The best COVID-19 predictor is recent smell loss: a cross-sectional study ========================================================================= * Richard C. Gerkin * Kathrin Ohla * Maria G. Veldhuizen * Paule V. Joseph * Christine E. Kelly * Alyssa J. Bakke * Kimberley E. Steele * Michael C. Farruggia * Robert Pellegrino * Marta Y. Pepino * Cédric Bouysset * Graciela M. Soler * Veronica Pereda-Loth * Michele Dibattista * Keiland W. Cooper * Ilja Croijmans * Antonella Di Pizio * M. Hakan Ozdener * Alexander W. Fjaeldstad * Cailu Lin * Mari A. Sandell * Preet B. Singh * V. Evelyn Brindha * Shannon B. Olsson * Luis R. Saraiva * Gaurav Ahuja * Mohammed K. Alwashahi * Surabhi Bhutani * Anna D’Errico * Marco A. Fornazieri * Jérôme Golebiowski * Liang-Dar Hwang * Lina Öztürk * Eugeni Roura * Sara Spinelli * Katherine L. Whitcroft * Farhoud Faraji * Florian Ph.S Fischmeister * Thomas Heinbockel * Julien W. Hsieh * Caroline Huart * Iordanis Konstantinidis * Anna Menini * Gabriella Morini * Jonas K. Olofsson * Carl M. Philpott * Denis Pierron * Vonnie D.C. Shields * Vera V. Voznessenskaya * Javier Albayay * Aytug Altundag * Moustafa Bensafi * María Adelaida Bock * Orietta Calcinoni * William Fredborg * Christophe Laudamiel * Juyun Lim * Johan N. Lundström * Alberto Macchi * Pablo Meyer * Shima T. Moein * Enrique Santamaría * Debarka Sengupta * Paloma Rohlfs Dominguez * Hüseyin Yanik * GCCR Group Author * Thomas Hummel * John E. Hayes * Danielle R. Reed * Masha Y. Niv * Steven D. Munger * Valentina Parma * Non-byline authors (to be listed as collaborators in PubMed under the GCCR Group Author) ## Abstract **Background** COVID-19 has heterogeneous manifestations, though one of the most common symptoms is a sudden loss of smell (anosmia or hyposmia). We investigated whether olfactory loss is a reliable predictor of COVID-19. **Methods** This preregistered, cross-sectional study used a crowdsourced questionnaire in 23 languages to assess symptoms in individuals self-reporting recent respiratory illness. We quantified changes in chemosensory abilities during the course of the respiratory illness using 0-100 visual analog scales (VAS) for participants reporting a positive (C19+; n=4148) or negative (C19-; n=546) COVID-19 laboratory test outcome. Logistic regression models identified singular and cumulative predictors of COVID-19 status and post-COVID-19 olfactory recovery. **Results** Both C19+ and C19-groups exhibited smell loss, but it was significantly larger in C19+ participants (mean±SD, C19+: -82.5±27.2 points; C19-: -59.8±37.7). Smell loss during illness was the best predictor of COVID-19 in both single and cumulative feature models (ROC AUC=0.72), with additional features providing negligible model improvement. VAS ratings of smell loss were more predictive than binary chemosensory yes/no-questions or other cardinal symptoms, such as fever or cough. Olfactory recovery within 40 days was reported for ∼50% of participants and was best predicted by time since illness onset. **Conclusions** As smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19, we developed the ODoR-19 tool, a 0-10 scale to screen for recent olfactory loss. Numeric ratings ≤2 indicate high odds of symptomatic COVID-19 (40.1 is considered a meaningful association. Features in red are positively associated with C19+ (odds ratio > 1); features in blue are negatively associated with C19+ (odds ratio < 1). (**B**) Logistic regression is used to predict COVID-19 status from individual features. Top-10 single features are ranked by performance (cross-validated area under the ROC curve, AUC). Chemosensory-related features (bold) show greater predictive accuracy than non-chemosensory features (non-bold). Responses provided on the numeric scale (italic) were more informative than binary responses (non-italic). Red arrows indicate differences in prediction quality (in AUC) between features. (**C**) Adding features to “Smell During Illness” results in little improvement to the model; only **D**ays Since **O**nset of Respiratory **S**ymptoms (DOS) yields meaningful improvement. (**D**) ROC curves for several models. A model using “Smell during illness” (Smell Only, abbreviated “Smell” in figure) is compared against models containing this feature along with DOS, as well as models including the three cardinal CDC features (fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing). “Full” indicates a regularized model fit using 70 dozen survey features, which achieves prediction accuracy similar to the parsimonious model “Smell Only+DOS”. Next, we examined which simple multi-feature model would best predict COVID-19 status. As some questions have highly correlated responses, the question most complementary to “Smell during illness” is unlikely to be one that carries redundant information. Adding “Days since onset of respiratory symptoms” (DOS) to “Smell during illness” (Smell Only) produced the largest incremental gain in predictive performance (AUC=0.72, +0.01 versus the Smell Only model) (**Figure 3C**). We directly compared the Smell Only+DOS model to other candidate models. The Smell Only+DOS model (**Figure 3D**) yielded an equal or higher AUC than the model including the three cardinal CDC symptoms (AUC=0.55) or the full model using 70 features (AUC=0.72). Because the Smell Only+DOS model exhibits the same AUC as the full model it strikes a good balance between model parsimony and predictive accuracy for C19+. However, the Smell Only model also offers reasonable sensitivity of 0.85 (at specificity=0.51, cutoff=13 on the 100-point VAS) and/or specificity of 0.75 (at sensitivity=0.51, cutoff=1) as desired. By sharp contrast, fever has a sensitivity of only 0.54 with specificity of 0.49 and dry cough has sensitivity of 0.52 and specificity of 0.46. ### Recovery from smell loss Recovery from smell loss was modest (approximately half the initial average loss) in C19+ participants with full or partial resolution of respiratory symptoms. Overall, self-reported, post-illness olfactory ability was still lower for C19+ (39.9±34.7) than C19- (52.2±35.2, p=2.8e-11, **Figure S6A**). However, the mean recovery of smell (after illness relative to during illness) was greater for C19+ (30.5±35.7) than C19-(24.6±31.9, p=0.0002, **Figure S6B**). A similar but smaller effect of COVID-19 status on recovery was observed for taste (**Figure S6C, D**), while little to no association with COVID-19 was observed for recovery of chemesthesis (**Figure S6E,F**) or nasal obstruction (**Figure S6G,H**). When illness-induced change in olfactory function (during minus before illness) and recovery of olfactory function (after minus during illness) were evaluated, we identified three respondent clusters: those self-reporting no loss of smell (Intact Smell), those reporting recovery from smell loss (Recovered Smell), and those reporting smell loss without recovery by up to 40 days (Persistent Smell Loss, **Figure 4, Table S3)**. Intact smell was reported by only 8.5% of the participants in the C19+ group but by 27.5% in the C19-group (p=3.8e-31). A greater proportion of C19+ participants were included in both the Recovered Smell group (C19+: 40.9%, C19-: 33.3%; p=4.9e-10) and the Persistent Smell Loss group (C19+: 50.7%, C19-: 39.2%; p=5e-5; **Figure 4A, B**). C19+ participants in both the Recovered Smell and Persistent Smell Loss clusters reported a similar extent of olfactory loss, irrespective of time since respiratory symptom onset. By contrast, the rate of self-reported smell recovery increased over time, with a plateau at 30 days (**Figure 4C**). Finally, DOS was the best predictor (AUC=0.62) between the Persistent Smell Loss and the Recovered Smell groups (**Figure S6A, Table S3**). ![Figure 4:]( [Figure 4:]( Figure 4: Smell loss, recovery, and time course. (**A, B)** Joint distribution of smell loss (during minus before illness ratings) and smell recovery (after minus during illness ratings) for C19+ (A) and C19- (B) participants. Darker color indicates a higher probability density; the color map is shared between (A) and (B); dashed lines are placed at a third of the way across the rating scale to aid visualization of the clusters. Severe smell loss that is either persistent (lower left) or recovered (upper left) was more common in C19+ than C19-. *n* indicates the number of participants in each panel. % indicates the percentage of participants of the given COVID status in each quadrant. (**C**) In C19+ participants who lost their sense of smell (Recovered Smell + Persistent Smell Loss), the degree of smell recovery (right y axis) increased over ∼30 days since onset of respiratory symptoms before plateauing; the degree of reported smell change (left y axis) did not vary in that window of observation. Solid lines indicate the mean of the measure, the shaded region indicates the 95% confidence interval. ### Simple screening for COVID-19: the **O**lfactory **D**eterminati**o**n **R**ating scale in COVID-**19** (ODoR-19) (136) Our results indicate that a continuous rating of current olfactory function is the single best predictor of COVID-19 and improves the discrimination between C19+ and C19-over a binary question on smell loss. For example, the Smell Only model can reach a specificity of 0.83 at the low end of the VAS (sensitivity=0.36, cutoff=0). We propose here a numeric variation of the rating scale (0-10), the ODoR-19, that can be administered in person or via telemedicine to improve early COVID-19 screening for individuals without preexisting smell and/or taste disorders. Responses to the ODoR-19 scale ≤2 indicate high odds of COVID-19 positivity (4 3 as moderate evidence, BF > 10 as strong evidence, BF > 30 as very strong evidence and BF > 100 as extreme evidence for H or H1. View this table: [Table S2.]( Table S2. Differences between lab-tested and clinically-assessed COVID-19-positive participants on changes in smell, taste, chemesthesis and nasal blockage. ### Chemosensory characterization of C19+ and C19- We asked how accurately COVID-19 status could be predicted from the survey responses. The data matrix had strictly non-negative values and was normalized (column-wise min=0, max=1) to apply regularization in an equitable fashion across features and give regression coefficients the same interpretation for each feature. Compared with the main text, models with similar AUC values (but with non-zero coefficients for additional, likely spurious features) were obtained for smaller values of α, and inferior results for larger ones (which contained fewer or no non-zero coefficients). Quantitatively similar AUC values were obtained for other models predicting COVID-19 status using multiple features including ridge regression and random forest, but L1-regularized logistic regression consistently produced sparser models with comparable cross-validation accuracy. Each logistic regression model included an intercept term and one or more normalized features. Each model attempted to predict, using the value of the response to a single question (and an additive constant), whether a subject reported a C19+ or C19-status. Coefficients in a logistic regression model can be interpreted as changes in odds, or as odds ratios when two values are compared. Each ROC curve -- constructed using predictions on holdout test sets and concatenated over these test