Importance The long-term effects of COVID-19 on the incidence of vascular diseases are unclear.
Objective To quantify the association between time since diagnosis of COVID-19 and vascular disease, overall and by age, sex, ethnicity, and pre-existing disease.
Design Cohort study based on population-wide linked electronic health records, with follow up from January 1st to December 7th 2020.
Setting and participants Adults registered with an NHS general practice in England or Wales and alive on January 1st 2020.
Exposures Time since diagnosis of COVID-19 (categorised as 0-6 days, 1-2 weeks, 3-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-26 and 27-49 weeks since diagnosis), with and without hospitalisation within 28 days of diagnosis.
Main outcomes and measures Primary outcomes were arterial thromboses (mainly acute myocardial infarction and ischaemic stroke) and venous thromboembolic events (VTE, mainly pulmonary embolism and lower limb deep vein thrombosis). We also studied other vascular events (transient ischaemic attack, haemorrhagic stroke, heart failure and angina). Hazard ratios were adjusted for demographic characteristics, previous disease diagnoses, comorbidities and medications.
Results Among 48 million adults, 130,930 were and 1,315,471 were not hospitalised within 28 days of COVID-19. In England, there were 259,742 first arterial thromboses and 60,066 first VTE during 41.6 million person-years follow-up. Adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) for first arterial thrombosis compared with no COVID-19 declined rapidly from 21.7 (95% CI 21.0-22.4) to 3.87 (3.58-4.19) in weeks 1 and 2 after COVID-19, 2.80 (2.61-3.01) during weeks 3-4 then to 1.34 (1.21-1.48) during weeks 27-49. aHRs for first VTE declined from 33.2 (31.3-35.2) and 8.52 (7.59-9.58) in weeks 1 and 2 to 7.95 (7.28-8.68) and 4.26 (3.86-4.69) during weeks 3-4 and 5-8, then 2.20 (1.99-2.44) and 1.80 (1.50-2.17) during weeks 13-26 and 27-49 respectively. aHRs were higher, for longer after diagnosis, after hospitalised than non-hospitalised COVID-19. aHRs were also higher among people of Black and Asian than White ethnicity and among people without than with a previous event. Across the whole population estimated increases in risk of arterial thromboses and VTEs were 2.5% and 0.6% respectively 49 weeks after COVID-19, corresponding to 7,197 and 3,517 additional events respectively after 1.4 million COVID-19 diagnoses.
Conclusions and Relevance High rates of vascular disease early after COVID-19 diagnosis decline more rapidly for arterial thromboses than VTEs but rates remain elevated up to 49 weeks after COVID_19. These results support continued policies to avoid COVID-19 infection with effective COVID-19 vaccines and use of secondary preventive agents in high-risk patients.
Question Is COVID-19 associated with higher long-term incidence of vascular diseases?
Findings In this cohort study of 48 million adults in England and Wales, COVID-19 was associated with higher incidence, that declined with time since diagnosis, of both arterial thromboses [week 1: adjusted HR [aHR] 21.7 (95% CI 21.0-22.4) weeks 27-49: aHR 1.34 (1.21-1.48)] and venous thromboembolism [week 1: aHR 33.2 (31.3-35.2), weeks 27–49 1.80 (1.50-2.17)]. aHRs were higher, for longer, after hospitalised than non-hospitalised COVID-19. The estimated excess number of arterial thromboses and venous thromboembolisms was 10,500.
Meaning Avoidance of COVID-19 infection through vaccination, and use of secondary preventive agents after infection in high-risk patients, may reduce post-COVID-19 acute vascular diseases.
Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the cause of COVID-19, induces a pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory state that may increase the risk of serious thrombotic disorders.1 Most previous studies suggest immediate marked increases in both arterial (largely MI and stroke), and venous thromboembolic events (VTEs),2–8 although these might be exaggerated due to universal testing for COVID-19 in all hospital admissions. However, few studies have quantified long term vascular risks after diagnosis of COVID-19 or explored how these risks differ by key characteristics such as age, sex, ethnicity, or pre-existing disease.
Anonymised population-scale linked primary and secondary care electronic health records (EHRs) for the whole population of England and Wales were analysed to estimate the relative incidence of major arterial thromboses and VTEs up to one year after COVID-19 diagnosis, compared with people without COVID-19, accounting for multiple potential confounding factors. Variation in relative incidence by COVID-related hospitalisation and demographic factors was examined.
Pseudonymised data on adults alive and registered with a primary care general practice in England or Wales on 1st January 2020 were accessed and analysed, within NHS Digital’s secure, privacy protecting Trusted Research Environment (TRE) Service for England and the SAIL databank for Wales.9,10 The TRE for England includes primary care data (GPES data for Pandemic Planning and Research, GDPPR) from 98% of general practices linked at individual-level to secondary care data including all NHS hospital admissions, critical care, emergency department and outpatient episodes (Hospital Episode Statistics and Secondary Uses Service data from 1997 onwards), COVID-19 laboratory testing data, national community drug dispensing data (NHS BSA Dispensed Medicines from 2018) and death registrations. The SAIL databank includes data from hospital admissions, mortality registers, primary care, COVID-19 test results, community dispensing, and critical care, enabled through the C19_Cohort20 platform.11
COVID-19 diagnosis
COVID-19 diagnosis was defined as a record of a positive COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or antigen test, or a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in primary care or secondary care hospital admission records and derived the earliest date on which COVID-19 was recorded (Supplementary Table 1). ‘Hospitalisation for COVID-19’ was defined as a hospital admission record with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the primary position within 28 days of first COVID-19 diagnoses and ‘COVID-19 without hospitalisation’ as a COVID-19 diagnosis without such hospitalisation.
Outcomes were defined using primary care, hospital admission and national death registry data (Supplementary Table 2). Specialist clinician-verified SNOMED-CT, Read code and ICD-10 rule-based phenotyping algorithms were used to define fatal or non-fatal: (i) arterial thromboses (myocardial infarction (MI), ischaemic stroke (ischaemic or unclassified stroke, spinal stroke or retinal infarction), and other non-stroke non-MI arterial thromboembolism); (ii) VTEs (pulmonary embolism (PE), lower limb deep venous thrombosis (DVT), other DVT, portal vein thrombosis and intracranial venous thrombosis (ICVT)); and (iii) other vascular events (transient ischaemic attack (TIA), haemorrhagic stroke (intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage), heart failure and angina).
Potential confounding variables
Primary and secondary care records up to 1st January 2020 were used to define ethnicity, deprivation, smoking status and region. A large number of potentially confounding variables were defined based on previous disease diagnoses, comorbidities and medications (Supplementary Table 3).
Statistical Analyses
Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated for time since diagnosis of COVID-19 (categorised as 0-6 days, 1-2 weeks, 3-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-26 and 27-49 weeks since diagnosis), compared with follow up without or before diagnosis of COVID-19 (reference group). Analyses used Cox regression models with calendar time scale (starting on 1st January 2020), to account for rapid changes in incidence rates during the pandemic, fitted separately by age group (categorised as <40, 40-59, 60-79 and ≥80 years on 1st January 2020) and by population (England and Wales). Censoring was at the earliest of the date of the outcome, death, or 7th December 2020 (the day before the UK COVID-19 vaccine rollout started). For computational efficiency, analyses included all people with the outcome of interest or with a record of COVID-infection, and a 10% randomly sampled subset of other people. Analyses incorporated inverse probability weights with robust standard errors to account for this sampling. Overall HRs were combined across age groups using inverse-variance weighted meta-analyses. Crude; age, sex and region-adjusted; and maximally adjusted HRs were estimated: the latter controlled for all the potential confounders listed in Supplementary Table 3. Where necessary in subgroup analyses, potential confounders with ≤2 disease events at any level were excluded. In subgroup analyses for which there were no outcome events in one or more time periods post-COVID-19 diagnosis the time periods were collapsed into categories “1-4” and “>5” weeks since COVID-19.
Separate analyses were conducted after hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19. For the combined arterial thrombosis and VTE outcomes, additional subgroup analyses were conducted by sex, ethnicity and history of arterial thrombosis and VTE respectively. Because of the smaller population size, analyses of Welsh data excluded the <40 years age group, were restricted to all COVID-19 diagnoses and the combined arterial thrombosis and VTE outcomes, and were conducted separately only by sex. Results were combined across the English and Welsh populations using inverse-variance weighted meta-analyses. Further details of the statistical analyses are provided in the supplementary material.
The average daily incidence of major arterial and venous events before or in the absence of COVID-19 was calculated across the whole follow up period, separately in subgroups defined by age and sex. These were multiplied by the maximally adjusted age- and sex-specific HR for that day to derive the incidence on each day after COVID-19. A life table approach was used to calculate age- and sex-specific cumulative risks over time with and without COVID-19 and latter was subtracted from the former to derive the absolute excess risks over time after COVID-19, compared with no COVID-19 diagnosis. Overall absolute excess risk was estimated from a weighted sum of the age and sex-specific excess risks, weighted by the proportions of people in age and sex strata within the COVID-19 infected population in England during the follow-up period.
Study oversight
Approval was obtained from the Newcastle & North Tyneside 2 Research Ethics Committee (20/NE/0161), the NHS Digital Data Access Request Service (DARS-NIC 381078-Y9C5K) and the British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre CVD-COVID UK Approvals and Oversight Board. Pseudonymised data was accessed and analysed within privacy protecting trusted research environments. The analysis was performed according to a pre-specified analysis plan with phenotyping and analysis code at github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01. Analyses used SQL, Python and RStudio (Professional) Version 1.3.1093.1 driven by R Version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10).
Among 44,964,486 people in the England population, 118,879 (264/100,000) were hospitalised with COVID-19 and 1,248,810 (,2776/100,000) were not hospitalised within 28 days of their COVID-19 diagnosis (Table 1). Among 2,615,854 people in the Wales population 12,051 and 66,661 respectively were hospitalised and not hospitalised after COVID-19 (Supplementary Table 4).
The risk of non-hospitalised COVID-19 was higher in women than men (3,110 versus 2,428/100,000), but the risk of hospitalised COVID-19 was higher in men than women (304 versus 226/100,000) (Table 1). As expected, the risk of hospitalised COVID-19 increased markedly with increasing age, from 28.3/100,000 at age 18-29 years to 1,944/100,000 at age 90+ years. By contrast the risk of non-hospitalised COVID-19 was higher (3,816 and 4,749/100,000) in these youngest and oldest age groups and lowest (1,450/100,000) in those aged 70-79 years. The risks of both hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19 increased with increasing index of multiple deprivation.
Numbers of arterial thromboses, VTEs and other vascular events before COVID-19 and after hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19, in the England population are shown in Table 2. Of 259,742 arterial thromboses, 2,246 and 5,150 were after hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19 respectively. Corresponding figures for VTEs were 60,066, 810 and 1,812. Most arterial thromboses were either acute myocardial infarction (MI, 129,429) or ischaemic stroke (128,340) and most VTEs were either pulmonary embolism (PE, 32,153) or lower limb deep vein thrombosis (DVT, 25,590). The proportion of strokes due to haemorrhage was as expected (9.2% after hospitalised COVID-19 and 15% after non-hospitalised COVID-190). The total person-years of follow up in the England population were 41,595,372 before COVID-19, 32,471 after hospitalised COVID-19 and 245,817 after non-hospitalised COVID-19. Corresponding figures in the Wales population were 2,383,967, 3,048 and 10,961.
Across outcomes and all time periods after COVID-19, maximally adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) were attenuated compared with unadjusted hazard ratios (Figure 1, Supplementary Table 5). aHRs for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) declined rapidly from 17.2 (95% CI 16.3-18.1) in week 1 to 1.21 (1.03-1.41) in weeks 27-49. They were higher, for longer after diagnosis, after hospitalised compared with non-hospitalised COVID-19: aHRs during weeks 27-49 were 1.39 (1.12-1.72) and 1.03 (0.83-1.28) respectively (Supplementary Figure 1). aHRs for ischaemic stroke were higher than for MI: they declined from 28.1 (26.8-29.4) in week 1 to 1.62 (1.42-1.86) in weeks 27-49, at which time they were 1.62 (1.33-1.98) and 1.33 (1.10-1.59) after hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19 respectively.
Age/sex/region adjusted and maximally adjusted hazard ratios (log scale) for different arterial thrombotic, and venous thromboembolic and other vascular events by time since diagnosis of COVID-19.
Rates of DVT and PE were elevated for longer after diagnosis of COVID-19 than those for arterial thromboses: aHRs compared with no COVID-19 were 4.80 (95% CI 4.03-5.73) and 10.5 (9.44-11.8) respectively 3-4 weeks after diagnosis, declining to 1.62 (1.42-1.86) and 1.99 (1.49-2.65) in weeks 27-49, by which time aHRs were similar for hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19. Overall aHRs for haemorrhagic stroke declined to below 2 by 3-4 weeks after diagnosis, but peaked again (aHR 4.85 [3.01-7.81]) 9-12 weeks after hospitalised COVID-19. aHRs for angina and heart failure declined rapidly and were below 1.5 by 13-26 weeks after diagnosis.
For the first (of any) arterial thrombosis, aHRs compared with no COVID-19 declined rapidly from 21.7 (95% CI 21.0-22.4) to 3.87 (3.58-4.19) between the first and second weeks after COVID-19 to 2.80 (2.61-3.01) during weeks 3-4 and then more gradually to 1.34 (1.21-1.48) during weeks 27-49 (Figure 2, supplementary Table 6). aHRs were higher after hospitalised than non-hospitalised COVID-19 from week 2 (6.60 [5.85-7.44] versus 2.65 [2.37-2.96]) onwards declining to 1.46 (1.26-1.70) versus 1.21 (1.05-1.40) by weeks 27-49. During weeks 1-4 aHRs were greater in those with no prior history of an arterial thrombosis (12.1 [11.5-12.8]), compared to those with a prior history (6.21 [5.30-7.27]), an effect that attenuated with duration of follow up. There were no consistent differences between age groups. aHRs were marginally greater in males than females. aHRs were greater in people of Black or Black British ethnicity (10.4 [95% CI 8.70-12.5] and 1.96 [1.60-2.41] during weeks 1-4 and 5-49 respectively) and people of Asian or Asian British ethnicity (9.35 [8.48-10.30] and 1.64 [1.43-1.89] respectively) than those of White ethnicity (7.66 [7.42-7.92] and 1.47 [1.40-1.53] respectively).
For the first VTE, aHRs after COVID-19 compared with no COVID-19 declined more gradually than those for arterial thromboses, from 33.2 (95% CI 31.3-35.2) and 8.52 (7.59-9.58) in the first and second weeks to 7.95 (7.28-8.68) and 4.26 (3.86-4.69) during weeks 3-4 and 5-8, then more gradually to 2.20 (1.99-2.44) and 1.80 (1.50-2.17) during weeks 13-26 and 27-49 respectively (Figure 3, Supplementary Table 7). aHRs for venous events were substantial for the first 8 weeks following hospitalised COVID-19 (11.2 [9.72-12.9] during weeks 5-8 then 5.40 [4.31-6.77], 2.63 [2.19-3.14] and 1.57 [1.14-2.16] during weeks 9-12. 13-26 and 27-49 respectively. Following non-hospitalised COVID-19, aHRs were 2.56 (2.22-2.95), 2.22 (1.84-2.68), 1.98 (1.74-2.25) and 1.77 (1.38-2.27) during weeks 5-8, 9-12, 13-26 and 27-49 respectively. aHRs were greater in those without than with a prior history of a venous event, but did not differ markedly between age groups. aHRs in males were greater than those in females during weeks 1-4 after COVID-19. aHRs were higher in people of Black or Black British ethnicity (18.0 [14.3-22.8] and 2.68 [1.94-3.70] during weeks 1-4 and 5-49 respectively) and people of Asian or Asian British ethnicity (17.6 [14.2-21.8] and 4.05 [3.09-5.31] respectively) than those of White ethnicity (10.1 [9.56-10.7] and 2.49 [2.32-2.66] respectively).
Absolute excess risks were generally greater in men and in older patients (Figure 4). Combining all arterial thromboses, the excess risk 49 weeks after diagnosis of COVID-19 ranged from 2.3% and 1.7% respectively in men and women aged ≥80 years to 0.03% and 0.01% respectively in men and women aged <40 years (Figure 4). Combining all VTE events, the excess risk at 49 weeks ranged from 0.6% in men and women aged ≥80 years to 0.1% in men and women aged <40 years. Excluding events in the first 28 days approximately halved these absolute excess risks (Supplementary Figure 2). Across the whole population, the estimated absolute increases in the risk of arterial thromboses and VTEs were 0.5% and 0.25% respectively. This corresponds to 7,200 and 3,500 additional arterial thromboses and VTEs respectively after 1.4 million COVID-19 diagnoses.
In this cohort of 48 million adults, markedly higher relative incidence of arterial thromboses in the first weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis, relative to no COVID-19 diagnosis, declined rapidly. High relative incidence of VTEs in the first weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis declined less rapidly than for arterial thromboses, and remained 2-fold higher up to 49 weeks post COVID-19 diagnosis. For both arterial thromboses and VTEs, relative incidence was higher, and remained elevated for longer, after hospitalised than non-hospitalised COVID-19. Associations did not vary markedly by age or sex, but were greater in people of Black or Asian ethnicity than those of White ethnicity, and in people without than with a prior history of vascular events. By December 2020, COVID-19 led to over 10,500 additional arterial thromboses and VTEs in England and Wales.
As we included almost all of the adult English and Welsh populations, the results reflect the total population impact of COVID-19 on the incidence of major vascular events, and are generalisable to other settings with comprehensive healthcare. Linkage with primary care records and national COVID-19 testing data allowed us to study vascular diseases after both hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19, and adjust for a wide range of potentially confounding factors. We used a widely agreed set of codes in EHRs to identify arterial thromboses and VTEs recorded in the first position in hospital and death records. The protocol was prespecified and all code lists are available.
Like other studies of vascular disease risk after COVID-19 infection, 4,7,8,14 this study found that incidence of arterial thromboses and VTEs was markedly elevated in the first 1-2 weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis, and declined with time from diagnosis. Two self-controlled case series found that excluding cases of arterial or venous events recorded on the first day of COVID-19 diagnosis attenuated the early relative incidence associated with COVID-19.4,7 This may have been due to ascertainment of COVID-19 at the time of hospitalisation for a vascular event, or to limited resolution of date coding of COVID and vascular events in the same hospital admission.
Incidence of arterial thromboses and VTEs is also elevated after non-COVID-19 infections. In general, the relative increases are greatest soon after infection and fall within a month towards baseline, although elevated incidence of VTEs may persist for longer. These relative increase after other infections was similar to this study’s estimates 2 weeks after COVID-19 diagnosis.13,15–17
Hospital admissions due to MI18 and stroke19 fell during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in England and Wales. This suggests any increase in hospitalisations for arterial thromboses or VTEs after COVID-19 is small compared with the substantial reductions in diagnoses and healthcare use during the early stages of the pandemic.
The estimates of the increased absolute risk of arterial thromboses and VTEs after a single COVID-19 infection are small, at most 2.3% in men and 1.7% in women aged ≥80 years. Nonetheless, the large number of COVID-19 infections in England and Wales during 2020 is likely to have caused a substantial additional burden of arterial thromboses and VTEs. Preventive strategies after COVID-19 might be important at a population level, if they do not substantially increase the risk of adverse events such as bleeding. Observational studies suggest a protective effect of statin and blood pressure lowering.20,21 Randomised trials of short courses of antithrombotic interventions with a low risk of harm might be the next step, although the largest study of aspirin in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 showed the reduction in thrombotic events was similar to the increase in haemorrhagic events.22 Studies of aspirin in non-hospitalised patients with COVID-19 are ongoing. To avoid post-COVID-19 thrombotic events, policy responses should include avoiding severe COVID-19 infection through population-wide use of effective COVID-19 vaccines, and use of existing secondary preventative agents in patients with a prior history of stroke or MI.
This study has several limitations. First, the survival analyses allowed for variations in diagnoses with calendar time, so should control for the reductions in hospital attendance the period of maximum disruption (March and April 2020). However, some vascular events not have been recorded either because patients died in nursing homes with few diagnostic resources, or were so unwell that MI, stroke, PE or DVT diagnoses would have been difficult. Second, patients may have avoided healthcare after minor vascular events because of fear of COVID-19. If this was more likely in people without COVID-19, then estimated hazard ratios would have been biased upwards. Third, because the English primary care dataset did not include information on PE and DVT, the incidence of milder venous events may have been underestimated.
Fourth, we had limited resolution to determine the date order of COVID diagnosis and arterial thromboses or VTE events for some hospitalised patients. Some patients hospitalised with a vascular event either developed a nosocomial infection or had a COVID-19 diagnosis after routine testing on admission. For some patients, a raised troponin with COVID-19 may have led to a diagnosis of MI.12 Therefore the very high hazard ratios within one week of COVID-19 diagnosis may have been inflated by reverse causality. Fifth, there was under-ascertainment of COVID-19 infection before testing for SARS-CoV-2 became widely available for mild or asymptomatic infections. Such underdiagnosis would bias estimated post-COVID hazard ratios towards the null.
Sixth, unmeasured confounding may explain some findings, since there is a substantial overlap between risk factors for vascular disease and COVID-19. Risk factors for vascular events (e.g. body mass index) are not systematically recorded for all patients, and are subject to measurement error. The difference between adjusted and unadjusted hazard ratios was more marked longer after COVID-19 diagnosis: the hazard ratios for major arterial events more than 13 weeks (HR 1.3) after diagnosis could be due to unmeasured confounding. However the higher hazard ratios for venous events after 13 weeks are less plausibly explained by unmeasured confounding, and are consistent with the risk of venous events after other infections.13
In conclusion, substantial increases in the relative incidence of arterial thromboses and VTE events 1-2 weeks after diagnosis of COVID-19 decline with time since diagnosis, although doubling of the incidence of VTE events persisted up to 49 weeks after diagnosis. These results support continued policies to avoid COVID-19 infection with effective COVID-19 vaccines and use of secondary preventive agents in high-risk patients.
Data sharing
Data used in this study are available in NHS Digital’s Trusted Research Environment (TRE) for England, but as restrictions apply they are not publicly available (https://digital.nhs.uk/coronavirus/coronavirus-data-services-updates/trusted-research-environment-service-for-england). The CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT programme led by the BHF Data Science Centre (https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/helping-with-health-data/bhf-data-science-centre/) received approval to access data in NHS Digital’s TRE for England from the Independent Group Advising on the Release of Data (IGARD) (https://digital.nhs.uk/about-nhs-digital/corporate-information-and-documents/independent-group-advising-on-the-release-of-data) via an application made in the Data Access Request Service (DARS) Online system (ref. DARS-NIC-381078-Y9C5K) (https://digital.nhs.uk/services/data-access-request-service-dars/dars-products-and-services). The CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT Approvals & Oversight Board (https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/projects/cvd-covid-uk-project/) subsequently granted approval to this project to access the data within the TRE for England and the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank. The de-identified data used in this study was made available to accredited researchers only.
Data used in this study are available in the SAIL Databank at Swansea University, Swansea, UK, but as restrictions apply they are not publicly available. All proposals to use SAIL data are subject to review by an independent Information Governance Review Panel (IGRP). Before any data can be accessed, approval must be given by the IGRP. The IGRP gives careful consideration to each project to ensure proper and appropriate use of SAIL data. When access has been granted, it is gained through a privacy protecting data safe haven and remote access system referred to as the SAIL Gateway. SAIL has established an application process to be followed by anyone who would like to access data via SAIL at https://www.saildatabank.com/application-process.
Data Availability
Data used in this study are available in NHS Digitals Trusted Research Environment (TRE) for England, and in the SAIL Databank at Swansea University, Swansea, UK, for Wales but as restrictions apply they are not publicly available. Pseudonymised data was accessed and analysed within privacy protecting trusted research environments (NHS Digital DAE and SAIL). The analysis was performed according to a pre-specified analysis plan with phenotyping and analysis code at github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01. All data produced in the present work are contained in the manuscript.
Author contributions
WW conceived the study. WW, AW, RD, JAC, CS and JACS drafted the protocol. JACS, AW, VW, JAC and RD designed the statistical analyses. RK, VW, SI, TB, SK, AA, HA, FT, EO, SH, SD, JHT and CT developed codelists and derived datasets. SD, JHT and CT created electronic health record phenotyping algorithms for hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19. RK, VW, SI, JAC, TB, SK, RD, AA, HA, FT, TLN, RT, SD, JHT, CT and AW conducted statistical analyses. JACS, WW, AW, VW, RK and SI produced the first draft of the manuscript. CS is Director of the BHF Data Science Centre and coordinated approvals for and access to data within the NHS Digital TRE and the SAIL Databank TRE for CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT. All authors critically appraised the manuscript for important intellectual content and contributed to the final draft of the manuscript.
This work was funded by the Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing COVID-19 National Core Study, which was established by the UK Chief Scientific Officer in October 2020 and funded by UK Research and Innovation (grant references MC_PC_20030 and MC_PC_20059), by the British Heart Foundation as part of the BHF Data Science Centre led by HDR UK (BHF grant number SP/19/3/34678), by the Data and Connectivity National Core Study, led by Health Data Research UK in partnership with the Office for National Statistics and funded by UK Research and Innovation(grant reference MC_PC_20058), and by the CONVALESCENCE study of long COVID, which is funded by NIHR/UKRI. This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. We would also like to acknowledge all data providers who make anonymised data available for research. This work was supported by the Con-COV team funded by the Medical Research Council (grant number: MR/V028367/1). This work was supported by Health Data Research UK, which receives its funding from HDR UK Ltd (HDR-9006) funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, Department of Health and Social Care (England), Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates, Health and Social Care Research and Development Division (Welsh Government), Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), British Heart Foundation (BHF) and the Wellcome Trust. This work was supported by core funding from the: British Heart Foundation (BHF; RG/13/13/30194; RG/18/13/33946), BHF Cambridge CRE (RE/13/6/30180) and NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC-1215-20014) [*]. This work was supported by the ADR Wales programme of work. The ADR Wales programme of work is aligned to the priority themes as identified in the Welsh Government’s national strategy: Prosperity for All. ADR Wales brings together data science experts at Swansea University Medical School, staff from the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) at Cardiff University and specialist teams within the Welsh Government to develop new evidence which supports Prosperity for All by using the SAIL Databank at Swansea University, to link and analyse anonymised data. ADR Wales is part of the Economic and Social Research Council (part of UK Research and Innovation) funded ADR UK (grant ES/S007393/1). This work was supported by the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre, funded by Health and Care Research Wales. SI was funded by a BHF-Turing Cardiovascular Data Science Award (BCDSA\100005) and is funded by a University College London FB Cancer Research UK Award (C18081/A31373). RK, JAC and JACS were supported by the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre. RK, VW GDS were supported by the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol.
RK was supported by NIHR ARC West. RD and JACS were supported by Health Data Research UK. SK is funded by the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Donor Health and Genomics (NIHR BTRU-2014-10024). TM was funded by the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Donor Health and Genomics (NIHR BTRU-2014-10024). AMW is part of the BigData@Heart Consortium, funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative-2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 116074 and was supported by the BHF-Turing Cardiovascular Data Science Award (BCDSA\100005). WW is supported by the Chief Scientist’s Office (CAF/01/17). CS, CS, MB AW and WW are supported by Stroke Association (SA CV 20\100018).
*The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
Conflicts of interest
WW is supported by the Chief Scientist’s Office (CAF/01/17) and Stroke Association (SA CV 20100018). WW has given expert testimony to UK courts. WW served on an advisory board for Bayer. NC receives funds from AstraZeneca to support membership of Data Safety and Monitoring Committees for clinical trials.
Supplementary Material
Additional details of statistical methods
In general, we estimated hazard ratios using separate models for age group and, in the relevant analyses, for hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19. Overall results were then derived by combining hazard ratios across age groups using inverse-variance meta-analysis. The same set of covariates was adjusted for in each age group before results were combined. In some analyses, limited numbers of outcome events after COVID-19 meant that the younger age groups had to be combined in order to fit maximally adjusted models. For some models examining outcomes after hospitalised COVID-19, all age groups had to be combined because small numbers of outcome events after hospitalised COVID-19 made it impossible to identify a set of covariates that could be adjusted for across all groups, and/or some regions had to be merged.
All codelists are available in the GitHub for England: https://github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/england/phenotypes and similarly for Wales where Read codes were used for primary care: https://github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/Wales/phenotypes
All codelists are available in the GitHub for England https://github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/england/phenotypes and similarly for Wales where Read codes were used for primary care: https://github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/Wales/phenotypes
All codelists are available in the GitHub for England: github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/england/phenotypes and similarly for Wales where Read codes were used for primary care: https://github.com/BHFDSC/CCU002_01/tree/main/Wales/phenotypes
Maximally adjusted hazard ratios (log scale) for different arterial thrombotic, and venous thromboembolic and other vascular events by time since diagnosis of COVID-19, separately for hospitalised and non-hospitalised COVID-19.
This study makes use of de-identified data held in NHS Digital’s Trusted Research Environment for England and made available via the BHF Data Science Centre’s CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT consortium. This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. We would also like to acknowledge all data providers who make health relevant data available for research.
This study makes use of anonymised data held in the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank. This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. We would also like to acknowledge all data providers who make anonymised data available for research. We wish to acknowledge the collaborative partnership that enabled acquisition and access to the de-identified data, which led to this output. The collaboration was led by the Swansea University Health Data Research UK team under the direction of the Welsh Government Technical Advisory Cell (TAC) and includes the following groups and organisations: the SAIL Databank, Administrative Data Research (ADR) Wales, Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW), Public Health Wales, NHS Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) and the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST). All research conducted has been completed under the permission and approval of the SAIL independent Information Governance Review Panel (IGRP) project number 0911.