Which assessments are used to analyze active knee stability after an anterior cruciate ligament injury to determine readiness to return to sports? ================================================================================================================================================== * Blasimann Angela * Koenig Irene * Baert Isabel * Baur Heiner * Vissers Dirk ## Abstract **Background** Adequate neuromuscular control of the knee for active joint stability could be one element to prevent secondary injuries after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, either treated conservatively or surgically. However, it is unclear which measurements should be used to assess neuromuscular control of the knee for a safe return to sports (RTS). **Purpose** To summarize assessments for neuromuscular control of the knee in athletes after an ACL injury to decide upon readiness towards a successful return to sports (RTS). **Study design** Systematic review, level of evidence 4 **Methods** This systematic review followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting of Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) and has been listed in PROSPERO (CRD42019122188). The databases MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), SPORTDiscus and the Web of Science were searched from inception until March 2019. The search was updated with e-mail alerts from the searched databases until December 2019 and yielded to studies identifying assessments using electromyography (EMG) for neuromuscular control during dynamic activities in patients with an ACL rupture or repair. All included articles were assessed for risk of bias with a modified Downs and Black checklist. **Results** A total of 1178 records were identified through database search. After screening for title, abstract and content regarding in- and exclusion criteria, 31 articles could be included for analysis. Another six articles could be included from hand search of reference lists of the included articles, resulting in a total of 37 articles. Surface EMG was used in all studies as method to assess neuromuscular control. However, there was a wide range of tasks, interventions, muscles measured, and outcomes used. Risk of bias was medium to high due to an unclear description of participants and prior interventions, confounding factors and incompletely reported results. **Conclusions** Despite a wide range of EMG outcome measures for neuromuscular control, none was used to decide upon a safe RTS in adult patients after an ACL injury. **Clinical relevance** Future studies should aim at finding valid and reliable assessments for neuromuscular control to judge upon readiness towards RTS. **What is known about the subject** The recurrence rates even after successful surgery and subsequent rehabilitation in ACL patients are high (up to 30%), with a re-injury of the ipsilateral knee, an injury of the opposite leg, muscle injuries on the ipsilateral side or even bilateral consequences and an increased risk for knee osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the diagnostic outcomes used to determine RTS after an ACL tear are numerous. However, they are not always functional and do not sufficiently reflect neuromuscular control abilities of ACL patients. Currently, decisions regarding joint stability for RTS are based on subjective clinical assessments (passive joint stability) and physical test batteries (e.g. hop tests as surrogates for active joint stability). Additional knowledge regarding objective neuromuscular measures closes the gap between the two mentioned currently available evaluations. Up to date, it is unclear which measurements should be used to assess neuromuscular control of the knee for a safe RTS. **What this study adds to existing knowledge** Surface electromyography is the choice of method to assess neuromuscular control of the knee during active tasks in adult ACL patients. However, it remains unclear which outcome variables would be best to judge upon readiness towards RTS or which dynamic tasks should be used for RTS. Key words * anterior cruciate ligament * assessment * active knee stability * neuromuscular control * return to sports ## Introduction ACL injuries happen quite frequently and concern athletes (0.15 injuries per 1000 athletic exposures AEs) but also the active part of the general population.34,37 Most ACL injuries are due to a non-contact, multiplane mechanism32 and may lead to instability, secondary meniscal injury or even knee osteoarthritis in the long run.21 Consequently, this injury means several weeks or even months of physical impairment with wide consequences for the patients concerning return to work, return to activity or RTS. Furthermore, the overall incidence rate of a second ACL injury within 24 months after successful ACL reconstruction and RTS is reported to be 1.39 per 1000 AEs, leading to an almost six-fold increased risk compared to a healthy young control group (0.24/1000 AEs).64 Overall, the recurrence rates even after successful surgery and subsequent rehabilitation are high (29.5% or 1.82/1000 AEs), with an tear of the ACL graft (9.0%), an ACL injury of the opposite leg (20.5%), muscle injuries following ACL repair/rehabilitation on the ipsilateral side or even bilateral consequences and an increased risk for knee osteoarthritis.21,63,64 Therefore, not only primary but also secondary prevention strategies are warranted. Approximately 90% of patients with an ACL reconstruction achieve successful surgical outcomes (impairment-based measures of knee function) and 85% show successful outcome in terms of activity-based measures.5 Of these patients, more than 80% return to some form of sports participation, however, only 44% return to competition.5 More recently published systematic reviews found a range of RTS values between 63 and 97% for elite athletes with an ACL reconstruction.41,50 Of these athletes, more than 5% sustained a re-rupture of the graft41,96 in the ipsilateral knee. The risk for an ACL tear in the contralateral knee was as double as high (11.8%) five years or longer after an ACL reconstruction.96 It is known that returning to high-demanding sports, including jumping, pivoting and hard cutting, after ACL reconstruction leads to a more than 4-fold increase in reinjury rates over two years.24 Considering simple decision rules such as RTS not before nine months after reconstruction and achievement of symmetrical quadriceps strength was reported to substantially decrease reinjury rates.24 However, a recently published review did not find an association between current objective criteria based RTS decisions and risk of a second ACL injury44, but these findings were based on only four studies with low quality of evidence. Most elite athletes RTS on average within one year41 – this population seems to return earlier than non-elite athletes.5 However, it remains unclear, whether this approach is safe.41 In a systematic review7, time from surgery was the only criterion used to determine RTS after ACL reconstruction in a third of the studies, sometimes combined with subjective, non-measurable criteria. Objective criteria such as muscle strength, general knee examination or hop tests were applied in 13% of the reviewed studies.7 To measure functional performance after ACL reconstruction, mainly the single leg hop test for distance or a combination of several hop tests are used, and functional performance is expressed with the Lower Limb Symmetry Index (LSI).3,91 However, the LSI may overestimate the time point of RTS six months after ACL surgery, and therefore leads to an increased risk for secondary injury.95 Furthermore, often used clinical impairment assessments for disability53 do not appear to be related to measured physical performance47 and do not necessarily reflect readiness for RTS.48 This could be shown for isokinetic strength measures which “have not been validated as useful predictors of successful RTS”.89 In addition, no standardized isokinetic protocol assessing strength for patients after ACL reconstruction could be found.89 Moreover, no measure for assessing quality of functional performance after ACL reconstruction has been reported so far.19,91,92 Regarding the determination of RTS after ACL reconstruction, there is some evidence for the use of functional performance tests: Multiple functional performance measures – a battery including strength and hop tests, quality of movement and psychological tests92 - might be more useful for the determination of RTS than a single performance measure.4 However, it is still unclear, which measures should be used to bring athletes safely back to RTS with a low risk of a second ACL injury.92 Currently used RTS criteria may be suboptimal at reducing the risk of a second ACL injury.44 It is known that patients with ACL reconstruction show altered kinematics and kinetics27 - these changes are referred to neuromuscular adaptations due to altered sensorimotor control.25 These changes in sensorimotor control are caused by altered afferent inputs to the central nervous system due to the loss of the mechanoreceptors of the native (original) ACL.79,99 Furthermore, patients with a deficient ACL show different neuromuscular strategies during walking81, depending on the functional activity level and being copers (sufficient knee stability) or non-copers (suffering from giving-way episodes). Neuromuscular control is defined and used in different ways: Biomechanical measures such as three-dimensional kinetics and kinematics are used to predict ACL injury risk31 or physical performance test batteries (including strength tests, hop tests and measurement of quality of movement) are used to clear an athlete for RTS.92 So far, nonspecific vertical jump squats, single leg distance hops, side hops, the assessment of limb symmetry and muscle strength tests95 are often used in daily clinical practice to assess active knee stability. However, there is only limited evidence that passing RTS test batteries reduces the risk for a second ACL injury.94 Three-dimensional kinetics and kinematics provide some data to judge upon quality of active knee stability (“dynamic valgus”), however, give only little insight in neuromuscular control. In addition, the currently suggested RTS criteria do not seem to be adequate to assess neuromuscular control of the knee joint to judge upon a safe RTS or even competition. Consequently, meaningful, reliable, valid and accurate diagnostic tools for patients with an ACL injury (either treated surgically or conservatively) are needed and may aid clinical decision-making to optimize sports participation following ACL reconstruction.78 Objective measurements of neuromuscular control should include EMG of involved muscles to judge upon quantity, quality and timing of voluntary activation and reflex activity.15,88 So far, it is unclear which measurements for neuromuscular control are used in patients with an ACL injury to clear for RTS. Therefore, the first aim of this systematic review was to summarize the scientific literature regarding assessments for neuromuscular control in patients with an ACL injury (either treated surgically or conservatively). The second aim is to analyze whether these assessments for neuromuscular control were used to decide upon readiness for RTS in these patients. ## Methods ### Design, protocol and registration This systematic review was planned, conducted and analyzed according to the guidelines of Preferred Reporting of Items for Systematic Reviews and Metaanalyses (PRISMA)49 and followed the recommendations of Cochrane group.33 The protocol for this systematic review was registered beforehand in the International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) from the National Institute for Health Research NHI ([https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/index.php#index.php](https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/index.php#index.php)) and got the registration number CRD42019122188. The search protocol can be accessed via [https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=122188](https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=122188). ### Eligibility criteria To define the relevant key words for the literature search, the PICOS83 strategy was used as follows (Table1): View this table: [Table 1:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/T1) Table 1: Overview of PICOS83 criteria for key word definitions In addition, the following inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied: As inclusion criteria were used: Study participants have to be athletes or physically active people who participate in sports activities on a regular basis (as defined by each study, e.g. Tegner Activity Score87 (TAS) ≥ 3) to get data to decide upon RTS (synonyms: back to sports, back to competition, return to competition, sports participation, sports activities, or in German: “Sportfähigkeit”), assessments for neuromuscular control of lower limb muscles using EMG as method, original articles published in peer-reviewed, scientific journals, available as full texts, written in English, German, French, Italian or Dutch without any restriction regarding publication date or year could be included. Exclusion criteria were studies with model-driven approaches, animals, cadavers, comparisons of surgical techniques, passive or non-functional tasks (such as isokinetic measurements for strength and isometric muscle activity), editorials, conference abstracts, book chapters, theses, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. ### Information sources The search was effectuated in the electronic databases MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), SPORTDiscus and in the Web of Science. Furthermore, a hand search was done using the reference lists of included articles to identify additional and potentially eligible articles that had been missed in the electronic database search. To ensure new articles matching the search terms, e-mail alerts were established from each of the databases if possible.73 The hits from these two additional sources were also screened for eligibility applying the same criteria as for the articles from the database search. ### Search The search was executed based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria in all of the seven electronic sources mentioned above from inception until March 15th, 2019. In all sources, the advanced search mode was used if available. Where applicable, the same search matrix combining relevant search (if possible, MeSH-) terms with the Boolean operators AND and OR. The following search strategy was applied for PubMed and customized for searches in the six other databases: ((anterior cruciate ligament [Mesh] OR anterior cranial cruciate ligament OR ACL) AND (anterior cruciate ligament injuries[Mesh] OR strains and sprains[Mesh] OR rupture OR tear OR injury OR deficiency) AND (anterior