sets -- summarizes the tradeoff between sensitivity (fraction of C19+ cases correctly identified) and specificity (fraction of C19-cases correctly identified) as the threshold value for the predictor is varied. ### Value of using a scale rather than a binary response to detect C19+ We quantified the information entropy for each survey question used the following standard equation: ![Graphic][1] evaluated over the *n* response options. Re-binning to mimic new scales was achieved by dividing response values by a constant and rounding to the nearest integer. Relative mutual information was calculated by computing the mutual information between survey response and COVID status based on the following standard equation: ![Graphic][2] where survey response options are indexed with *i* and the C19+/C19-status (two possible values) are indexed with *j*, and then dividing by the entropy available from that same C19 status distribution, calculated using the first equation. Results indicate that soliciting responses on either a continuous 100-point scale or a downsampled 10-point numeric version of the scale is more informative about symptoms themselves and about COVID-19 status (given the symptoms) than soliciting binary responses (**Figure S5**). ![Figure S5.]( [Figure S5.]( Figure S5. **(A)** Relative information available from the distribution of responses to the two primary “Smell” survey questions. *Binary* refers to the yes/no question about symptomatic smell loss. A relative information of 1 would correspond to a question whose response is perfectly informative about COVID-19 status. By contrast, a similar question asked on a numeric scale (0-100, the original scale; or a hypothetical 10-point scale obtained by rounding responses) contains substantially more information due to the resolution of the scale. A 10-point scale may be familiar from clinical self-reports of pain. (**B)** The relative mutual information about COVID status contained in the survey response is also higher for the full numeric scale or the hypothetical 10-point scale than for the binary question. ### Prediction of recovery from COVID-19-associated smell loss We applied the same predictive modeling framework used in **Figure 4** to try to predict smell recovery in C19+ participants. In other words, we asked which survey responses predicted that a subject would fall into the Recovered Smell rather than the Persistent Smell Loss cluster, given both smell loss during the disease and C19+ status. The only predictive feature of any practical significance was “Days Since Onset” of respiratory symptoms (AUC=0.62), indicating that those who experienced their first respiratory symptoms less recently are more likely to have Recovered Smell (**Figure S6A**). Adding additional features to the model provided modest improvement (AUC=0.65 for the optimal model), but overall it was difficult to predict whether a C19+ participant would exhibit Recovered Smell or Persistent Smell Loss based on the data available (**Figure S6B**). **Table S3** includes the means and SD by recovery group for C19+ and C19-participants. ![Figure S6.]( [Figure S6.]( Figure S6. COVID-19 recovery. Similar to Figure 1, but self-reported smell (**A,B**), taste (**C,D**), chemesthesis (**E,F**), and nasal blockage(**G,H**) during and after respiratory illness in C19+ (darker) versus C19- (lighter). (A,C,E,G) mean values during and after respiratory illness, respectively. (B,D,F,H) Change (after minus during) as a distribution over subjects. View this table: [Table S3.]( Table S3. Main chemosensory and relevant demographic features in the three clusters of recovering C19+ and C19- participants. ## Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank all study participants, patients, and patient advocates that have contributed to this project, including members of the AbScent Facebook group. The authors wish to thank Micaela Hayes, MD for her input on the clinical relevance of this project, Shannon Alshouse and Olivia Christman for their help in implementing the survey, Sara Lipson for her support, and the international online survey research firm YouGov for providing data gathered with the Imperial College London YouGov Covid 19 Behaviour Tracker. ## APPENDIX 1 ### GCCR core questionnaire The core questionnaire of the Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research (GCCR) has been deployed in Compusense Cloud in 32 languages. The questionnaire was published previously8 and also appears in the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) research tools for COVID-19.39 Responses to the GCCR core questionnaire in 23 languages were collected between April 7 and July 2, 2020 and included in the final dataset, on which we conducted the analyses reported in this paper. View this table: [Table4]( ## Footnotes * * Co-first authors * † Co-last authors * Received July 22, 2020. * Revision received July 28, 2020. * Accepted July 28, 2020. * © 2020, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), CC BY-NC 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.Coronavirus. World Health Organ. 2020 ([]( ([\_BSSR\_Research\_Tools.pdf]( 2. 2.Paderno A, Schreiber A, Grammatica A, et al. Smell and taste alterations in Covid-19: a cross-sectional analysis of different cohorts. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2020;(Epub ahead of print). 3. 3.Giacomelli A, Pezzati L, Conti F, et al. Self-reported Olfactory and Taste Disorders in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus 2 Infection: A Cross-sectional Study. Clin Infect Dis ciaa 330. 4. 4.Yan CH, Faraji F, Prajapati DP, et al. 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