequences assembled using Canu and Minimap were used for further analysis. The plasmid sequences were used for detecting the AMR determinants and no additional downstream analysis was performed on them.
Sequence-typing of the strains
The alleles used in sequence-typing (cgMLST, NGMAST and NGSTAR) were assigned to the genes from different strains, and we identified few novel alleles (Supplementary Tables 4a-c). The sequencing depth at each of these loci was found to be very high (>50-600) (Supplementary Table 4d). The novel allele sequences have been deposited in the corresponding databases.
Antibiotic resistance and mutations in AMR genes
The MIC results with six different antibiotics have been provided in Supplementary Table 5.
A dataset of around 89 AMR targets was identified using literature (Supplementary Table 6a). Out of these, 23mutations (in nine genes) were observed in the strains (Table 2). The sequencing depth of gyrA, parC, mtrR, ponA1, penA, porB, folP, rplD and rpsJ genes was high (Supplementary Table 4d and Supplementary Table 6b). Other databases used for AMR profiling identified only a fraction of the mutations we identified (Supplementary Table 6c).
We found six isolates carrying AMR mutations in penA C-terminal region (penicillin and cephalosporin resistance determinant) and four isolates with ponA1 (penicillin and cephalosporin resistance determinant), respectively. We found the resistance determinants for penicillin-like D345 insertion and F504L mutation in penA41, we did not observe the cephalosporin resistance determinants. Five isolates harboured gyrA resistance mutations, two of which also had a parC mutation; while one strain had a mutation in only the parC gene. These mutations, in the Quinolone Resistance Determining Region (QRDR) of both the proteins, have been shown to contribute to the high MICs for ciprofloxacin42. Interestingly, one of the GyrA mutation we observed, D95A/G, and the mutation E91G in ParC, have been reported to be specific to Kenyan isolates10. Specific mutations in porB1b (penB AMR determinant), implicated in decreased influx of antimicrobials through the porin PorB43,44, were identified in five of the nine isolates. All nine strains harboured the V57M mutations in RpsJ, which has been shown to contribute to tetracycline resistance and R228S mutation in FolP which results in sulfonamide resistance45. Three strains harboured mutations in rplD gene, which is implicated in azithromycin resistance. Plasmid-mediated AMR determinants (highlevel resistance to benzylpenicillin and tetracycline -pblaTEM and ptetM) were detected in all strains except one where we detected only the TetM-containing plasmid. We did not identify mef or erm containing conjugative plasmids/transposons which are reported to cause resistance to macrolides46 or resistance-conferring mutations for spectinomycin.
Understanding the basis of antibiotic resistance
We identified mutations in nine proteins associated with antibiotic resistance -GyrA, ParC, PonA1, RpsJ, PenA, PorB1b, FolP, RplD and MtrR. The mechanistic basis for resistance has been predicted for RpsJ (V57M) (tetracycline resistance), RplD (azithromycin resistance) and PenA mutations (Supplementary File). We investigated the basis of drug resistance for the protein mutations in GyrA, ParC, FolP, PonA1 and PorB1b (Supplementary File, Supplementary Figures 3a-c and 4a-c, template details in Supplementary Table 7) through homology modelling using templates with co-crystallized antibiotic structures. Models and alignments have been provided in Supplementary link.
S. aureus gyrase A and gyrase B dimer complexed with ciprofloxacin and DNA (PDB:2XCT)47 was taken as the template for modelling GyrA proteins from reference strain and strain 12 (F91 and G95). The substrates DNA and ciprofloxacin were retained in the modelled structure. The mutations S91F/Y and D95N/G/A have been reported to confer ciprofloxacin resistance. In the wild-type structure, the residue S91 formed polar contacts with the drug ciprofloxacin (Figure 2a,b). In the mutant, S91F, however, this contact was abolished (Figure 2c). We hypothesize that the mutation might result in the weakening of drug-protein interaction, thereby resulting in drug resistance.
ParC and ParE (DNA topoisomerase IV subunits A and B, respectively) are homologues of GyrA and GyrB48, 49. A. baumannii topoisomerase IV (ParE-ParC fusion truncate) cocrystallized with moxifloxacin and DNA (PDB id: 2XKK)50 was used as the template to model sequences from the reference strain and strain 12 (E91G). We observe that E91G mutation occurs close to S88, and these two residues are involved in a hydrogen bond network with the antibiotic, moxifloxacin (Figures 3a-c). E91 is also within 5Å of an Mg2+ ion which interacts with the antibiotic. In the case of the mutant, the hydrogen bonding network with the antibiotic is lost and the antibiotic interacts only with Mg2+. Thus, the interaction with moxifloxacin and other quinolones may be weakened in the case of the mutation.
FolP from Yersinia pestis crystallized with the substrate, 6-hydroxymethylpterin diphosphate and the sulfa drug, sulfamethoxazole (PDB id: 3TZF) was used as a template45 for modelling the wild-type and mutant FolP from the strain 3 (R228S mutation). Both R228 and S228 were seen to interact with the sulfa drug, the R228S mutation may interfere with the binding of the protein to the sulfa drug (Figures 4a-c).
