PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Carazo, Sara AU - Skowronski, Danuta M. AU - Brisson, Marc AU - Barkati, Sapha AU - Sauvageau, Chantal AU - Brousseau, Nicholas AU - Gilca, Rodica AU - Fafard, Judith AU - Talbot, Denis AU - Ouakki, Manale AU - Gilca, Vladimir AU - Carignan, Alex AU - Deceuninck, Geneviève AU - De Wals, Philippe AU - De Serres, Gaston TI - Protection against Omicron BA.2 reinfection conferred by primary Omicron or pre-Omicron infection with and without mRNA vaccination AID - 10.1101/2022.06.23.22276824 DP - 2022 Jan 01 TA - medRxiv PG - 2022.06.23.22276824 4099 - 4100 - AB - Background We estimated the protection against the Omicron BA.2 variant associated with prior primary infection (PI) due to pre-Omicron or Omicron BA.1 virus, with and without mRNA vaccination.Methods A test-negative case-control study was conducted among healthcare workers (HCWs) tested for SARS-CoV-2 in Quebec, Canada, between March 27 and June 4, 2022, when BA.2 predominated and was presumptively diagnosed. Logistic regression models compared the likelihood of BA.2 reinfection (second positive test ≥30 days after PI) among HCWs with history of PI and none to three doses of mRNA vaccine versus infection-naïve, unvaccinated HCWs.Findings Among 37,732 presumed BA.2 cases, 2,521 (6.7%) and 659 (1.7%) were reinfections following pre-Omicron or BA.1 PI, respectively. Among 73,507 controls, 7,360 (10.0%) and 12,315 (16.8%) had a pre-Omicron or BA.1 PI, respectively. Pre-Omicron PI was associated with 38% (95%CI:19-53) reduction in BA.2 infection risk, with higher BA.2 protection among those also vaccinated with one (56%), two (69%) or three (70%) vaccine doses. Omicron BA.1 PI was associated with greater protection against BA.2 (72%; 95%CI:65-78), higher among two-dose vaccinated at 96% (95%CI:95-96) but not improved with a third dose (96%; 95%CI:95-97). Hybrid Omicron BA.1 PI plus two or three dose vaccine-induced protection persisted for five months post-infection.Interpretation Twice-vaccinated individuals who experienced BA.1 infection were subsequently well-protected for a prolonged period against BA.2 reinfection and derived no meaningful added benefit against BA.2 from a third dose of mRNA vaccine.Competing Interest StatementSC, MO and GDS reports that the Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec gave financial support to their institution for this work during the conduct of the study. GDS received a grant from Pfizer for a Meningococcal B antibody seroprevalence study unrelated to the current work. RG reports personal fees from Abbie honorary for a conference on Respiratory Syncytial Virus burden in children unrelated to the current work. DT is supported by a research career award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé. JF reports grants from Ministry of health of Quebec for sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 positive samples and grants from Cancogen (Génome Canada) for sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 positive samples unrelated to the current work; and she is chair of the provincial genomic surveillance committee of SARS-CoV-2 (INSPQ, Québec). DMS reports grants paid to her institution and unrelated to current work from Public Health Agency of Canada, from Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, from Canadian Institutes of Health Research and from BCCDC Foundation for Public Health. Others authors have nothing to disclosure.Funding StatementThis work was supported by the Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:This study was conducted under the legal mandate of the National Director of Public Health of Quebec under the Public Health Act, granting a participant consent waiver. It was also approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec-Université Laval.I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesThe databases used in this study are a property of the Mininstry of Health of Quebec and were shared with the researchers under the legal mandate of the National Director of Public Health of Quebec under the Public Health Act, preventing data sharing with a third party. Aggregate data are available within the manuscript and the supplementary material.