Does the early nutritional environment and in utero HIV exposure, in the absence of infant infection, impact infant development? ================================================================================================================================ * Marina White * Eleanor Duffley * Ute D. Feucht * Theresa Rossouw * Kristin L. Connor ## Abstract Malnutrition and infectious disease often coexist in socially inequitable contexts. Malnutrition in the perinatal period adversely affects offspring development and lifelong non-communicable disease risk. Less is known about the effects of *infectious* disease exposure during critical windows of development and health, and links between *in utero* HIV-exposure in the absence of neonatal infection, perinatal nutritional environments, and infant development are poorly defined. In a pilot study at Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa, we aimed to understand how early nutritional environments and *in utero* HIV-exposure, without infection (HIV exposed uninfected [HEU] infants) may influence infant development. Mother-infant dyads were recruited after delivery and followed until 12 weeks postpartum. Maternal reports of food insecurity were associated with lower maternal nutrient intakes 12 weeks postpartum, and in infants, with lower Apgar scores (five minutes), higher brain-to-body weight ratio at birth and 12 weeks of age, and attainment of fewer large movement and play activities milestones at 12 weeks of age, irrespective of maternal HIV status. Reports of worry about food runout were associated with increased risk of stunting for HEU, but not unexposed, uninfected infants. Our findings suggest that food insecurity, in a vulnerable population, adversely affects maternal nutritional status and infant development. *In utero* exposure to HIV may further perpetuate these effects, which has implications for early child development and lifelong human capital. Keywords * HIV * neurodevelopment * growth * nutrition * food security * breastfeeding * pregnancy ## Introduction Suboptimal nutrition and poor maternal metabolic health during pregnancy and in the postpartum period are known to impact fetal development, particularly of the brain [1,2], and infant health trajectories after birth [3]. In contrast, the effects of fetal exposure to maternal infectious diseases during critical windows of development on offspring growth, neurodevelopment, and lifelong health are less understood. HIV infection has profound effects on maternal physiology and pregnancy outcomes, including increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and increased susceptibility to subsequent infections in infants [4,5]. HIV-exposed, infected (HEI) infants show poorer motor, cognitive, language, and behavioural outcomes compared to controls as early as three months of age [6–9]. However, as global access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) for pregnant and breastfeeding women increases and mother-to-child HIV transmission declines [10], the population of HIV-exposed (*in utero* or during breastfeeding) but uninfected (HEU) infants continues to rise. Immune dysfunction, inflammation, metabolic abnormalities, and intestinal dysbiosis persist in HIV-infected individuals on ART, including pregnant women [11]. Some evidence suggests that HEU infants may have persistently altered motor and cognitive development [12–14], albeit to a lesser extent than HEI infants. However, the extent to which inflammatory and metabolic derangements in the mother shape development in their HEU infants remains poorly understood. The developing brain is also vulnerable to the effects of suboptimal maternal nutrition, as the fetal and neonatal brain depend on nutrition supplied by the mother through transplacental transfer and through breastfeeding and other enteral feeds, to support periods of rapid growth during the perinatal period [15]. Malnutrition (under-or overnutrition) during critical periods of brain development alters neuroanatomical development (neuronal cell growth and proliferation, synapse development, and circuit formation), neurochemistry (synthesis of neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, and re-uptake mechanisms), and neurophysiology (neurometabolic alterations) [1]. The dependence of the developing brain on adequate nutrition during sensitive periods of its growth and development makes especially the developing fetus, and also the neonate, highly vulnerable to the effects of food and nutrition insecurity. Interactions between exposure to infectious disease (such as HIV) and malnutrition (such as undernutrition and food insecurity), are important to consider, given that malnutrition and infectious diseases often coexist in socially inequitable contexts. Maternal immunosuppression related to HIV infection may be exacerbated by malnutrition [16], and the comorbidity of these exposures for infants *in utero* and during the breastfeeding period may be more detrimental than the occurrence of one of these circumstances alone. South Africa not only faces the greatest HIV burden globally, with 19% of the world’s population who live with HIV residing in South Africa, but also reports comparable rates of malnutrition and food insecurity [17]. Understanding the extent to which *in utero* HIV exposure, without infant HIV infection, influences infant development is a public health priority [18], and due to the high rates of food and nutrition insecurity, it is therefore also critical to