Tryptophan metabolism, gut microbiota, and carotid artery plaque in women with and without HIV infection
Kai Luo, Zheng Wang, Brandilyn A Peters, David B Hanna, Tao Wang, Christopher C Sollecito, Evan Grassi, Fanua Wiek, Lauren St Peter, Mykhaylo Usyk, Wendy S Post, Alan L Landay, Howard N Hodis, Kathleen M Weber, Audrey French, Elizabeth T Golub, Jason Lazar, Deborah Gustafson, Anjali Sharma, Kathryn Anastos, Clary B Clish, Rob Knight, Robert C Kaplan, Robert D Burk, Qibin Qi
medRxiv 2022.12.27.22283960; doi: