Deep skin dysbiosis in vitiligo patients: link with mitochondrial and immune changes ==================================================================================== * Hanene Bzioueche * Kotryna Simonyté Sjödin * Christina E West * Abdallah Khemis * Stéphane Rocchi * Thierry Passeron * Meri K Tulic ## ABSTRACT **Rationale** Vitiligo is an autoimmune-disease characterized by patchy, white skin due to melanocyte loss. Commensal cutaneous or gut dysbiosis have been linked to various dermatological disorders. Here, we studied skin and gut microbiota of vitiligo patients compared to healthy controls. **Methods** We recruited 20 subjects and obtained swabs and biopsies from lesional and non-lesional skin, stool and blood from each individual (total 100 samples). **Results** We detected reduced richness and distribution of microbiota in stool of vitiligo subjects compared to controls (P<0.01). Skin swabs had greater alpha-diversity than skin biopsies (P<0.001), however only trends were seen between groups when examining microbiota at the skin surface. This was in contrast to sampling deeper layers of skin from the same patients which showed decreased richness and distribution of species (P<0.01) but greater phylogenetic diversity (P<0.01) in lesional compared to non-lesional sites. Biopsy microbiota from the lesional skin had distinct microbiota composition which was depleted of protective *Bifidobacterium* and enriched in *Terenicutes, Streptococcus, Mycoplasma* and mitochondrial DNA (P<0.001); the latter was linked with increased innate immunity and stress markers in the blood of the same patients (P<0.05). **Conclusion** These data describe vitiligo-specific cutaneous and gut microbiota and, for the first time in humans, a link between mitochondrial alteration, innate immunity and skin microbiota. Keywords * skin dysbiosis * microbiota * vitiligo * immunity * melanocytes ## INTRODUCTION Vitiligo is characterized by an acquired loss of melanocytes in the skin and sometimes in the hair follicles. It is now well demonstrated that CD8+ T cells attracted in the epidermis are responsible for the melanocytic loss. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identified over 50 vitiligo susceptibility loci involved in melanogenesis and immunity in vitiligo patients [1]. However, these genetic studies and a delay in vitiligo age-of-onset over the past 30 years emphasize the key role of environmental factors in triggering vitiligo [2]. We recently demonstrated that vitiligo patients have an increased number of natural killer (NK) and innate immune cells (ILC1) in their non-lesional skin and their blood, and that those innate cells have a greater response to stress, producing higher amount of IFNγ leading to the production of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 (CXCL9), CXCL10 and CXCL11 by both keratinocytes and melanocytes and to a CXCR3B-induced apoptosis in melanocytes [3]. We demonstrated that these early events which lead to CD8+ T cell-mediated adaptative response against melanocytes can be triggered by endogeneous or exogeneous stress, namely damage and pattern-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs and PAMPs, respectively). Bacteria are among the top producers of PAMPs and could participate in activation of the innate immune response in vitiligo. Interestingly, gut dysbiosis has been reported in several auto-immune disorders. Although less reported, skin dysbiosis is also observed in some dermatoses, such as acne, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis [4–6]. Most of these studies assessed the superficial microbiome using swabs. However, recent data emphasized the differences in the microbiome between the surface and the deeper part of the skin using biopsy samples [7,8]. Surprisingly, data on the microbiome in vitiligo patients remains sparse. To date, there exists only one study suggesting dysbiosis in vitiligo skin [9], however the authors only assessed the superficial skin microbiota using swabs and compared lesional to non-lesional vitiligo skin without including healthy controls. A more recent study in a mouse model of vitiligo has shown that antibiotic-induced depletion of *Bacteroides*-dominated population in the gut may induce depigmentation in the skin suggesting a possible link between gut and skin compartments [10]. In the present study, we compared for the first time, the microbiota of gut, superficial and deeper parts of lesional and non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients and compared these results to sample and site matched healthy controls. We found gut dysbiosis with a reduced *Bacteroides* population in vitiligo patients. We also report marked differences of the microbiota using swabs and skin biopsies. Finally, we report significant variation in microbiota diversity and quality in the deeper regions of lesional vitiligo skin and these changes to be associated with mitochondrial damage and changes in skin immunity. ## RESULTS ### Vitiligo disease is associated with lower α-diversity and increased Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes fraction in the gut First, we set out to examine if we could detect differences in microbial composition and diversity in the gut of patients with vitiligo skin disease (n=10) compared to healthy controls (n=10). Here we show lower gut microbial α-diversity in vitiligo patiens compared to healthy controls (for observed OTUs P=0.005; Shannon diversity index P=0.115; and Faith’s Phylogenetic Diversity H=5.851, P=0.006**)** (Figure 1A). β-diversity did not differ between the groups. We fousnd trends for higher bacterial relative abundance (RA) of *Firmicutes* (P=0.09) and lower *Bacteroidetes* (P=0.08) in the stools of vitiligo subjects compared to healthy controls (Figure 1B and Supplementary Table 1) which is likely to be a result of reduced *Bacteroides* (Figure 1C and Supplementary Table 2). The ratio between *Firmicutes* and *Bacteroidetes* (F/B) was 8.5±1.2 (mean±SEM) controls and 18.5±2.6 for vitiligo patients (P<0.01). ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Reduced α-diversity and increased Firmicutes/Bacteroides ratio in the gut microbiota of vitiligo subjects **(A)** Boxplots illustrating the comparison of different measures of **α**-diversity between healthy (n=10) and vitiligo (n=10) stool samples. **(B)** Bacterial composition and diversity expressed as a percentage of relative abundance between the two groups at the phylum and **(C)** genus levels. Individual subjects are shown as taxa bars (above) and grouped data as pie charts (below). A complete list of OTUs is shown in Supplementary Table 1 and Table 2. ### Significant microbial dissimilarity between swabs and biopsies To examine if there are differences in microbial composition and diversity in the skin of vitiligo patients compared to healthy skin, we studied microbiota extracted from paired skin swabs and skin biopsies from the same subject as well as collected samples from the patient’s lesional and non-lesional skin sites. We compared microbial communities α- and β-diversity between swab or biopsy samples from control, lesional (L) and non-lesional (NL) sites (n=30 swab and n=30 biopsy). Observed OTUs and Shannon diversity index were higher in swabs compared to biopsies (P<0.001 for both; Figure 2A), whereas Faith’s PD was higher in biopsies (P<0.001; Figure 2A), the latter suggesting higher phylogenetic richness in biopsies compared to swabs. These results suggest richness and distribution of bacteria (α-diversity) differs in relation to the sampling method. Furthermore, our results demonstrate distinct and significant differences in ß-diversity between biopsies and swabs (P<0.001, Figure 2B). We found higher *Bifidobacterium* (with *B. bifidum* and *B. longum*), *Escherichia-Shigella, Parabacteroides* and *Enterococcus* in biopsies compared to swabs, whereas *Staphylococcus, Paracoccus, Kocuria, Micrococcus* and *Anaerococcus* were more abundant in the skin swabs (p<0.05 for all comparisons; Figure 2C). In the swabs, *Staphylococcus* was the most abundant genus making up > 30% of all bacteria while in the biopsies, *Bifidobacterium* was the most common, making up almost 60% of the total bacterial load. Taken together, these results demonstrate a marked difference in the skin microbiome when analyzed using swab *versus* biopsy sampling and there are several bacterial genera that correlates strongly and significantly with the sample collection method or the depth of microbiota sampling. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Difference in bacterial diversity and bacterial composition between swabs and biopsies due to sampling method (**A)** Boxplots illustrating the comparison of different measures of α-diversity in paired samples of skin biopsies (n=30) and skin swabs (n=30). **(B)** PCoA plot representing β-diversity in biopsies (red circles) and swabs (blue circles) (p<0.001). (**C**) Demonstrates sampling-method related differential bacterial abundance where bacteria enriched at each site is denoted and given as a percentage of total genus. ### Depletion of Staphylococcus and enrichment of Proteobacteria in lesional swabs of vitiligo patients Swab samples from NL and L vitiligo skin had a significantly higher α-diversity compared to healthy control swabs (P<0.05) (Figure 3A). There was no difference in α-diversity between NL and L skin samples (Figure 3A). We found no significant differences in β-diversity between healthy, NL and L skin swab samples. We observed decreased *Firmicutes* in L compared to NL sites (p<0.01) (Figure 3B and Supplementary Table 3); most likely due to decreased *Staphylococcus* at this site (p<0.02) (Figure 3C and Supplementary Table 4). Examining the bacterial composition of swab microbiota at the genus level, we show that greater than half of taxonomic assignments on skin surface belong to 5 major genera: *Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Cutibacterium* (formerly *Propionibacterium*), *Kocuria* and *Paracoccus* (Figure 3C). We found a trend for lower *Cutibacterium* in L compared to NL swabs (p=0.057) (Figure 3C) which may have important implications in vitiligo as the loss of *Cutibacterium* diversity triggers activation of the innate immune system [11]. We have also seen trends for increased *Proteobacteria* (p=0.08) phylum in L compared to NL swabs (Figure 3B). As *Proteobacteria* contains many well-known human pathogens and is related with disbalance and inflammation [12], we investigated this phylum in more detail. We have shown a disease-dependent increase in presence of *Gammaproteobacteria*, that is relative abundance in L>NL>C swabs and disease-dependent decreased in *Alphaproteobacteria* (L