understand how the early nutritional environment interacts with infectious exposures to influence developmental trajectories in HEU infants. We undertook a prospective cohort pilot study in Pretoria, South Africa, to determine if we could recruit women through our clinics to study the cooccurring effects of HIV exposure and maternal nutrition on growth and neurodevelopment in infants in early life, and to advance our knowledge on these exposure-outcome relationships. We hypothesised that greater household food insecurity would be associated with poorer maternal diet composition and poorer growth and neurodevelopment in infants, in comparison to infants from more food-secure homes. We also hypothesised that the adverse effects of these suboptimal nutritional environments on infant development would occur to a greater degree in HEU infants than infants unexposed to HIV *in utero*, who remain uninfected (HIV unexposed uninfected, HUU). ## Methods ### Study population From the obstetric unit at Kalafong hospital, women living with and without HIV were recruited within four days of delivery (HIV infected: n=32, HIV uninfected: n=22) and followed-up at 12 weeks (range 8-16 weeks) postpartum (HIV infected: n=21, HIV uninfected: n=10) at the Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies Unit (MIHCSU) of the South African Medical Research Council. Study recruitment took place between June-December 2016, with all follow up data collected by March 2017. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pretoria (185-2016) and the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (108870). ### Recruitment and eligibility A research nurse recruited eligible women after delivery. Exclusion criteria included infant delivery by caesarean section, pregnancy complications (including gestational diabetes mellitus, multiple gestations), or antibiotic exposure during labour or delivery and/or the postpartum period. Women were also ineligible to participate if they were from other regions and would find it difficult to come back for follow-up. ### Data collection A retrospective medical chart review was conducted after delivery to extract antenatal data, including maternal characteristics (age at conception, ethnicity, parity, gravidity, smoking status, weight during pregnancy); medication use during pregnancy (including antibiotic exposure); illness/infections during pregnancy; and pregnancy outcomes (duration of gestation). At the postpartum follow up visit, mothers completed a questionnaire to assess breastfeeding practices, maternal lifestyle factors (including alcohol intake and smoking), and nutrition (including vitamin supplements, food security, and a 24-hour dietary recall). Where visits to clinics or hospitals occurred between birth and the follow up visit, the patient-retained child health record (Road to Health Chart [19]) was examined to extract data on infant weight, history of illness and medication use. ### Primary outcome measures Primary outcomes of interest were anthropometry in infants at birth and 12 weeks, growth rate from birth to 12 weeks postpartum, Apgar scores at one and five minutes, and neurodevelopmental status (Guide for Monitoring Child Development [20]) in infants aged 12 weeks. #### Infant anthropometry Infant weight, length, and abdominal and head circumference and body mass index (BMI) were measured at birth and in infants aged 12 weeks. Infant anthropometry were age- and sex-standardised using World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards (WHO Anthro software v 3.2.2, January 2011) [21]. A brain weight estimate was calculated using an equation derived by the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke’s Collaborative Perinatal Project [22]: ![Formula][1] The brain weight estimate was used to calculate the infant brain-to-body weight ratio (BBR) [23]: ![Formula][2] BBR is used as a measure of potential *in utero* asymmetric intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and brain sparing [23]. Growth rate (GR) from birth to 12 weeks postnatal age (kg/day) was calculated using the weight of an infant at birth and follow up, and the days alive since birth at follow up: ![Formula][3] #### Infant neurodevelopment The Guide for Monitoring Child Development (GMCD) [20] was developed, standardised and validated [24] for use in low- and middle-income countries, including South Africa, to assess expressive and receptive language, play activities, relating and response behaviour, and fine and large movement in infants 1 to 24 months postpartum. An assessment for each infant was carried out once between 8 and 16 weeks postpartum by trained staff at the MIHCSU, which involved the researcher asking the child’s caregiver a series of open-ended questions relating to the child’s development. The GMCD monitors infants who are 1-2 months of age (defined as 1 month to 2 months and 30 days) for achievement milestones listed in the 1-2 month category, and infants who are 3-4 months (3 months+1 day to 4 months+30 days) for achievement of all milestones up to 3-4 months. Infants who were premature (<37 weeks) were assessed according to corrected gestational age. GMCD outcomes were quantified in 2 ways. First, the total number of 1-4 month GMCD milestones attained by each infant, regardless of whether the infant fell was 1-2 or 3-4 months of age at follow up, was quantified for expressive and receptive language, play activities, relating and response behaviour, and fine and large movement. Next, the proportion of infants having attained all milestones in their age category (1-2 months, or 3-4 months) for expressive and receptive language, fine and large movement, play activities and relating/response behaviour, compared to the proportion that had not attained all milestones, was quantified. ### Secondary exposure and outcome measures #### Maternal food security and dietary recall A questionnaire was developed to collect maternal reports of food security. Mothers were asked if, in the past 12 months, 1. They and other household members worried that food would run out before they got money to buy more (often true, sometimes true, or never true), 2. The food that they and other household members bought just didn’t last, and there wasn’t any money to get more (often true, sometimes true, or never true), and 3. They and other household members couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals (often true, sometimes true, or never true). Due to our small sample size, maternal reports of ‘often true’ and ‘sometimes true’ were grouped together for analyses as ‘experiences food insecurity’ and compared with ‘never true’ responses. Maternal dietary recall data collected detailed all food and drink consumed in the day prior to the follow up appointment. Dietary recall data were analysed using FoodFinder3 [25], a dietary analysis software programme developed by the South African Medical Research Council, specific to the nutrient composition of foods in South Africa. The estimated average requirements (EARs) and tolerable upper levels (TULs) for available nutrients from the Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes were used to evaluate the nutritional adequacy of reported maternal diets [26]. These reference intakes have been used previously to evaluate diet composition in various South African cohorts [27]. #### Infant feeding patterns At follow up, mothers reported whether they were, or had ever, exclusively breastfed their infants. If the infants were currently receiving formula, the mothers provided the age when formula had been introduced. Feeding practices were only available until 8 weeks of age for the youngest infant at follow up, so this was chosen at the cut off for Figure 1 to plot feeing patterns for the whole cohort. ![Fig. 1.]( [Fig. 1.]( Fig. 1. Feeding patterns from birth to 8 weeks postpartum in HUU and HEU infants. There were no differences in the likelihood of being exclusively breastfed (EBF) at 12 weeks of age for HUU (n=10) compared to HEU (n=21) infants ([p>0.05], Fisher’s exact 2-Tail). Data on feeding practices were available for the whole cohort from birth to 8 weeks postpartum. Each point on the line represents the proportion (%) of HUU or HEU exclusively breastfed, receiving any breastmilk, or were formula fed at that time (weeks). HUU = HIV-unexposed, uninfected infant; HEU = HIV-exposed, uninfected infant. ### Data analysis Data were analysed using JMP 14.0. Data were tested for normality and univariate analysis (ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis/Wilcoxon test for non-parametric data, or Welch’s test for normal data with unequal variance) was used to compare maternal dietary intake nutrient levels for mothers who experienced food insecurity compared to those who had not. Comparisons of: 1. Anthropometry of infants at birth and 12 weeks of age, 2. Apgar scores (one and five minutes), and 3. GMCD milestones attained in infants aged 12 weeks for infants whose mothers reported on food security were tested using adjusted multiple regression models. Fisher’s exact test (2-tail) was used to quantify differences between infants whose mothers reported food insecure conditions compared to those who did not for probability of: 1. Stunting at birth or 12 weeks of age, 2. Exclusively breastfeeding at follow up, and 3. Attaining all age-appropriate GMCD milestones for expressive and receptive language, fine and large movement, relating and response behaviour and play activities. Next, differences in the probability of these outcomes occurring, stratified by both food (in)security and HIV exposure status, were assessed using Fisher’s exact test (2-tail). Maternal data on food security and dietary recall were only available for mothers whose infants attended follow up, when the questionnaires were administered. Therefore, relationships between maternal HIV status, diet, and reports of food (in)security with infant anthropometric and GMCD outcomes at birth and in infants aged 12 weeks were only examined in this subset (HIV infected: n=21, HIV uninfected: n=10) of the original cohort recruited at birth (HIV infected: n= 32, HIV uninfected: n= 22). Variables that are known or suspected confounders for our outcome measures were included as covariables in regression models where the exposure of interest was maternal reports of food (in)security, and variables with α=0.20 were retained through stepwise backward elimination for the final models. Maternal covariables included HIV status, age, education, weight at delivery, gravidity, parity, smoke exposure, breastfeeding practices. Infant included anthropometry, gestational age, sex, age (days) at follow up, growth rate from birth to 12 weeks of age. Variables included in final adjusted models for outcomes at birth and 12 weeks of age can be seen in Supplementary tables S1 and S2. Findings are presented as unadjusted medians [IQR], with effect size and p value from ANCOVA. View this table: [Supplementary table S1.]( Supplementary table S1. Final ANCOVA models for analysis of infant anthropometry and Apgar scores at birth for infants who were exposed to food insecure conditions compared to those who were not. View this table: [Supplementary table S2.]( Supplementary table S2. Final ANCOVA models for analysis of infant anthropometry and neurodevelopmental outcome at 12 weeks postpartum for infants who were exposed to food insecure conditions compared to those who were not. View this table: [Supplementary table S3.]( Supplementary table S3. Maternal nutrient intakes from one 24-hour dietary recall for mothers with and without HIV who attended follow up. ## Results ### Cohort characteristics There were no differences among the 31 (HIV infected n=21, HIV uninfected n=10) mother-infant dyads at follow up for maternal weight at delivery, age, level of education, or reports of food insecurity (Table 1). No mothers reported consuming alcohol during pregnancy, and all mothers were non-cigarette smokers, however, one woman reported consuming snuff. Infant cohort characteristics are presented in Table 2. Of the infants in attendance at follow up, three were born preterm (<37 weeks), including one HUU infant born at 36 weeks, and two HEU infants, born at 35 and 36 weeks. There were no differences between HUU and HEU infants for infant sex, gestational age or age at follow up (Table 2). View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Maternal cohort characteristics. View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Infant cohort characteristics ### Food security may influence exclusive breastfeeding rates To evaluate feeding patterns, we plotted the percentage of HEU and HUU infants being breastfed (any and exclusive) or formula fed from birth to 8 weeks of age (Figure 1). At birth, exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) was initiated for all but one infant, who was HEU and received mixed feeds. At follow up, slightly more HUU infants were still being EBF compared to HEU, however, most HEU infants were still receiving some breastmilk. There were no differences between HUU and HEU infants for likelihood of EBF at follow up (Table 2), and adjusted analyses revealed no associations between duration of EBF recorded at follow up and infant growth or neurodevelopment outcomes at 12 weeks of age (data not shown). There was no difference in likelihood of EBF at follow up between mothers who reported worrying about food runout compared to those who did not, irrespective of maternal HIV status (Table 3). However, mothers who reported never experiencing food runout or were always able to afford balanced meals were more likely than mothers who experienced food runout, or were unable to afford balanced meals, to be EBF at follow up, irrespective of maternal HIV status (Table 3). View this table: [Table 3.]( Table 3. Anthropometry and Apgar scores at birth, and anthropometry, GMCD outcomes and breastfeeding practices at 12 weeks postpartum for infants exposed to food-insecure conditions compared to those who were not. ### Food insecurity influences maternal diet composition Full data on maternal dietary intakes from the 24-hour recall are presented in Supplementary table 3 and data on absolute maternal nutrient intakes and median % of TULs consumed by mothers are presented in Table 4. Mothers who worried about or experienced food runout consumed less animal protein compared to those who did not (16.3 [3.85, 30.0] vs. 29.0 [19.3, 39.0], R2=0.2, p=0.03; 15.4 [3.30, 21.4] vs. 9.0 [19.7, 38.0] vs. R2=0.2, p=0.01). Mothers who experienced food runout consumed less saturated fatty acids (FA)than mothers who did not (6.80 [5.69, 12.9] vs. 9.68 [8.88, 14.7], R2=0.04, p=0.03). Mothers who worried about food runout consumed lower levels of added sugars (8.00 [0.50, 18.8] vs. 25.6 [12.0, 41.0], R2=0.06, p=0.01) and glucose (1.80 [0.00, 3.55] vs. 3.95 [2.40, 5.00], R2=0.1, p=0.04) compared to those who did not, and mothers who experienced food runout consumed less fructose (0.40 [0.00, 6.10] vs. 6.50 [1.20, 8.15], R2=0.1, p=0.01), sucrose (8.40 [1.00, 17.9] vs. 19.1 [12.4, 30.1], R2=0.02, p=0.03), glucose (1.20 [0.00, 3.40] vs. 3.95 [2.75, 5.60], R2=0.1, p=0.01), added sugars (8.00 [0.30, 21.0] vs. 17.6 [12.0, 40.5], R2=0.02, p=0.04) and total sugars (13.1 [7.00, 30.9] vs. 31.2 [24.3, 42.5], R2=0.04, p=0.02). Maternal reports of food insecurity associated with lower intake of dietary insoluble fibre (1.20 [0.00, 3.20] vs. 3.15 [1.68, 4.08], R2=0.1, p=0.04). Overall, very few mothers had intake of vitamins or minerals that was too high, however, TULs were exceeded for magnesium and sodium (Table 4). View this table: [Table 4.]( Table 4. Maternal nutrient intake from one 24-hour dietary recall for mothers who report experiencing food insecure compared to those who do not experience food insecurity. Overall, a large proportion of mothers were at risk of inadequate intake of macronutrients, vitamins and minerals (Figures 2-4). Food insecurity was associated with an increased risk of inadequate intake (median %EAR met) of vitamin B12 amongst mothers who reported worrying about (66.7 [14.6, 104] vs. 83.3 [66.7, 147], R2=0.08, p=0.05) or experiencing (66.7 [12.5, 91.7] vs. 89.6 [67.7, 144], R2=0.08, p=0.01) food runout, or an inability to afford balanced meals (66.7 [19.8, 96.9] vs. 108 [70.8, 150], R2=2,38e-1, p=0.04) compared to mothers who did not. Of the mothers who reported worrying about or experiencing food runout, or inability to afford balanced meals, 76.5%, 86.7%, and 81.8% were at risk for inadequate intake, respectively. ![Fig. 2.]( [Fig. 2.]( Fig. 2. Maternal intake of estimated average requirements for macronutrients. Maternal reports of food insecurity did not associate with intake levels of macronutrients. Percent intake of EARs for macronutrients were calculated for lactating women 14-18, 19-30 or 31-50 years of age [26]. No EARs are available for total fat. Calculations for EAR for total protein considered maternal weight at time of dietary recall. Data are % intake of EAR reported in maternal dietary recall for macronutrients (quartiles, median lines and 95% confidence diamonds, *p<0.05 [ANOVA for normal distribution/equal variance; Kruskal-Wallis/Wilcoxon test for non-parametric data; or Welch’s test for normal data/unequal variance]). EAR = Estimated average requirement; CHO = carbohydrates. ![Fig. 3.]( [Fig. 3.]( Fig. 3. Maternal intake of estimated average requirements for vitamins. Maternal reports of worrying about (A; R2=0.08, p=0.05) or experiencing (B; R2=0.08, p=0.01) food runout, or inability to afford balanced meals (C; R2=2,38e-1, p=0.04) associate with lower intake of vitamin B12. Many women, irrespective of food security reports, are at risk of inadequate vitamin intakes. Percent intake of EARs for vitamins were calculated for lactating women 14-18, 19-30 or 31-50 years of age [26]. Data are % intake of EAR reported in maternal dietary recall for vitamins (quartiles, median lines and 95% confidence diamonds, *p<0.05 [ANOVA for normal distribution/equal variance; Kruskal-Wallis/Wilcoxon test for non-parametric data; or Welch’s test for normal data/unequal variance]). EAR = Estimated average requirement. ### Influence of food insecurity on infant Apgar scores and anthropometric outcomes at birth Maternal reports of food insecurity did not influence infant gestational age at birth (Table 3). However, infants who were from households where mothers reported worrying about food runout (compared to those who had not worried) had higher BBR at birth (10.4 [9.70, 12.0] vs. 9.65 [8.90, 10.3] R2=0.11, p=0.04, Figure 5A). Maternal reports of food insecurity (worry about or experience food runout, or inability to afford balanced meals compared to those who did not experience these circumstances) were not associated with any other infant anthropometry at birth (Table 3). ![Fig. 4.]( [Fig. 4.]( Fig. 4. Maternal intake of estimated average requirements for minerals. Many women, irrespective of food security reports, are at risk of inadequate mineral intakes. Percent intake of EARs for minerals were calculated for lactating women 14-18, 19-30 or 31-50 years of age [26]. Data are % intake of EAR reported in maternal dietary recall for minerals (quartiles, median lines and 95% confidence diamonds, *p<0.05 [ANOVA for normal distribution/equal variance; Kruskal-Wallis/Wilcoxon test for non-parametric data; or Welch’s test for normal data/unequal variance]). EAR = Estimated average requirement. ![Fig. 5.]( [Fig. 5.]( Fig. 5. Maternal reports of worrying about food runout affect infant growth and neurodevelopment at birth and 12 weeks of age. Maternal reports of worrying about food insecurity associate with higher brain-to-body weight ratio at birth (A; R2=0.11, p=0.04) and 12 weeks old (E; R2=0.10, p=0.05), lower Apgar score at five minutes postpartum (B; R2=0.29, p=0.001), and attainment of fewer large movement (C; R2=0.86, p=0.03) and play activity (D; R2=0.58, p=0.02) milestones, compared to infants whose mothers do not report food insecure circumstances. Outlier box plots are measured anthropometry, Apgar scores and number of GMCD milestones attained (quartiles, median lines and 95% confidence diamonds, *p<0.05 [ANCOVA]). GMCD = Guide for monitoring child development. Apgar scores at one minute were not impacted by maternal reports of food security; however, Apgar scores at five minutes were slightly lower for infants whose mothers reported sometimes or often worrying about food runout (compared to those who never worried; 9.0 [8.79, 9.22] vs. 9.57 [9.34, 9.81], R2=0.29, p=0.001, Figure 5B). There were no differences in infant Apgar scores at one and five minutes, or trajectory of scores between one and five minutes, for HUU and HEU infants whose mothers reported food insecurity compared those who did not (Supplementary Figure 1). ![Supplementary figure S1.]( [Supplementary figure S1.]( Supplementary figure S1. Apgar scores at one and five minutes stratified by HIV exposure status and reports of food insecurity. Apgar scores at one and five minutes after birth were not different between HUU (n=10) and HEU (n=21) infants, irrespective of household reports of food (in)security (A-C, ANCOVA, p>0.05). Data are group means ± SD for measured Apgar scores at one and five minutes postpartum. HUU = HIV-unexposed, uninfected infant; HEU = HIV-exposed, uninfected infant. ### Influence of food insecurity on growth outcomes in 12 week old infants Brain-to-body weight ratio at 12 weeks postpartum was higher amongst infants who were from households where mothers reported experiencing food runout (compared to those who had not experienced food runout; 7.72 [7.29, 8.12] vs. 7.21 [6.88, 7.69], R2=0.10, p=0.05, Figure 5E). There were no differences for infant head circumference, weight, BMI, or length in infants aged 12 weeks, or growth rate from birth to 12 weeks postpartum in relation to measures of food security (Table 3). ### HEU may increase vulnerability to effects of food insecurity on risk of stunting at birth Among infants whose mothers reported worrying about food runout, HEU infants had increased risk of stunting at birth compared to HUU infants (p=0.04, Fisher’s exact test [2-tail], Figure 6). Maternal HIV status did not influence the relationship between maternal reports of food insecurity and any other infant outcomes at birth or 12 weeks postpartum. ![Fig. 6.]( [Fig. 6.]( Fig. 6. Cooccurrence of maternal HIV and food insecurity increases risk of stunting at birth. Amongst infants whose mothers report worrying about food runout, risk of stunting at birth is greater for HEU compared to HUU infants (A; p=0.04, Fisher’s exact test). Data are proportion (%) of HUU or HEU infants who have stunting (<-2 SD length-for-age standardised according to WHO child growth standards [21]) at birth and 12 weeks old. HUU = HIV-unexposed, uninfected infant; HEU = HIV-exposed, uninfected infant. ### Influence of food insecurity on neurodevelopmental outcomes in 12 week old infants All but one infant, who was HUU, received a GMCD assessment at their follow up appointment. Maternal reports of worrying about food runout (compared to not worrying) associated with attainment of fewer large movement (4.00 [3.00, 4.00] vs. 4.00 [4.00, 4.00], R2=0.86, p=0.03, Figure 5C) and play activities milestones (2.00 [1.00, 2.00] vs. 2.00 [2.00, 2.00], R2=0.58, p=0.02, Figure 5D). The number of expressive or receptive language, fine movement, or relating and response behaviour milestones attained in infants aged 12 weeks was not affected by maternal reports of food insecurity (Table 3). The probability of attaining all 1-2 month GMCD expressive and receptive language, large movement, play activities and relating and response behaviour milestones did not associate with maternal reports of worry about food runout, experiencing food runout, or inability to afford balanced meals (Figure 7A, C, E). No comparisons were made for fine movement outcomes between infants exposed to food insecure conditions compare to those who had not, as all infants who were 1-2 months of age at follow up met all age-appropriate fine movement milestones. At 3-4 months, there were no differences in the proportion of infants who attained fine movement and relating and response behaviour milestones based on maternal reports of food security (Figures 7B, D, F). No comparisons were made for expressive and receptive language, large movement, or play activities, as all infants 3-4 months of age at follow up had met these milestones. It was not possible to further stratify these comparisons based on maternal HIV status due to our small sample size. ![Fig. 7.]( [Fig. 7.]( Fig. 7. Food insecurity associates with low attainment of GMCD milestones for HUU and HEU infants. Infants whose mothers reported household food insecurity did not attain 1-2 month GMCD milestones (A, C, E) for receptive language, large movement, relating and response behaviour or play activities, or 3-4 month GMCD milestones (B, D, F) for fine movement or relating and response behaviour in the same proportion as the international standardization sample. Maternal reports of food insecurity did not associate with risk of not attaining all 1-2 month or 3-4 month GMCD milestones (A-F, [p>0.05], Fisher’s exact 2-Tail). Data are proportion (%) of infants who attained all age-appropriate GMCD milestones. The horizontal dotted line represents the GMCD standardised international sample proportion (85%) of infants who attained all milestones in that age category, when they were in that age range. The numbers underneath the bars represent the number of infants attaining all milestones for each milestone. GMCD = Guide for monitoring child development; HUU = HIV-unexposed, uninfected infant; HEU = HIV-exposed, uninfected infant. ## Discussion As infectious disease and malnutrition often coexist, it is critical to understand how food insecure circumstances and maternal malnutrition influence the developmental trajectories of the increasing number of children born each year who are HIV-exposed, but uninfected. Amongst children infected with HIV, the cooccurrence of malnutrition is known to exacerbate the disease’s adverse effects, and associates with poorer prognosis [28]. HIV-infection has a definite impact on growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes of children [6–9], and malnutrition, which alone positions children to be more vulnerable to more frequent and severe infections [29], may have an additive negative effect on growth and health trajectories [30]. In this small pilot study, we found that HEU infants exposed to household food insecurity had increased risk of stunting at birth compared to HUU infants whose mothers also reported food insecure conditions. This is consistent with our hypothesis that HEU infants may be more vulnerable to the programming effects of suboptimal nutrition *in utero* and postnatally than their HUU counterparts. Stunting is the most common manifestation of infant undernutrition globally [31], increasing morbidity and mortality in children in early life, and increasing one’s risk of metabolic disease while reducing neurodevelopmental and economic capacity later in life [32]. Stunting is common amongst children living with HIV who are under 5 years and improves overtime with ART treatment [33], however, the extent to which HEU children are persistently at risk for stunting is not well understood. In our cohort, there were 11 infants who were stunted at birth, and five who were stunted at 12 weeks postpartum. When examining stunting by HIV exposure groups, we observed that amongst infants whose mothers worried about food runout, HEU infants were at an increased risk of stunting compared to HUU infants at birth, but not at follow up. This finding suggests that the effects of *in utero* HIV exposure and food insecurity on infant length at birth may not persist at 12 weeks postpartum, and infants with low length-for-age at birth may catch up in growth in the first few months of age. Of note, the number of HUU infants 12 weeks of age in our cohort was small, and as such, comparisons between groups should be interpreted with caution. Our findings should be replicated in larger cohorts to determine whether HEU infants exposed to food insecure conditions are indeed more vulnerable to stunting than their HUU counterparts, and whether or not these infants may exhibit catch up growth, an effect known to associate with poor metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes later in life [34]. Suboptimal maternal nutrition during the prenatal period is also known to associate with asymmetric IUGR and brain sparing [23], resulting in a higher BBR at birth and increasing a child’s risk of motor hyperactivity, and poorer language, cognitive, and motor outcomes at 10 years of age [35], stunted immune functioning [36,37] and increased risk of metabolic disease later in life [38]. We found higher BBR at birth and 12 weeks postpartum amongst infants whose mothers reported food insecure conditions, consistent with reports of associations between maternal malnutrition and brain sparing23. Maternal HIV infection is also implicated as a risk factor for IUGR [39], however, risk of asymmetric IUGR and brain sparing for infants exposed to HIV *in utero* is not well characterised, and we found no differences in BBR between HUU and HEU infants exposed to food insecure conditions versus not. This suggests that HEU infants in this cohort were not at an increased risk of brain sparing. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use a measure of BBR to look at differential risk of brain sparing among HUU and HEU infants exposed to suboptimal maternal nutrition *in utero* and postnatally, and larger cohort studies should further investigate these relationships. The detrimental impacts of maternal malnutrition on infant neurodevelopment are well established [40], and whilst children perinatally infected with HIV have lower Apgar scores [41], and show poorer motor, cognitive and behavioural development compared to uninfected counterparts before 3 years of age [6], the neurodevelopmental trajectories of HEU children are poorly understood in part because studies often vary greatly in design, measurement tools, cohort demographics, and findings [13,14,42–45]. Here, we observed lower Apgar scores at five minutes amongst infants whose mothers reported worrying about or experiencing food runout, irrespective whether or not the infant was HUU or HEU. Importantly, these differences were small, and their clinical relevance remains to be determined. We also found associations between maternal reports of food insecurity and attainment of play activities and large movement milestones in infants aged 12 weeks, irrespective of maternal HIV status. Further, both HUU and HEU infants 1-2 months of age whose mothers reported food insecure conditions did not meet GMCD 1-2 months milestones for receptive language, large movement, relating and response behaviour or play activities. This is in contrast to HUU and HEU infants aged 3-4 months who met all 3-4 month GMCD neurodevelopmental milestones (except for fine movement), irrespective of household food security status. In disagreement with our hypothesis, these findings suggest that the effects of household food insecurity, possibly resulting in maternal malnutrition, on neurodevelopment were not exacerbated by exposure to HIV in the womb. These data also suggest that whilst food insecure circumstances influence neurodevelopmental milestone attainment in infants who are 1-2 months of age, effects of food insecurity on GMCD milestones may not persist beyond 2 months. As the absence of effect at 3-4 months may be owing to our small sample size, further study in a larger cohort and more longitudinal data are required to determine how infant development may change overtime in response to household food insecurity. Maternal nutrient intakes during pregnancy and the postpartum period are critical to supporting rapid growth and development of the infant [1], and maternal diet in part determines the nutritional composition of breastmilk [46]. Mothers were at risk for inadequate macronutrient intakes irrespective of food insecurity reports, and mothers experiencing food insecurity consumed less animal protein, sugars and insoluble fibre, and more saturated FA. We also found maternal reports of experiencing food insecurity associated with lower vitamin B12, and a large proportion of mothers, irrespective of food insecurity circumstances, were at risk for inadequate intakes. Inadequate maternal vitamin B12 intakes have shown to cause secondary deficiencies in breastfed infants in the first six months of life, leading to delayed growth and neurodevelopment [47]. Iron intake was not influenced by food insecurity, and it is promising that most mothers exceeded EARs, but not TULs, for iron, which may be the result of public health efforts to prevent and treat anaemia in pregnant women in South Africa. Early detection of maternal nutrient deficiencies allows early intervention and potential mitigation of adverse pregnancy outcomes and long-term developmental impacts for infants who are breastfed, and these preliminary results suggest that food insecurity may influence maternal nutrient status. Importantly, our single dietary recall prevented us from determining whether these deficiencies may be have persisted long term or are small fluctuations, limiting our ability to infer the degree they may have secondary consequences for the mother and developing infant. As ART coverage and viral suppression for pregnant women living with HIV has increased, recommendations around postnatal feeding practices have evolved to promote breastfeeding for women living with HIV exclusively for the first 6 months postpartum [48], with continuation of breastfeeding through mixed feeds thereafter until 24 months postpartum [49]. Breastfeeding benefits include increased child cognitive scores, decreased risk of contraction of common childhood infections, and decreased rates of overweight and diabetes in later life [50]. We observed slightly higher retention of EBF amongst mothers living without HIV compared to those living with HIV. Food insecurity is a known barrier to exclusive breastfeeding [51], and mothers experiencing food insecurity may be more likely to return to work soon after birth [52] or may have challenges maintaining milk supply due to inadequate nutrition [53]. In agreement with this, we found that mothers who never experienced food runout or were always able to afford balanced meals were more likely to be exclusively breastfeeding at follow up. Our short follow up time and small sample size limited our ability to examine the effect of exclusive breastfeeding duration on infant outcomes. Yet, infant growth and neurodevelopment from birth to 12 postpartum did not appear to be influenced by exclusive breastfeeding status at 12 weeks postpartum. Further, whilst it is known that altered maternal endocrine and metabolic status can restructure the breast milk microbiome and immune and nutrient factors therein [54,55], how maternal HIV infection may alter breastmilk composition is not well understood. Investigation of breastmilk immune factors among women living with HIV remains limited, and among the few studies that have measured these factors, varied results have been reported. Higher levels of non-specific IgA [56] and IgG [56,57] have been measured in breastmilk from women living with HIV, and higher levels of fucosylated human milk oligosaccharides in breast milk are associated with lower infant mortality among HEU infants, but not HEI, during breastfeeding [58]. There is opportunity to better understand how the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, including improved maternal health outcomes [59] and constituents in breastmilk [60], could be protective against any adverse effects of exposure to HIV in the womb on child growth and neurodevelopment. Whilst our study’s small sample size and limited longitudinal data restricts the generalisability of our findings, we were successful in recruiting women to study the cooccurring effects of food insecurity and *in utero* HIV exposure on maternal dietary intakes and infant outcomes at two time points, and our findings can inform larger studies on these relationships. To our knowledge, this prospective cohort study is amongst the first few investigating relationships between maternal nutrition and food security and infant growth and neurodevelopment among a population of HIV-exposed, uninfected infants in comparison to HIV-unexposed controls. Overall, our findings suggest that food insecurities, and the likely ensuing poor maternal nutritional status, adversely affect the growth and neurodevelopment of a South African cohort of HUU and HEU infants in the first four months of life, and at least for some measures, the effects of a suboptimal early life nutritional environment may be most detrimental for infants exposed to HIV in the womb. The perinatal window is a key period to target to improve infant developmental outcomes. Whether interventions that focus on maternal/child nutritional status and food security at this time improve outcomes for the 1.5 million HIV-exposed infants born annually, who may be even more vulnerable to the programming effects suboptimal nutrition *in utero* and postnatally [61], remains to be determined. ## Data Availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. ## Author Contributions Conceptulalisation: KLC, TR, UF; Methodology: KLC, MW, TR; Investigation: MW, KLC, ED, TR, UF; Analysed data: MW, ED, KLC; Wrote paper: MW, KLC; Reviewed and revised paper: TR, UF, ED, MW, KLC. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article contains supporting documents. ## Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the participating families and health care workers in Pretoria, for without whom this research would not be possible, and Dr. Chrisna Durandt, who performed the flow cytometry. This research is funded by the Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER), the Faculty of Science, Carleton University, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). MW is supported by a Canadian Graduate Scholarship-Master’s from CIHR. * Received August 2, 2019. * Revision received August 2, 2019. * Accepted August 12, 2019. * © 2019, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Georgieff MK. Nutrition and the developing brain: nutrient priorities and measurement. 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