PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sousa, Tatiane C M AU - Moreira, Natália P AU - Krieger, Jose E. AU - Rosa, Isabel S C AU - Zamudio, Marcela M. AU - Veras, Maria Amélia S M AU - Kemp, Brigina AU - Barberia, Lorena G. TI - Using RT-PCR Testing to Assess the Effectiveness of Outbreak Control Efforts in São Paulo State, the Pandemic’s Epicenter in Brazil, according to Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities AID - 10.1101/2020.10.29.20221960 DP - 2020 Jan 01 TA - medRxiv PG - 2020.10.29.20221960 4099 - 4100 - AB - Background The testing of infected persons with SARS-CoV-2 is one of the cornerstones of an effective strategy deployed for pandemic control. The public health diagnostic effort is particularly important in regions with a critical transmission scenario and in vulnerable populations in these districts, such as São Paulo state, the Brazilian epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods We developed an RT-PCR testing intensity effort index (RT-PCR TIEI) composed of seven indicators to assess the survelliance efforts in the São Paulo State. We used dynamic time-series cross-sectional models to analyze the association between the RT-PCR TIEI, the population living under high socioeconomic vulnerability levels, dependent on public health service (SUS), per capita income, and population density.Results On average, the RT-PCR TIEI score was 21.07. In the long-run, the RT-PCR TIEI is negatively associated with socioeconomic vulnerability (p-value=0.000, 95% CI −0.887, - 0.811), with a higher proportion of the population dependent on SUS (p-value= 0.000, 95% CI −0.871, −0.805), per capita income (p-value= 0.000, 95% CI −0.849,-0.792) and with population density (p-value=0.000, 95% CI −0.853; −0.801).Conclusion Testing efforts declined as the pandemic advanced, and the the lowest RT-PCR TIEI values were found in the most socioeconomic vulnerable RHDs. Local public laboratory presence was a predictor of a higher score. Thus, the low testing RT-PCR efforts and local laboratory inequalities affected surveillance capability, especially for socioeconomic vulnerable populations.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.Funding StatementResearch fellowships were provided by the Institutos Betty e Jacob Lafer, Tide Setubal, and Cebrap. N.M. received a research grant from the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) - (2016/13199-8).Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Since all data used in this manuscript are provided by open access source the IRB and/or ethics committee approvals is not applicable.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesAll data referred to in the manuscript are provided by open access platforms. The source of all data used in our manuscript are presented below: Sao Paulo. Sistema de Monitoramento Inteligente - SIMI-SP [Internet]. Available: Sao Paulo State. Plano Sao Paulo [Internet]. Available: SEADE. Sistema de projecoes populacionais para os municipios do estado de Sao Paulo. [Internet]. Available: Sao Paulo State. Indice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social [Internet]. Available: Sao Paulo State. Estimativa da populacao SUS dependente (com base na saude suplementar). [Internet]. Available: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE). Census 2010 [Internet]. Available: