Online ISSN : 1884-8729
Print ISSN : 0021-1699
ISSN-L : 0021-1699
青木 誠
ジャーナル フリー

2001 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 111-114


There are about 50 university and teaching hospitals that have a department of general medicine in Japan. Department of general medicine has been developed for covering gap between disease organ-oriented medical specialties and complicated human beings with various sense of value. The general medicine section in the National Hospitals was developed in mid 1980's, but number of general medicine section was not increased recently. In the 20th century, not only medicine but also study in many fields has been highly specialized. As a counterbalance of the specialization, integration and/or broad view of the system are necessary to prevent wisdom from falling apart. For this reason, the general medicine and primary care departments have been developed in the U.S. with new methodology of clinical epidemiology, medical ethics, evidence-based medicine and etc. In Japan, activity of the department of general medicine depends on what the leader of the hospital and/or section chief think medical system should be, therefore, the way general medicine section works may varies in every hospital. The first department of general medicine of a large teaching hospital was established in 1980 with a philosophy of “medical practice should be for problem solving of patients, should not be based on specialty of doctors”. In this issue of Iryo, the role of general medicine focused on clinical medicine and postgraduate medical education was dicussed by stuff physicians of general medicine section in the 3 national hospitals. In medical practice, general medicine section not only works as gate-keeper also deals with common diseases that need continuous care, and plays an essential role for postgraduate medical education. Development of information technology enables us to practice evidence-based medicine using updated clinical guidelines and enormous amount of knowledge. To apply best evidence to a patient, we need to get information from the patient by physical examination and communication, and judge the information from the viewpoint of holistic medical care, These knowledge and skills may be special in the general medicine. The range of general medicine patients may be clarified by the clinical guidelines. The National Hospitals seem to be a suitable place to examine how general medicine works in cooperation with specialists.

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