Orthogonal Functions for Evaluating Social Distancing Impact on CoVID-19 Spread =============================================================================== * Genghmun Eng ## Abstract Early CoVID-19 growth often obeys: ![Graphic][1], with *K**o* = [(ln 2)/(*t**dbl*)], where *t**dbl* is the pandemic *doubling time*, prior to society-wide *Social Distancing*. Previously, we modeled *Social Distancing* with *t**dbl* as a linear function of time, where *N* [*t*] **1** ≈ exp[+*K**A* *t*/ (1+,*γ**o**t*)] is used here. Additional parameters besides {*K**o*, *γ**o*} are needed to better model different *ρ*[*t*] = *dN* [*t*]/*dt* shapes. Thus, a new *Orthogonal Function Model* [*OFM*] is developed here using these orthogonal function series: ![Formula][2] where *N* (*Z*) and *Z*[*t*] form an implicit *N* [*t*] *N* (*Z*[*t*]) function, giving: ![Formula][3] with *L**m*(*Z*) being the *Laguerre Polynomials*. At large *M**F* values, nearly *arbitrary* functions for *N* [*t*] and *ρ* [*t*] = *dN* [*t*]/*dt* can be accommodated. How to determine {*K**A*, *γ**o*} and the {*g**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} constants from any given *N* (*Z*) dataset is derived, with *ρ* [*t*] set by: ![Formula][4] The *bing com* USA CoVID-19 data was analyzed using *M**F* = (0, 1, 2) in the *OFM*. All results agreed to within about 10 percent, showing model robustness. Averaging over all these predictions gives the following overall estimates for the number of USA CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end: ![Formula][5] which compares the pre- and post-early May *bing com* revisions. The CoVID-19 pandemic in Italy was examined next. The *M**F* = 2 limit was inadequate to model the Italy *ρ* [*t*] pandemic tail. Thus, regions with a quick CoVID-19 pandemic shutoff may have additional *Social Distancing* factors operating, beyond what can be easily modeled by just progressively lengthening pandemic *doubling times* (with *13 Figures*). ## 1 Introduction The early stages of the CoVID-19 coronavirus pandemic around the world showed a nearly exponential rise in the number of infections with time. If a significant fraction of the population gets infected (*“saturated pandemic”*), exponential growth no longer applies. However, *Social Distancing* can also mitigate exponential growth, enabling pandemic shutoff with only a small fraction of the population being infected (*“dilute pandemic”*). Let ![Graphic][6] be the total number of CoVID-19 cases in any given region, with ![Graphic][7] being the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases, so that: ![Formula][8] ![Formula][9] On 3/25/2020, the *Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington* (IHME) released their initial model for CoVID-19 spread**1** where: > “*The cumulative death rate for each location is assumed* > > *to follow a parametrized Gaussian error function* “ Since the IHME ![Graphic][10] used Gaussians, their projections assumed that the rise to the pandemic peak and its subsequent fall would be symmetric. Their implicit assumption was that the amount of *Social Distancing* was exactly what was needed to make their model predictions true. Given a sharp ![Graphic][11] rise, our concern was that the IHME model did not allow ![Graphic][12] to decrease gradually. As a result, we developed an alternative CoVID-19 spread model, which assumed2 *Social Distancing* gradually lengthens the CoVID-19 *doubling time*. The initial exponential growth factor *K**o* = [(ln 2)/*t**dbl*] was used as a starting point, where *t**dbl* was the initial *doubling time*. A new *Social Mitigation Parameter* [*SMP*] *a**S* was introduced to account for society-wide *Social Distancing* measures. A linear function was used for *doubling time* lengthening as a simple extension beyond a constant *K**o*, giving: ![Formula][13] ![Formula][14] as an *Initial Model***1** for the number of CoVID-19 cases, where ![Graphic][15] was the start of society-wide *Social Distancing*. Both ![Graphic][16] and ![Graphic][17], as the most recently available data, were treated as fixed points. A minimum *root-mean-square* (*rms*) error datafit, using a logarithmic Y-axis, sets the {*K**o*, *a**S*} values. The resulting ![Graphic][18] of Eq. [1.2b] is the predicted final number of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end. On 4/29/2020, we sent our preprint**1** to the IHME, the Los Angeles Department of Public Health (LADPH), and to Profs. Goldenfeld and Maslov at UOI (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), who were preparing a 2-day nationwide CoVID-19 remote-learning seminar for 5/6/2020 and 5/8/2020. Also, on 4/29/2020, the IHME electronically published their 12*th* CoVID-19 update, using their 3/25/2020 model. A graphic display of their most recent ![Graphic][19] projections showed a symmetric rise and fall. This graph was widely publicized by Dr. Alan Boyle, who was following the IHME work, summarizing it for general audiences**3**–**5**. Since our Eqs. [1.2a]-[1.2b] model gave substantially different ![Graphic][20] predictions than IHME, we added a note to that effect in our pre-print, submitting the final pre-print to MedRxiv on 5/4/2020, where it was accepted and published on-line on 5/8/2020. Concurrently, on 5/4/2020, IHME published their 13*th* CoVID-19 update**6**, where everything changed. Dr. Alan Boyle**5** summarized those changes with a note that: “[*IHME*] *researchers acknowledged that their previous modeling wasn’t sophisticated enough*” Both IHME graphical predictions for 4/29/2020 and 5/4/2020 are shown in Figure 1, to highlight this change. ![Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F1) Figure 1: Comparison of IHME CoVID-19 Projections, 29 April 2020 vs 4 May 2020. CDC CoVID-19 Website highlighted IHME Projections prior to the IHME May 2020 update. On 5/6/2020 and 5/8/2020, Profs. Goldenfeld and Maslov presented their UOI team’s supercomputer-based ![Graphic][21] CoVID-19 projections, which also were very asymmetric. Although mathematical details for the UOI and new IHME projections are not known, virtually all ![Graphic][22] CoVID-19 projections are now asymmetric, as the developing CoVID-19 data also appears to be. Since our *Initial Model* had only two data fitting parameters {*K**o*, *a**S*}, we became concerned that those two parameters might not be sufficient to adequately describe all the different ![Graphic][23] shapes observed. To correct this potential defect, a new *Orthogonal Function Model* [*OFM*] is developed here to allow more accurate descriptions for a variety of ![Graphic][24] shapes, using additional mathematical techniques derived herein. This *OFM* extends Eqs. [1.2a]-[1.2b], and provides additional fitting parameters to improve ![Graphic][25] projections. ## 2. *Orthogonal Function Model [OFM]* Elements The following items and methods were developed as part of this *OFM* to improve CoVID-19 projections for a variety of ![Graphic][26] data shapes. **First**, the ![Graphic][27] point in Eq. [1.2a] was time-shifted so that *N* [*t* = 0] ≡ **1**. This *t* = 0 point now provides an estimate for the CoVID-19 pandemic starting point, replacing the above ![Graphic][28] with this time-shifted version: ![Formula][29] ![Formula][30] ![Formula][31] ![Formula][32] ![Formula][33] ![Formula][34] which enables Eq. [2.1a] to become a 1-term approximation for a larger function series. Actual data provides the {*N**I*, *N**F*} values. However, these {*t* = *t**I*, *N* [*t**I*] ≡ *N**I*} and {*t* = *t**F*, *N* [*t**F*] ≡ *N**F*} limits are now used to set {*K**A*, *G**o*, *γ**o*} > 0, so that the ![Graphic][35] of Eq. [1.2b] and Eq. [2.1d] match exactly. **Second**, when *Z* → 0 in Eq. [2.1c] then *t* → ∞; while *Z* → + ∞ corresponds to *t* → (− 1/,*γ**o*)+ *ε*, where *ε* is arbitrarily small and positive. Since *N* [*t* = 0] = **1**, the *t* < 0domain has *N* [*t*] < 1, while setting a particular time as the *N* [*t*] = 0 point. Since the **1** > *N* [*t*] > 0 regime has no impact on this overall analysis, virtually any decreasing function tail for the *Z* → + ∞ limit should be allowed. **Third**, instead of generalizing Eq. [2.1a] using time, it is easier to use functions of *Z*, where *Z* is given by Eq. [2.1c]. It results in these *N* (*Z*) and *R*(*Z*) substitutes for *N* [*t*] and *p*[*t*]: ![Formula][36] Given explicit functions of *Z*, both *N* (*Z*) and *R*(*Z*) in Eq. [2.2] go from large − *Z* to smaller − *Z* values at longer times, eventually approaching the *Z* = 0 point. Together, *N* (*Z*) and *Z*[*t*] create an implicit *N* (*Z*[*t*]) *N* [*t*] function, and *R*(*Z*) and *Z*[*t*] create another implicit *R*(*Z*[*t*]) *R*[*t*] function. A standard change of variables converts them back into being explicit functions of time: ![Formula][37] It gives these equivalences between and Eq. [2.2] and Eq. [2.1f]: ![Formula][38] ![Formula][39] ![Formula][40] **Fourth**, to allow additional data fitting parameters, the *OFM* replaces the 1-term approximation of Eq. [2.1a] with these orthogonal function series: ![Formula][41] ![Formula][42] These series have exp[−*Z*] as their weighting function, while keeping the Eqs. [2.1b]-[2.1c] definitions for {*Z, G**o*, *γ**o*}. The {*g**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} and {*c**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} coefficients are constants that can be derived from each dataset. For a wide range of *N* (*Z*) and *R*(*Z*) functions, larger *M**F* values and more {*L**m*(*Z*); *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} terms give progressively better matches to practically any *arbitrary function*. This feature is what enables improved datafits over a variety of measured *N* [*t*] and *p*[*t*] curves. **Fifth**, the *OFM* uses the {*N**I* [*t**I*], *N**F* [*t**F*]}data end-points to set {*G**o*,, *γ**o*} in Eq. [2.4c], and define *Z*, allowing the *OFM* to provide best fits over the whole data range of *Z* or *t*, while these end points are fixed in the *Initial Model*. The difference between: (a) using the whole data range for fitting, versus (b) using the data end points for fitting, is most evident when comparing Eq. [2.1a] to Eq. [2.5a]. In Eq. [2.1a], *N* [*t*] = *G**o* exp[−*Z*] where *G**o* has a pre-set value, whereas in Eq. [2.5a], *N* (*Z*) = *g* exp[−*Z*] for *M**F* = 0, the *g* parameter is determined by fitting over the whole data range. **Sixth**, both *Z* and *t* essentially span from {0 + ∞}. Using exp[−*Z*] as a weighting function over that domain makes the choice of *L**m*(*Z*) in Eq. [2.5a]- [2.5b] unique. They are the *Laguerre Polynomials*, with the first few being: ![Formula][43] ![Formula][44] ![Formula][45] ![Formula][46] ![Formula][47] ![Formula][48] Some important properties of the *Laguerre Polynomials* are: ![Formula][49] ![Formula][50] ![Formula][51] ![Formula][52] ![Formula][53] where Eq. [2.7a] defines an *orthogonal function set*. Given **n** is an integer in Eq. [2.7d], **n**-*factorial* (**n**!) is defined as the product: ![Formula][54] ![Formula][55] along with *factorials* involving negative integers not being allowed. **Seventh**, when data are used to determine the {*g**m*; *m* = (0, *M**F*)} constants for the Eq. [2.5a] *N* (*Z*) analytic approximation, an equivalently precise *R*(*Z*) is set by Eq. [2.2] and Eq. [2.5b], with its {*c**m*; *m* = (0, *M**F*)} constants being: ![Formula][56] This simple form of Eq. [2.9] arises from the fact that *L**m*(*Z* =) = 1. Also, Eq. [2.5a] and Eq. [2.9] combine to give: ![Formula][57] as a new predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases at pandemic end. **Eighth**, the {*g**m*; *m* = (0, *M**F*)} constants can be arranged in a ![Graphic][58] form, with comparable constants for *R*(*Z*) from Eq. [2.2] arranged in a ![Graphic][59] form. It allows Eq. [2.9] to be written as: ![Formula][60] Once the {*g**m*; *m* = (0, *M**F*)} constants are found, the *c* value in Eq. [2.11] becomes the {*M**F* + 1}-term replacement value for the predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end, which refines the initial ![Graphic][61] value of Eq. [1.2b] or Eq. [2.1d]. How to determine {*K**A*, *G**o*, *o*} and the {*g**m*; *m* = (, *M**F*)} constants in Eq. [2.5a] from a given set of data, is derived next. ## 3. Finding {*K**A*, *γ**o*} for *Z*[*t*] from Data For a given dataset, the *OFM* begins with using Eq. [1.2a] to set {*K**o*, *α**S*}, as in our *Initial Model*. Society-wide *Social Distancing* is assumed to occur at or before the time *t**I*, where *N**I* cases are already observed. Since the most recently available data at *t**F* has *N**F* cases, Eq. [2.1a] becomes: ![Formula][62] ![Formula][63] ![Formula][64] which using the new *t* = point for the *OFM*. Evaluating *N* [*t* < *t**I*] for *t*< *t**I* estimates what the pandemic prior history might have been, had society-wide *Social Distancing* already been in place. Evaluating *N* [*t*> *t**F*] for *t*> *t**F* estimates how the pandemic evolves assuming these *Social Distancing* measures remain in place. The prior Eq. [1.2a] gave: ![Formula][65] with the *t**F* limit of Eq. [3.2] giving: ![Formula][66] ![Formula][67] Here, Eq. [3.3b] sets the precise *t**I* time shift needed to convert from Eq. [1.2a] to Eq. [2.1a], which is easier to generalize. In addition, the *t* = point of Eq. [2.1a] gives *N* [*t* → 0] = **1** as an estimate for the pandemic starting point. Since *t**I* and (*t**F* − *t**I*) sets *t**F*, the Eqs. [3.1a]-[3.1b] fully determine {*K**A*, *γ**o*}, without needing any recalculations on the original dataset. Taking various ratios of Eq. [3.1b] to Eq. [3.1a] gives: ![Formula][68] ![Formula][69] as separable equations to first find *γ**o*, then *K**A*, with these results: ![Formula][70] ![Formula][71] which sets the *Z*[*t*] function in Eq. [2.1c] or Eq. [2.4c]. ## 4. Determining the g*m* Constants from Data When data for *N**data*(*Z*) are given over the whole *Z* = {0+,∞−} range, the *g**n* constants for Eq. [2.5a] are exactly determined via: ![Formula][72] ![Formula][73] where the *Laguerre Polynomial* orthogonality condition of Eq. [2.7a] forces the Eq. [4.1b] sum to reduce to one term. When the *N**data*(*Z*) only spans a finite range of: *t**I* <*t*< *t**F* and *Z*min <*Z* < *Z*max, an extrapolation of *N**data*(*Z*) for (*Z* < *Z*min) and (*Z* > *Z*max) is needed. One method could set *N**data*(*Z* < *Z*min) and *N**data*(*Z* > *Z*max), which results in these Eqs. [4.1a]-[4.1b] cognates: ![Formula][74] ![Formula][75] Its advantages are (a) for m ≠ n every *ĝ**m* and *ĝ**n* are independent, as in orthogonal functions; and (b) these *ĝ**m* values provide new estimates for the *Ndata*(*Z* < *Z*max) and *Ndata*(*Z* > *Z*min) regimes. But since *N**data*(*Z* < *Z*min) and *N**data*(*Z* > *Z*max) were originally assumed to vanish, this method is inconsistent. Alternatively, adding reasonable “*tails*” to the data could extend the original *N**data*(*Z*) domain, but those functions are not always known. The third path, used here, takes the Eq. [4.1a] “*final answer* “as a *self-consistent* extrapolation for (*Z* < *Z*min) and (*Z* > *Z*max), while retaining the *N**data*(*Z*) values for the (*Z*max ≥ *Z* ≥ *Z*min) regime. It replaces Eq. [4.1b] with: ![Formula][76] ![Formula][77] The {*g**m*; *m* = (0, *M**F*)} now appears on both sides of each Eq. [4.3a] *g**n*-equation, which is handled as follows. Defining: ![Formula][78] ![Formula][79] Eqs. [4.3a]-[4.3b] can be re-written as a 3 x 3 matrix **M**3, which relates a data-driven ![Graphic][80] vector to a resultant ![Graphic][81] vector: ![Formula][82] ![Formula][83] ![Formula][84] where (**M**3)-**1** is the matrix inverse of **M**3. hen {*Z*min, *Z*max} → {0, +∞}, this **M**3 becomes the Identity Matrix. The following *k**m,n*(*Z*) integrals set *K**m,n*: ![Formula][85] ![Formula][86] The *k**m,n*(*Z*) integrals can be determined using Eq. [2.7c], which gives: ![Formula][87] ![Formula][88] ![Formula][89] ![Formula][90] ![Formula][91] ![Formula][92] To extract {*g*, *g*1, *g*2}, the 3 x 3 symmetric **M**3 matrix needs inversion: ![Formula][93] ![Formula][94] ![Formula][95] which determines {*g*, *g**1*, *g**2*} from the {*Q*, *Q**1*, *Q**2*} data. A best fit *N* (*Z*) for *Z* = {0+, ∞−} results, along with an equivalent fit for *R*(*Z*) using Eq. [2.9]. Instead of having to find the best {*g*, *g*1, *g*2} triplet, one could find the best ![Graphic][96] by just using using {*Q*, *Q*1} and an **M**2 sub-matrix; or one could find the best ![Graphic][97] by itself by just using {*Q*} and an **M**1 sub-matrix: ![Formula][98] ![Formula][99] ![Formula][100] ![Formula][101] ![Formula][102] ![Formula][103] When the *N**data*(*Z*) is comprised of *j* = {1, 2,*…J*} discrete values between {*Z*min, *Z*max}, with each *Z**j* having an ![Graphic][104] value, the Eq. [4.4a] integral needs to be replaced by a sum. Let: ![Formula][105] with *Z* = *Z*1and *Z**J + 1* = *Z**J*, the *Q**n* replacement for Eq. [4.4a] is: ![Formula][106] ![Formula][107] with the *N* [*t*] and *ρ* [*t*] being set by Eq. [2.3] and Eqs. [2.4a]-[2.4c]. Finally, the Eqs. [4.7a]-[4.7f] *k**m,n*(*Z*) integrals are easy to compute for 0 ≤*m* ≤2 and 0 ≤*n* ≤ 2. But the general case is not well-known or tabulated in many *Tables of Integrals*. The key is how to express a product of two *Laguerre Polynomials* efficiently as a sum over a larger set of single *Laguerre Polynomials*, so as to convert the Eq. [4.6a] integrals into the Eq. [2.7c] form. This problem was originally solved by G. N. Watson**7** in 1938, and simplified by J. Gillis and G. Weiss**8** in 1960. It is a sum of terms, where each coefficient contains four different *factorials* involving integers. Their key result is: ![Formula][108] ![Formula][109] ![Formula][110] ![Formula][111] where ALL terms in the sum for *n* = {0, (*r* + *s*)} also have an implicit requirement that none of the integer arguments for any of the *factorials* can be negative. Thus, all terms with negative arguments for the *factorial* must be omitted. Nowadays, this calculation can be done on a computer, but it would have been difficult in 1960, and nearly impossible in 1938. ## 5 USA: *Orthogonal Function Model* Results This USA analysis only uses data after mid-March 2020, when several State Governors instituted mandatory *Mitigation Measures*. The widely available *bing com* CoVID-19 data**1** for the USA had these limits: ![Formula][112] ![Formula][113] with (*t**F* − *t**I*) = 43 *days*. Our *Initial Model* of Eq. [1.2a] sets these parameter values for the USA: ![Formula][114] ![Formula][115] ![Formula][116] Using Eq. [3.3b] for *t**I* and *t**F* sets: ![Formula][117] ![Formula][118] for use in the *OFM*. Figures 2-3 show how this *Initial Model*, by itself, compares to the USA CoVID-19 data. Figure 2 uses a logarithmic Y-axis for the predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases, and Figure 3 shows the daily new CoVID-19 case predictions on a linear Y-axis plot. ![Figure 2:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F2.medium.gif) [Figure 2:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F2) Figure 2: *Initial Model* for USA CoVID-19 Projections using data up to 5/3/2020. Predicted Number of Daily CoVID-19 Cases has a peak of 31,760 cases/day on 4/17; with 5,024,900 cases total; and ∼6,757 new cases/day at Day 200 on 9/26/2020. ![Figure 3:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F3.medium.gif) [Figure 3:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F3) Figure 3: *Initial Model* for USA CoVID-19 Projections vs data up to 5/3/2020. Original *bing.com* data up to 5/3/2020 are shown, prior to their *new reporting method*. Data starts slightly below, then goes slightly above the *Initial Model* prediction line. The daily new case data exhibits large day-to-day variations, likely due to reporting delays, among other factors. This *Initial Model* for the USA has a predicted maximum of ~31, 760 new cases per day at Day 37.686 on 4/17/2020, along with ~6, 757 new cases per day still occurring at Day 2 on 9/26/2020. The time axis in Figure 2 is different than in our previous paper**2**, due to the time shift of Eq. [2.1a], where the new *t* = point estimates the CoVID-19 pandemic starting point being on 3/10/2020. Even if *Social Distancing* had been in effect at the start of the pandemic, Figure 2 shows that the *N**I* [*t**I*] = {25, 722} level still could have been reached in 10 – 11 days. Figures 3 compares the measured data for the total number of CoVID-19 cases after *Social Distancing* started, to the early-time portion of this *Initial Model*. That comparison shows that the early-time data starts off a little below the curve; the later-time data rises a bit above the curve; and the final-time data again matches the curve, since it is a fixed point for this analysis. These predictions assume: (I) The present *Mitigation Measures* are continued; (II) No “*second wave*” of infection or re-infection occurs; and (III) No further *Mitigation Measures* are taken to reduce the number of CoVID-19 cases. These *Initial Model* results are first refined by applying the Eq. [2.1a] time shift, with Eqs. [3.5a]-[3.5b] setting these {*γ**o*, *K**A*, *G*} values: ![Formula][119] ![Formula][120] ![Formula][121] where Eq. [3.1c] also gives: ![Formula][122] which matches Eq. [5.2c], as it should. Then: ![Formula][123] defines *Z* for the *OFM*, where: ![Formula][124] ![Formula][125] The resultant Eq. [4.5b] **M**3 matrix of *K**m*,*n* entries is: ![Formula][126] It has a rather small det[**M**3] = 1375 value, with an inverse of: ![Formula][127] A convolution of *L**m*(*Z*) functions with the measured ![Graphic][128]dataset vector of Eqs. [4.11a]-[4.11b], along wit h the a bove (**M**3)−**1**, gives this final ![Graphic][129]: ![Formula][130] determining the constants needed for *N* (*Z*) in Eq. [2.5a]. The coefficients for *R*(*Z*), which sets the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases, are: ![Formula][131] determining the constants needed for *R*(*Z*) in Eq. [2.5b]. Using these {*g*, *g*1, *g*2} values along with Eq. [2.11] gives: ![Formula][132] as a new predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end for the *OFM*, which is a ∼7.54% or 379,026 reduction in the number of cases, compared to the *Initial Model* ![Graphic][133] value of Eq. [5.5]. Using Eq. [2.4c] for *Z*[*t*], and substituting the Eq. [5.12] ![Graphic][134] values into Eq. [2.5b] gives *R*(*Z*). The *p*[*t*] in Eq. [2.4a] is derived from *R*(*Z*) using Eq. [2.4b], with the resulting *OFM p*[*t*] plotted in Figure 4, using a linear Y-axis, along with the *t*> *t**I* raw data for the daily new CoVID-19 cases. ![Figure 4:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F4.medium.gif) [Figure 4:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F4) Figure 4: *Orthogonal Function Model*, USA CoVID-19 Projections, data to 5/3/2020. Predicted Number of Daily CoVID-19 Cases has a peak of 32,069 cases/day on 4/15; with 4,645,874 cases total; and ~5,962 new cases/day at Day 200 on 9/26/2020. Raw data for *t* < *t**I* was not included in these analyses, because they cover the exponential rise period, prior to *Social Distancing*. Those data are not applicable to estimating *Social Distancing* effects. However, the Figure 4 *OFM* provides an extrapolation for those *t* < *t**I* times, which shows what an exponential rise plus lengthening *doubling times* would have looked like, if both had been operating continuously from the CoVID-19 pandemic start. The companion *N* [*t*] analytic result, plotted using a logarithmic Y-axis, along with the *t*> *t**I* raw data for the total number of CoVID-19 cases, is show in Figure 5. ![Figure 5:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F5.medium.gif) [Figure 5:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F5) Figure 5: *Orthogonal Function Model*, USA CoVID-19 Projections, data to 5/3/2020. Original *bing.com* data up to 5/3/2020 are shown, prior to their *new reporting method*. *Orthogonal Function* Model matches data a bit better than the *Initial Model*. Comparing the size and timing of the *p*[*t*] pandemic peak, and its Day 2 value, between the *Initial Model* (Figs. 2-3) and *OFM* (Figs. 4-5), gives: ![Formula][135] This table shows that the *OFM* predicts fewer total cases (![Graphic][136] *vs c**o*) and fewer daily new CoVID-19 cases at Day 2, as well as giving an earlier and higher pandemic peak prediction. While the above analysis used *M**F* = 2 with Eq. [5.10] ![Graphic][137] setting the best {*g*, *g*1, *g*2} values, the *OFM* also provides estimates for the simpler *M**F* = {0, 1} cases, as outlined by Eqs. [4.9a]-[4.9f]. For *M**F* = 1, the best two ![Graphic][138] values are gotten by only using {*Q*, *Q*1}and an **M**2 sub-matrix of **M**3. For *M**F* =, the best ![Graphic][139] by itself is derived by using {*Q*} and the **M**1 sub-matrix. These alternative estimates give: ![Formula][140] ![Formula][141] These additional calculations give the following progression of estimates for *N* [*t* → ∞], which is the final n umb er of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end: ![Formula][142] These Eq. [5.15] results show that the *N* [*t* → ∞] projected final number of CoVID-19 cases remains fairly stable, even as the number of data fitting parameters is increased from 0 to 3. The average and 1*σ* standard deviation among these *N*[*t* → ∞] projections is: ![Formula][143] where 1*σ* is ~5:4& of the overall average. Comparing the results among Figs. 2-5 highlights several items: 1. All *ρ*[*t*] functions have a sharp rise, and a much slower decreasing tail. 2. The overall fit-to-data, as given in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5, shows that the extra parameters in the *OFM* can fit the *ρ*[*t*] shape better. 3. The OFM helps to estimate the uncertainty in the Initial Model, which Eq. [5.16] showed was ~5:4&. 4. These results, taken together, exhibit only a relatively small change in the *N*[*t* → ∞] limits. Thus, the *Initial Model* function captures much of the progression to pandemic shutoff. The *ρ*[*t*] tail may still differ from these predictions, due to factors such as: 1. The CoVID-19 dynamics may change in the long-term low *ρ*[*t*] regime; 2. A “second wave” or multiple waves of *ρ*[*t*] rise and fall may occur; both of which are beyond the scope of this CoVID-19 pandemic modeling; 3. Using just an exponential rise at the CoVID-19 pandemic start, plus lengthening *doubling times*, may limit how much mitigation can be easily modeled using only a few adjustable parameters. Figure 4 provides some evidence for the above (iii) possibility. While lengthening the *doubling time* enables pandemic shutoff in the long time *dilute pandemic* limit; Figure 4 also shows that this model tends to approach final pandemic shutoff rather slowly. ## 6 USA Data: The *bing.com* Change This analysis of the *bing com* USA data begins at mid-March 2020, when mandatory *Mitigation Measures* were instituted. However, in early-May, *bing com* changed their entire database, revising all numerical values back to the start of their reporting history. The revised *bing com* USA data from mid-March through early-June is analyzed next, which had these values: ![Formula][144] ![Formula][145] ![Formula][146] covering ![Graphic][147] *days*, as compared to the original *bing com* data, which was used in above analyses, and only spanned (*t**F* − *t**I*) = 43 *days*. The Eqs. [6.1a]-[6.1b] revised {*day* #1, *day* #44} values are {∼7082%, ∼ 56%} lower than the original Eqs. [5.1a]-[5.1b] data. Applying the *Initial Model* to this revised dataset gives: ![Formula][148] ![Formula][149] ![Formula][150] Using Eq. [3.3b] gives these ![Graphic][151] and ![Graphic][152] results: ![Formula][153] ![Formula][154] for use in the *OFM*. The Eq. [6.2c] calculated ![Graphic][155] value is ∼10.456% lower than the prior ![Graphic][156] of Eq. [5.5]. Since the *Initial Model* uses an *rms* best fit on logarithmic axes for *N* [*t*], it emphasizes differences at low *N* [*t*] values, where the revised *bing com* data changes were larger. Thus, some of the ∼10.456% change in ![Graphic][157] may be due to the revised *bing com* data, but the longer ![Graphic][158] data interval also contributes to modifying the ![Graphic][159] values. The *Initial Model* datafit for the revised USA data is shown in Figures 6-7, and is a better datafit than the *Initial Model* results of Figures 2-3. Comparing the *OFM* result of Eq. [5.12], which gave *N* [*t*→ ∞] = {4, 645, 874}, to the *Initial Model* result of Eq. [6.2c] shows that they differ by just ∼3025%. ![Figure 6:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F6.medium.gif) [Figure 6:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F6) Figure 6: *Initial Model* for USA CoVID-19 Projections vs data up to 6/7/2020. Predicted Number of Daily CoVID-19 Cases has a peak of 30,727 cases/day on 4/15; with 4,499,494 cases total; and ~5,783 new cases/day at Day 200 on 9/27/2020. Next, the *OFM* is applied to further refine this *Initial Model* prediction. Those results are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9, which were derived as follows. First, the Eqs. [2.1a]-[2.1d] time-shift was done: ![Figure 7:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F7.medium.gif) [Figure 7:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F7) Figure 7: *Initial Model* for USA CoVID-19 Projections vs data up to 6/7/2020. Revised *bing.com* data, circa 5/3/2020, changed all values back to the pandemic start. *Initial Model* appears to be a good data.t by itself. ![Figure 8:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F8.medium.gif) [Figure 8:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F8) Figure 8: *Orthogonal Function Model*, USA CoVID-19 Projections, data to 6/7/2020. Revised *bing.com* data; daily# of CoVID-19 Cases Peak at 30,909 cases/day on 4/13/2020; with 4,179,205 cases total; and ~5,140 new cases/day at Day 200 on 9/27/2020. ![Figure 9:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F9.medium.gif) [Figure 9:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F9) Figure 9: *Orthogonal Function Model*, USA CoVID-19 Projections, data to 6/7/2020. Revised *bing.com* data, posted circa 5/3/2020, changed values back to the pandemic start. *Orthogonal Function Model* matches the data a bit better than the *Initial Model*. ![Formula][160] ![Formula][161] ![Formula][162] ![Formula][163] ![Formula][164] for this dataset. Next, using Eqs. [6.3a]-[6.3b] for ![Graphic][165] gives: ![Formula][166] ![Formula][167] The **M**3 matrix of *K**m*,*n* entr ies, a s set by the {*Z*min, *Z*max} values, is: ![Formula][168] and it has an inverse of: ![Formula][169] The ![Graphic][170] for this dataset gives this up dated ![Graphic][171]– vector: ![Formula][172] where *c* = (*g* + *g*1 + *g*2) = (4,0179, 205) = *N* [*t* →∞] is the new *OFM* predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases, which is down from the *Initial Model* value of ![Graphic][173] from Eq. [6.2c]. This ∼7012% reduction is similar to the ∼7042% change between Eq. [5.12] and Eq. [5.5]. A similar analysis for ![Graphic][174] and ![Graphic][175], using Eqs. [4.9a]- [4.9f], gives this summary: ![Formula][176] The *N* [*t* → ∞] projected final number of CoVID-19 cases in Eq. [6.9] remains fairly stable, even as the number of data fitting parameters is increased from 0 to 3. This result is similar to the Eq. [5.15] analysis of the original *bing com* data, which spanned only (*t**F* − *t**I*) = 43 *days*. The average and 1*α* standard deviation among these Eq. [6.9] calculations for *N* [*t*→ ∞] is: ![Formula][177] where 1*σ* is ∼3.68% of the overall average. It is somewhat lower than the ∼5014% value of Eq. [5.16]. Thus, having ![Graphic][178] *days* of data for analysis reduces the overall uncertainty in these projections. Comparing Eq. [6.9] to Eq. [5.15] also shows the following trends. The 1-term calculations, using either {*N*max} or just ![Graphic][179] by itself, give similar results. The 2-term calculations, using ![Graphic][180] gives ≲ 10 % higher results, while using {*g*, *g*1, *g*2} gives ≲ 1 % lower results. This oscillation around the average value of Eq. [6.10] shows that the *Initial Model* of Eq. [2.1a] and Eq. [6.4d] capture much of how *Social Distancing* enables pandemic shutoff. Comparing the Fig. 6 *Initial Model* and the Fig. 8 *OFM* for the pandemic peak size, timing, and Day 2 values gives: ![Formula][181] The *p*[*t* → ∞] at 2-days nearly scales with *N* [*t* → ∞], while the *OFM* predicts a higher and earlier *ρ*[*t*] pandemic peak. Comparing the revised *bing com* 78-day dataset up through 6/7/2020 of Eq. [6.11], to the original *bing com* 43-day dataset up through 5/3/2020 of Eq. [5.13] gives: ![Formula][182] Both the *Initial Model* and the *OFM* found a comparable amount of change between the two datasets; likely due to the revised *bing com* values being lower, along with the larger dataset enabling increased modeling precision. The *Initial Model* and the *OFM* also provide self-consistent CoVID-19 predictions over the two different time periods. Each model held its predictive power to within < 10 % for over a month 43 *days vs* 78 *days*, without needing recalculations or parameter value changes, which provides a strong data-driven validation of the potential utility of these models. When the *Initial Model* is a somewhat good fit, this *Orthogonal Function Model* provides even better fits. ## 7 Italy: Revised *bing.com* Data Analysis This Italy analysis uses data beginning on Feb. 23, 2020, from the revised *bing com* CoVID-19 database**9**, which has these values: ![Formula][183] ![Formula][184] with (*t**F* − *t**I*) = 113 *days*. The number of daily new CoVID-19 cases shows a sharp post-peak decrease for Italy, in contrast the the above USA data. That sharp decrease provides a near-worst case test for the *OFM*. The *Initial Model* best fit on a logarithmic Y-axis, gives these initial parameters: ![Formula][185] ![Formula][186] Using Eq. [3.3b] for *t**I* and *t**F* gives: ![Formula][187] ![Formula][188] ![Formula][189] for use in the *OFM*. The revised *bing com* Italy data and the *Initial Model* datafit are shown in Figure 1 and its inset. The *Initial Model* is not a good fit due to the high curvature of the data on the logarithmic Y-axis, which is similar to our previous**1** results for Italy. The *OFM* is applied next. Using Eqs. [3.5a]-[3.5b] sets these {*γ**o*, *K**A*, *G*} values: ![Formula][190] ![Formula][191] ![Formula][192] where Eq. [3.1c] also gives: ![Formula][193] which matches Eq. [7.3a], as it should. Then: ![Formula][194] defines *Z* for the *OFM*, where: ![Formula][195] ![Formula][196] The resultant symmetric matrix **M**3 of *K**m,n* entries is: ![Formula][197] It has an (**M**3) inverse of: ![Formula][198] A convolution of *L**m*(*Z*) functions with the measured data sets ![Graphic][199] using Eqs. [4.11a]-[4.11b], with (**M**3)−**1** of Eq. [4.5c] giving this final ![Graphic][200] vector: ![Formula][201] The coefficients for *R*(*Z*), which set the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases for the *OFM*, are given by: ![Formula][202] Using these *g*, *g, g* values along with Eq. [2.11] gives: ![Formula][203] as a new predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end. It is a ∼15.18% or 800,0138 increase in number of cases, compared to the *Initial Model* ![Graphic][204] value of Eq. [7.3a]. A graph of *ρ*[*t*] for the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases is shown in Figure 11, using Eqs. [2.4b] and [2.5b]. For this fast pandemic shutoff case, the *OFM* improvement over the *Initial Model* is not large. hen the initial [exp(−*Z*)] function is not a good fit, which is likely for quicker pandemic shutoffs, a lot of terms, beyond the *M**F* = 2 value used here, are needed in Eq. [2.5a] for a good fit. An alternative method for choosing the initial [exp(−*Z*)] function is examined next, to see if additional improvements result for that case. ![Figure 10:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F10.medium.gif) [Figure 10:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F10) Figure 10: *Initial Model* for ITALY CoVID-19 Projections vs data up to 6/15/2020. *Initial Model* matches Total Number of Cases at data start and data end, but best fit using a logarithmic Y-axis does not give a good fit for Predicted Number of Daily CoVID-19 cases. ![Figure 11:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F11.medium.gif) [Figure 11:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F11) Figure 11: *Orthogonal Function Model* for ITALY CoVID-19 data up to 6/15/2020. *Orthogonal Function Model* gives improved datafit, but 3-terms in orthogonal function series is insufficient to accurately predict a rapidly decreasing Number of Daily CoVID-19 cases. ## 8 Italy: An Alternative Starting Function There is a wide latitude in the choice of an initial [exp(−*Z*)] function for the Eqs. [2.5a]-[2.5b] orthogonal function expansions. However, when the *Initial Model* is not a good fit, the common practice of minimizing *rms* error using a logarithmic Y-axis for the *Initial Model* may not be optimal, since the *Orthogonal Function Model fOFMj* creates best fits using a linear Y-axis. Minimizing the *rms* error between the *Initial Model* and data using a linear Y-axis is done to provide an alternative [exp(−*Z*)] function. This alternative starting point gives these parameter values, replacing Eqs. [7.2b]-[7.2c]: ![Formula][205] ![Formula][206] The *N* (*t**I*) = *N**I* and *N* (*t**F*) = *N**F* values are still needed to properly set the above ![Graphic][207] values for *Z*[*t*]. Using Eq. [3.3b] for *t**I* and *t**F* gives: ![Formula][208] ![Formula][209] ![Formula][210] for use in the *OFM*, while still using this linear Y-axis initial fit. Figure 12 and its inset show how this alternative *Initial Model* compares to the Italy CoVID-19 data. Using Eqs. [3.5a]-[3.5b] sets these new ![Graphic][211] values: ![Figure 12:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F12.medium.gif) [Figure 12:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F12) Figure 12: *Initial Model* re-do, ITALY CoVID-19 data to 6/15/2020. New starting point is a best fit function on a linear Y-axis, instead of having a best fit using a logarithmic Y-axis. Alternative method may allow a few-term orthogonal function series to better match the data. ![Formula][212] ![Formula][213] ![Formula][214] where Eq. [3.1c] also gives: ![Formula][215] which matches Eq. [8.2a], as it should. Then: ![Formula][216] defines *Z**L* for this alternative fit analysis, where: ![Formula][217] ![Formula][218] The resultant symmetric matrix ****M****3 of *K**m,n* entries is: ![Formula][219] It has an (****M****3) inverse of: ![Formula][220] A convolution of *L**m*(*Z**L*) functions with the measured data sets ![Graphic][221]3 using Eqs. [4.11a]-[4.11b], with (****M****3)-**1** of Eq. [4.5c] giving this final ![Graphic][222]– vector: ![Formula][223] The coefficients for *R*(*Z*), which set the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases for the *OFM*, are given by: ![Formula][224] Using these {*g*, *g*1, *g*2} values along with Eq. [2.11] gives: ![Formula][225] as a new predicted total number of CoVID-19 cases at the pandemic end. It is a ∼5 % or 26, 428 increase in number of cases, compared to the *Initial Model* ![Graphic][226] value of Eq. [7.3a]. A graph of *p*[*t*] for the predicted number of daily new CoVID-19 cases is shown in **Figure 13**, using Eqs. [2.4b] and [2.5b]. A tabulated summary for all of these Italy calculations is: ![Formula][227] ![Figure 13:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F13.medium.gif) [Figure 13:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2020/07/03/2020.06.30.20143149/F13) Figure 13: *Orthogonal Function Model* re-do, ITALY CoVID-19 data to 6/15/2020. *Orthogonal Function Model* re-do using linear Y-axis gives a slightly better small-series fit. Other *Social Distancing* impacts likely exist besides just lengthening pandemic *doubling times*. The *Initial Model* shapes for *ρ* [*t*] were very different, depending on whether that initial datafit was performed by minimizing *rms* error using a logarithmic Y-axis (**Figure 10**) or a linear Y-axis (**Figure 12**, *Initial Model e-do*) as expected. However, comparing the two *OFM* (**Figure 11** vs **Figure 13**) calculations, shows that their overall *ρ* [*t*] shapes are quite similar. While the max {*ρ* [*t**p*]} calculated pandemic peaks generally increase, they are all below the data near-peak values of ∼4, 800− 6, 5 cases/day shown in Figs. 10-13. Thus, for quick pandemic shutoffs, the *Initial Model* [exp(−*Z*)] function is less important than needing more *M**F* terms. hen the *Initial Model* is not a good fit, the *OFM* only gives limited improvements for *M**F* = 2. ## 9 Summary and Conclusions The early stages of the CoVID-19 coronavirus pandemic began with a nearly exponential rise in the number of infections with time. Let *N* [*t*] be the total number of CoVID-19 cases vs time. Our *Initial Model***1** used this basic function: ![Formula][228] ![Formula][229] to model *Social Distancing* effects by progressively lengthening the *doubling time* for the pandemic growth. The *γ**o* = limit of Eq. [9.1a] corresponds to a purely exponential rise. This *Initial Model* enables calculation of a pandemic shutoff with only a small fraction of the total population becoming infected (*“dilute pandemic”*). To allow more data fitting parameters than just { *K**A*, *γ**o*}, an *Orthogonal Function Model* |*OFM*| was developed, using these orthogonal function series: ![Formula][230] ![Formula][231] ![Formula][232] where *N* [*t*] = *N* (*Z*[*t*]). The {*g**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} are a set of constants that are determined from each dataset. Using exp [−*Z*] as a weighting function, with *L**m*(−*Z*) as an orthonormal function set on the *Z* ={ 0+, ∞−} interval, the choice of *L**m*(*Z*) becomes unique. They are the *Laguerre Polynomials*, with several important properties given in Eqs. [2.6a]-[2.7e]. The expected number of daily new CoVID-19 cases, *p*[*t*], is given by: ![Formula][233] ![Formula][234] For a wide range of *N* (*Z*) data, larger *M**F* and more {*L**m*(*Z*); *m* = (0, +*M**F*)}terms gives progressively better matches to almost any *arbitrary function*, enabling improved data fitting for a variety of *N* [*t*] and *ρ* [*t*] shapes. Methods are developed here to derive {*K**A*, *γ**o*}, and determine the {*g**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)} and { *c**m*; *m* = (0, +*M**F*)}constants from any given *N* [*t*] dataset. Whereas our *Initial Model* was an *M**F* = case, the *M**F* = 2 case was used here for data analysis, as an *OFM* example. These methods were applied to the CoVID-19 pandemic data for the USA. Analysis results using the original *bing com* up data to-5/3/2020 are given in Figures 2-5 and Eq. [5.13]. During early-May, *bing com* revised their entire database, all the way back to their earliest values. This revised USA *bing com* data, which included an extended time period into June 2020, was also analyzed, with results given in Figures 6-9 and Eq. [6.11]. For the USA, the *Initial Model* and *OFM* results differed by only ∼1 %, showing that the *Initial Model* was a somewhat good fit, while the *OFM* is a better fit. Comparing our calculations using the 43-day 5/3/2020 original *bing com* dataset to the 78-day 6/7/2020 revised *bing com* dataset, showed that our early-May USA projections predicted the June data to within ≲10 % for the same model. Thus, both models provided self-consistent CoVID-19 projections, holding their predictive power for over a month { 43 *days vs* 78 *days*}, without recalculations or parameter value changes. The Italy CoVID-19 pandemic data was studied next, as a worst-case test of the *OFM*. The post-May 2020 revised *bing.com* database was used, with results presented in Figures 10-13. Italy had a much sharper CoVID-19 pandemic shutoff for *ρ* [*t*] compared to the USA. hile the *OFM* can give substantial improvements, here *M**F* = 2 does not provide enough extra parameters, to convert an *Initial Model* result that was not a good fit, into a substantially better fit. A larger *M**F* and additional orthogonal function terms are needed. Even then, the long-term tail can be inaccurate, since both the *Initial Model* and the *OFM* extension have natural *ρ*[*t*] asymptotic limits of *ρ*[*t*]∼[1/*t***1**]. Larger *M**F* values could allow multiple terms to cancel, but a polynomial-like tail of *ρ*[*t*]∼[1/*t**P*], with *P* ≥ 2, would likely remain, making it difficult to estimate the functional form of the CoVID-19 tail for quick pandemic shutoffs. Overall, both the *Initial Model* and this *Orthogonal Function Model* show how progressively lengthening the pandemic *doubling time* enables CoVID-19 pandemic shutoff, even in the *dilute pandemic* limit. However, there may a natural limit to how fast this one mitigation factor can achieve pandemic shutoff. For cases like Italy, other *Social Distancing* factors may be operating that enable and enhance quick CoVID-19 pandemic shutoff, which are **not** effectively being modeled by just lengthening the pandemic *doubling times*. ## Data Availability All data used is in the public domain or was maintained by bing.com. * Received June 30, 2020. * Revision received June 30, 2020. * Accepted July 3, 2020. * © 2020, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International), CC BY 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) ## 11 References 1. 1.[https://www.MedRxiv.org/ID=MedRxiv/2020/043752v1](https://www.MedRxiv.org/ID=MedRxiv/2020/043752v1), 03.25.2020, “Forecasting COVID-19 impact on hospital bed-days, ICU-days, ventilator-days and deaths by US state in the next 4 months”, 2. 2.IHME COVID-19 Health Service Utilization Forecasting Team. 3. 3.[https://www.MedRxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.04.20091207v1](https://www.MedRxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.04.20091207v1), [https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.04.20091207](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.04.20091207), “Initial Model for the Impact of Social Distancing on CoVID-19 Spread “, Genghmun Eng 4. 4.[https://www.geekwire.com/2020/univ-washington--epidemiologists-predict-80000-covid-19-deaths-u-s-july](https://www.geekwire.com/2020/univ-washington--epidemiologists-predict-80000-covid-19-deaths-u-s-july), 5. 5.“Univ. of Washington researchers predict 80,000 COVID-19 deaths in U.S. by July”, Alan Boyle, GeekWire, March 26, 2020. 6. 6.[https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/coronavirus-modelers-raise-projected-u-041641553.html](https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/coronavirus-modelers-raise-projected-u-041641553.html), “Coronavirus modelers raise projected 7. 7.U.S. death toll and lengthen state-by-state recovery timeline”, Alan Boyle, GeekWire, April 27, 2020. 8. 8.[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pandemic-projection-puts-u-death-220824741.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pandemic-projection-puts-u-death-220824741.html), 9. 9.“New pandemic projection puts U.S. death toll at nearly 135,000, due to less social distancing”, Alan Boyle, GeekWire, May 4, 2020. 10. 10.[http://www.healthdata.org/covid/updates](http://www.healthdata.org/covid/updates) 11. 11.“COVID-19: What7s New for May 4, 2020: Updated IHME COVID-19 projections: Predicting the Next Phase of the Epidemic”, 12. 12.IHME COVID-19 Health Service Utilization Forecasting Team. 13. 13. 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