ligament reconstruction[Mesh] OR anterior cruciate ligament/surgery[Mesh] OR reconstructive surgical procedures[Mesh] OR orthopedic procedure OR orthopaedic procedure OR tendon graft or tendon transfer OR conservative treatment OR non-surgical OR rehabilitation[Mesh] OR physical therapy modalities[Mesh] OR physiotherapy OR kinesiotherapy OR exercise[Mesh] OR instruction OR resistance training[Mesh] OR neuromuscular training OR postoperative care[Mesh]) AND (neuromuscular control OR neuromuscular activity OR sensorimotor control OR muscle activity OR active stability) AND (electromyography[Mesh] OR EMG OR electromyogram OR amplitude OR timing OR mean activity OR peak activity R duration of activity OR onset OR offset OR on-off-pattern OR pre-activity OR latency OR reflex response)). ### Study selection All hits obtained by the database searches were downloaded to the Rayyan reference management platform (rayyan.qcri.org). Prior to screening, duplicates were removed. Parallel to these steps, the obtained hits were also inserted into EndNote (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, USA) and duplicates removed. Two authors (AB and IK) screened title and abstract of the records, one by using the software EndNote (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, USA) and the other one with the help of the free software “rayyan”.61 If in- or exclusion of the record was unclear, the full text was read, and in-/exclusion criteria were applied. Two authors (IK, AB) independently decided upon in- or exclusion of all studies; if their decisions did not match, discussion took place until consensus was achieved. If consensus would not have been achieved, a third author (IB or HB) would have finally decided upon in- or exclusion of the record in question; however, this was not necessary. ### Risk of bias across studies The risk of bias of all the included articles was independently assessed by two raters (AB, IK) by using the Downs and Black checklist20 in a former used, modified form.62,73 For this systematic review, studies with a total score of 17 or above out of 25 (more than 2/3 of the maximum total score) were considered as being of high methodological quality, low risk of bias respectively.73 Studies which reached 13 to 16 points (more than 50% of the maximum total score) were rated as being of medium quality, and total scores below 13 were rated as being of low methodological quality, high risk of bias respectively. As the aim of this systematic review was to summarize the applied measures for neuromuscular control, the methodological quality of the included studies was of secondary interest. Therefore, no study was excluded due to a low total score in the risk of bias assessment. ### Data collection process After final decision of all studies, data extraction for each eligible study was performed by the first author (AB) with predefined Microsoft® Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond WA, USA) spreadsheet. As all included studies were available as full texts and the provided data were enough for the systematic review, no authors had to be contacted in order to obtain or confirm data. The first author (AB) extracted necessary information from each article describing the study design, groups measured and their characteristics, the tasks to be fulfilled by all participants, and all assessments or methods used to evaluate neuromuscular control. Furthermore, the use of the chosen assessment for neuromuscular control was judged whether it was used as tool to clear the participants for RTS. The second author (IK) controlled the extracted data at random. ## Results Initially, a total of 1178 records were identified through database search. After deduplication, 946 remaining articles were screened for title and abstract. Fifty-eight articles were fully read and assessed for eligibility. From the database search, a total of 31 articles, mainly cross-sectional, case-controlled studies, were included for qualitative analysis. Furthermore, a hand search in the reference lists of included articles yielded to another six hits which could be included. E-mail alerts provided five articles, however, none of them met the inclusion criteria. Reasons for exclusion were participants younger than 18 years, not able to achieve RTS, time since injury or surgery less than 6 months, static or non-functional task, study design (e.g.systematic review, study protocol), unclear or inadequate outcome, healthy participants or without ACL injury. Details about every step of the search are illustrated in the following flowchart (Fig.1). ![Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/F1) Figure 1: Flowchart of literature search according to PRISMA guidelines49 ### Risk of bias assessment Risk of bias of approximately half (18 studies, 48.6%) of the included studies was medium1,2,6,12,15,17,18,36,43,57,58,65,67,68,75,76,77,84, six (16.2%) showed high methodological quality10,42,45,54,55,56 and 13 studies (35.1%) were of low quality9,13,23,28,38,39,40,46,59,60,66,85,98 (Table 2). The main reasons for a medium to low methodological quality were due to an unclear description of participants and prior interventions, confounding factors, and incompletely reported results. View this table: [Table 2:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/T2) Table 2: Risk of Bias assessment with the adapted Downs & Black checklist20,62,73 ### Characteristics of included studies All included studies were case-control studies, except two which where case series55 or a single-case study.98 Two reported a retrospective or secondary data analysis42,56 or provided a subgroup analysis from a larger trial.59,60,65,66,75,76,77 Thirty-four studies compared the ACL participants with at least one control group (other ACL treatment, e.g. surgical versus conservative, or healthy controls), the remaining three studies made a comparison between the injured and the non-injured leg of the participants57,67 or compared the pre-injury status with follow-up data from pre- and post-surgery.98 The number of included, adult participants with ACL injury varied from N = 198 to a maximum of N = 7039 with a wide range of described physical activity from “normal”13, “regular”46, “active in at least one sport”38, TAS of minimal 384, minimal 2h/week1,2 to athletes at level I sports including jumping, pivoting and hard cutting9,23,57, elite soccer players6,17,66.98 or elite skiers.36 Some authors restricted study participation to either males1,2,12,13,17,18,28,65,66,67,68 or females10,46,59,60,84,85,98, others measured females and males.6,9,15,23,36,38,39,42,43,54,55,56,75,76,77 Three studies did not provide any data about the gender of their participants.40,45,57More patient characteristics of included studies can be found in table 3. View this table: [Table 3:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/T3) Table 3: Participants’ characteristics of included studies All included studies used surface EMG as method to assess neuromuscular control and provided EMG-related variables such as peak and mean amplitudes, timing and peak of muscle activity, preparatory and reactive muscle activity, on- and offset of muscular activation, co-activation/co-contraction ratios, asymmetry index. The outcome variables were expressed as percentage of maximum voluntary (isometric) contraction (%MVIC or %MVC) or reported in microvolts or milliseconds according to the variable chosen in amplitude or time domain. The outcome variables were expressed as percentage of maximum voluntary (isometric) contraction (%MVIC or %MVC) or reported in microvolts, milliseconds according to the variable chosen. The number of muscles assessed ranged from one38,65 to ten.23 Mainly muscle activity of four muscles of the thigh, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris and semitendinosus, had been assessed. However, there were also studies measuring the adductor longus18,39, gluteus medius18,59,60, gluteus maximus23,42,43,5,55,56,59,60, and calf muscles such as soleus, medial and lateral gastrocnemius.23,28,40,54,55,56,75,76,77 The tasks used were very broad: there were activities of daily life such as walking on even ground and downhill2,9,13,39,40,45,76,85, and stair climbing.15,75 Other activities went more towards sports such as running28,65,66,67,85 and jumping10,12,18, 23, 36,38,42,43,54,55,56,57,59,60,75,84,85 where mainly the single-leg jump for distance, drop jumps and countermovement jumps were used. Some authors chose typical rehabilitation exercises such as forward lunges1, Nordic hamstrings or hamstrings curls6 and squats.46 At the other end of the scale, more complex, highly demanding, sport-specific tasks such as an instep soccer kick17 or a side cutting maneuver98 were reported. Only few research groups used perturbation platforms to simulate injury mechanisms during walking45 or squatting46,68, or applied devices to stress the ACL in the posterior-anterior direction.84 In addition, two studies even investigated the influence of fatigue on neuromuscular control.42,43 Details regarding methodological aspects of all included studies can be found in table 4 below. View this table: [Table 4:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/03/08/2020.03.05.20031617/T4) Table 4: Characteristics of methods of included studies ### Decision for Return to Sports RTS None of the included studies used the surface EMG measurements to decide upon readiness for RTS (Table 4). However, the results from about a third of the studies (32.4%, 12 studies) could provide useful information by the choice of the assessed groups such as copers versus non-copers1,2,9,75,76,77, intervention and control group from the same team or level/league6,17, 36, data from pre-injury/pre-surgery including post-surgical follow up39,98 or participants with full RTS versus limited RTS.45 In addition, two studies even investigated the influence of fatigue on neuromuscular control.42,43 ## Discussion The aim of this systematic review was to summarize the scientific literature regarding assessments for neuromuscular control in patients with an ACL injury (either treated surgically or conservatively). The second aim was to analyze whether these assessments for neuromuscular control were used to decide upon readiness for RTS in these patients. There were a lot of factors in the study population which could have an influence on neuromuscular control: ### Influence by type of comparison (intra-versus inter-subject) The use of the contralateral, non-injured leg in intra-subject comparison, without a “real” control group57,67 may lead to an overestimation of the neuromuscular performance in the ACL-reconstructed or -injured leg. After ACL reconstruction, functional performance is often expressed with the Lower Limb Symmetry Index (LSI).3,91 However, the LSI may overestimate the time point of RTS ACL surgery, and therefore lead to an increased risk for secondary injury.95 In acutely injured ACL patients, intra-individual comparison showed bilateral consequences during stair ascent and indicates an alteration in the motor program (‘‘pre-programmed activity’’).16 In addition, in case of a case-controlled study design, the subjects in the control group should be matched to the ACL participants regarding age, body mass, height, activity level and leg dominance. ### Influence by level of activity and fatigue Some of the included studies used very challenging, sports-specific task to assess neuromuscular control, some even assessed neuromuscular control after fatiguing tasks. It is known that most of ACL tears are non-contact injuries happening at the end of a training session or a play.11,72 Therefore, the closer the task to the sports and injury-risky situation, the safer the decision towards full RTS or even return to competition will be. However, assessing performance-based tests or movement quality may be more difficult to standardize, require more complex equipment and large amounts of space.29 But if only impairments will be tested, there will be a lack of information regarding an “athlete’s capacity to cope with the physical and mental demands of playing sport”.14 Furthermore, impairment measures are also poorly related to participation.74 It is therefore recommended to search for a standardized assessment close to the injury mechanism. ### Influence by sex Not all included studies reported findings of mixed groups separately by gender. Some did not even state the sex of the participants. This could partly be explained by the date of publication as gender difference in ACL patients has not been in the focus of research 20 years before. But nowadays, a lot of facts concerning females are known: Female athletes are more likely to suffer from an ACL injury93 than men: their increased risk is probably multifactorial. However, several studies indicate that hormonal factors play a role8,32,71,80,97 contributing to an increased laxity of ligaments in the first half of the menstrual cycle. The higher risk for females to suffer from an ACL injury can be explained by motion and loading of the knee joint during performance.31 The ligament dominance theory says that female athletes typically perform movements in sports with a greater knee valgus angle than men. Therefore, the amount of stress on the ACL in these situations is higher because there is a high activation of the quadriceps despite limited knee and hip flexion, greater hip adduction and a large knee adduction moment.69,70 Moreover, females typically land with an internally or externally rotated tibia52, leading to an increased knee valgus stress due to greater and more laterally orientated ground reaction forces.82 A systematic review and meta-analysis86 reported equal results in women and men for outcomes such as anterior drawer, Pivot-Shift and Lachman test, hop tests, quadriceps or hamstring testing, International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) knee examination score and loss of range of motion. However, female patients showed inferior, statistically significant subjective and functional outcomes such as laxity, revision rate, Lysholm score, TAS and incidence of not returning to sports. ### Influence by treatment The included studies reported different treatment options (surgical reconstruction with different graft types, conservative treatment). Depending on the classification of the participants in copers and non-copers, the results in neuromuscular control may differ from a population of ACL-reconstructed (ACL-R) participants. Therefore, all researchers who worked with copers and non-copers made intra- and inter-group comparisons without an ACL-R group. A Cochrane review revealed low evidence for no difference in young, active adults after two and five years after the injury, assessed with patient-reported outcomes. However, many participants with conservative treatments remain symptomatic (non-copers with unstable knee) and therefore, later opt for ACL surgery.51 Furthermore, the choice of graft would influence the neuromuscular control of measured muscles due to the morbidity of the harvesting site of the graft (hamstrings e.g.). ### EMG variables The provided EMG-related variables were in accordance to the ones mentioned in a systematic review searching for knee muscle activity in ACL-deficient (ACLD) patients and healthy controls during gait.81 Another study summarized and quantitatively analyzed muscle onset activity prior to landing in patients after ACL injury88 and provided values in milliseconds and in percentage of gait cycle as some of the included studies did. However, some of the researchers only provided integrated EMG values which would make it difficult to be compared to other studies using the respective units (milliseconds, millivolts) or widely used percentage values (%MVIC, %MVC). If the researchers mentioned the procedures for collecting EMG data, they referred to standardized applications and guidelines such as SENIAM.30 ### Return to sports (RTS) Regarding the determination of RTS after ACL reconstruction, there is some evidence for the use of functional performance tests, which had also been widely used in the included studies. Multiple functional performance measures – a battery including strength and hop tests, quality of movement and psychological tests92 - might be more useful for the determination of RTS than a single performance measure.4 However, it is still unclear, which measures should be used to bring athletes safely back to RTS with a low risk of a second ACL injury.92 Currently used RTS criteria may be suboptimal at reducing the risk of a second ACL injury.44 A recently published scoping review14 reported the following RTS criteria: time, strength tests, hop tests, patient-reports, clinical examination, thigh circumference, ligamentous stability, range of motion, effusion and performance-based criteria. Recovery of neuromuscular function was mentioned to be important because of the existing connection between the variables time since surgery and the risk for re-injury of the knee joint but adequate assessment procedures to assess neuromuscular function are still a matter of debate.24 ### Limitations The sample size of all the studies was quite low, however providing reasonable sample size calculations and depending on the variable investigated, the results were acceptable. Furthermore, the more restrictive the inclusion criteria for the participants, the more homogeneous the intervention and the control groups were, but the more challenging the recruitment process was, leading to smaller groups to be investigated. The used assessment for the risk of bias, the Downs and Black checklist20 (in a former used, modified form62,73 is designed for randomized and non-randomized controlled studies, however, the latter score lower in some items, get lower total scores and therefore a worse overall rating of the methodological quality. Despite this disadvantage, we decided to use the modified checklist as we could assess all the study designs included in the presented systematic review. ## Conclusions Despite a wide range of assessments for neuromuscular control, none was used to decide upon a safe RTS. Additional studies are needed to define readiness towards RTS by assessing neuromuscular control in adult ACL patients. Clinicians should be aware of LSI problems (non-injured side is affected, probably not a good reference, pre-surgery/-injury scores would be perfect but not realistic in recreational athletes, probably in professional sports) and that physical performance batteries do not reflect neuromuscular control needed for a safe RTS. More research is needed to find a reliable and valid, EMG-related variable to assess neuromuscular control in a standardized situation, close to the injury mechanism and as sport-specific as possible. ## Data Availability All data referred to in the manuscript are available from the first author upon request. ## Conflict of interest All authors declare to have no conflict of interest. ## Acknowledgements We would like to thank the librarians of the Bern University, Department for Health Professions, and of the University of Bern (Institute for Sports Science), Mariyam Akter for her help to find relevant key words and Aglaja Busch for her help in refining the search strategy. For this systematic review, the Bern University of Applied Science provided working hours for AB. * Received March 5, 2020. * Revision received March 5, 2020. * Accepted March 8, 2020. * © 2020, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) ## References 1. 1.Alkjaer T, Simonsen EB, Peter Magnusson SP, Aagaard H, Dyhre-Poulsen P. Differences in the movement pattern of a forward lunge in two types of anterior cruciate ligament deficient patients: copers and non-copers. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2002 Oct;17(8):586–93. 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