Phylogenetic relationship with other N. gonorrhoeae genomes from Kenya, other WHO geographical regions and WHO strains
The phylogenetic trees with Kenyan strains sequenced in this study and previously sequenced isolates (Cehovin et al and Kivata et al) revealed the presence of three clusters10,17. This is consistent with the three Sequence Type (ST) clusters derived by Cehovin et al using star-burst phylogeny. Our sequences clustered with Cluster 3, which has sequences from different STs (Figure 5a). Using a larger set of sequences from across the world, we obtained five clusters, with sequences from different geographical regions, co-clustering (Figure 5b). This is in contrast with a previous study reporting that Kenyan sequences clustered separately from sequences derived from UK and USA. The metadata for the strains like geographical region and antibiotic resistance details have been indicated in the phylogenetic trees (details in Supplementary Table 8).
In the study, we present nine N. gonorrhoeae genomes sequenced using only the MinION sequencer to more than 98% coverage with high depth. The reference-based genome assembly obtained using bwa-mem was chosen for analysis, due to higher genome coverage and less number of indels and misassemblies compared to the reference genome. Although earlier studies have shown that bacterial MinION sequences show high mapping rates to the reference genome, with fewer indel rates, bwa-mem has found limited application with long error-prone reads51–54. We show that it is possible to obtain assemblies with good genome coverage for AMR determinant detection by using nanopore-only reads with a reference-based genome assembly, without depending on additional Illumina sequencing. Previous studies have obtained hybrid genome assembly for gonococcal isolates by combining short-read (Illumina) and long-read (ONT) sequence data11,13. This is another approach for genome assembly using MinION sequencing and, accordingly, an alternative to de novo assembly.
Databases like PubMLST, NGSTAR and PathogenWatch include profiles for resistance mediators like penA, mtrR, penB, ponA, 23S rDNA, gyrA, and tetM and do not include other determinants in their gonococcal AMR characterization module. We identified a set of AMR determinants from literature, including chromosomal gene mutations, promoter mutations, and the presence of plasmids with AMR genes. Plasmids containing genes encoding beta-lactamase and tetracycline resistance mediators (tet(M) and blaTEM) were identified in all but one strain (strain 12 contained only a TetM containing plasmid). This is consistent with a previous study that the plasmids are almost ubiquitous in Kenyan strains; thought to be because of the overuse of doxycycline for treating STIs17. Among the reported mutations, we observed S91F and D95Y in the QRDR (residues 55-110) of GyrA and E91G in the ParC QRDR (residues 66119). We also observed the silent mutations in Y104 and L131 reported for ParC12. Novel mutations, V68A in the QRDR region of ParC (strain 285), E79 insertion in FolP and G70Y in RplD were also observed.
Based on homology modelling using templates crystalized with antibiotics, we see that the mutations in GyrA disrupt the hydrogen bonding with ciprofloxacin, and mutations in ParC occur very close to Ser 88 which is involved in hydrogen bondingwith moxifloxacin. We also observe that mutations in FolP at the substrate-binding site could affect the interaction with the antibiotic, as the residue at R228 interacts with sulfonamide. Phylogenetic study with previously sequenced Kenyan strains clustered our strains in the previously described cluster 3. From phylogenetic analysis using sequences from different countries, we observed five major clusters, with most of the Kenyan sequences (including the sequences from this study) cluster together with strains from different geographical regions.
Using a literature mining approach, we show that it is possible to predict ciprofloxacin resistance using mutations in gyrA/parC in strains showing decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. However, these AMR-associated mutations can also occur in susceptible strains, and molecular tests using gene-based PCR or WGS can be used to complement culture-based antibiotic resistance testing. Culture-based testing can reflect mutations in unknown antibiotic targets, but cannot predict if a patient can develop resistance later on, based on pre-existing mutations.
In conclusion, in the first reference-based genome assembly for gonococci using MinION, we show that using this approach we can obtain near-complete genomes that were effectively used for AMR and phylogenetic analysis. We also show that currently available tools for AMR analysis of gonococci are not able to capture many mutations listed in the literature. We have also provided a dataset of around 95 existing mutations in different genes implicated in AMR, plasmids, and efflux pumps which can be used by researchers across the world. This list will be continuously updated to keep up with the identification of new AMR targets/mutations. Here we demonstrate the potential of using MinION in resource-limited settings where NGS facility is unavailable. This can also be used in settings with concerns about the export of samples/DNA for WGS to other countries.
Data Availability
The raw reads generated for this study have been deposited in BioProject Accession: PRJNA660404 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). The biosample details are available under the ids SAMN15960547, SAMN15960548, SAMN15960549, SAMN15960550, SAMN15960551, SAMN15960552, SAMN15960553, SAMN15960554, SAMN15960555. The genomes and annotation files are available under the bioproject.
Author contributions
MJ collected the isolates, carried out the characterization, culturing and sequencing. AS, TD, AP and RK planned and carried out the sequencing. MI conceived and performed the bioinformatics analysis, and wrote the manuscript with inputs from SK, MJ, MM and AS. RN, PM, MM, RC, JN and JG performed the experiments. SK, RS and OA provided intellectual support and valuable discussions. All authors listed have made a substantial contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests that could have influenced the work reported in this paper.
Ethics approval
The ethics approval for the study was obtained from the Kenyatta National Hospital University of Nairobi Ethics and Research Committee, Nairobi, Kenya, for the use of anonymized samples collected from female patients attending local Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) clinics.
This work was supported by the Indo Africa capacity component of the dengue sequencing to vaccine grant from Mr. Narayana Murthy (Infosys) and the NCBS core funds to SK. The authors would like to acknowledge KAVI-ICR for the initial funding for the project. We thank NCBS (TIFR) and KAVI-ICR for infrastructural and financial support.