Evidence that more people in some countries and fewer in others are dying because of the pandemic, than is reflected by reported Covid-19 mortality rates, is derived from mortality data. Worldwide, mortality data is used to estimate the full extent of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, both direct and indirect; the possible short fall in the number of cases reported to the WHO; and to suggest explanations for differences between countries. Excess mortality data is largely varying across countries and is not directly proportional to Covid-19 mortality. Using publicly available databases, deaths attributed to Covid-19 in 2020 and all deaths for the years 2015-2020 were tabulated for 36 countries together with economic, health, demographic, and government response stringency index variables.
Residual death rates in 2020 were calculated as excess deaths minus death rates due to Covid-19 where excess deaths were observed deaths in 2020 minus the average for 2015-2019. For about half the countries, residual deaths were negative and for half, positive. The absolute rates in some countries were double those in others. In a regression analysis, the stringency index (p=0.026) was positively associated with residual mortality. There was no evidence of spatial clustering of residual mortality. The results show that published data on mortality from Covid-19 cannot be directly comparable across countries, likely due to differences in Covid-19 death reporting. In addition, the unprecedented public health measures implemented to control the pandemic may have produced either increased or reduced excess deaths due to other diseases. Further data on cause-specific mortality is required to determine the extent to which residual mortality represents non-Covid-19 deaths and to explain differences between countries.
1 Introduction
The pandemic of Covid-19 has caused varying excess mortality globally. Its extent however is difficult to measure. The data recorded by individual countries may be inconsistent and comparison between countries unreliable. Furthermore, the effects of lockdown and other forms of prevention may also have affected mortality rates generally. It is unlike other epidemics such as influenza and HIV. With influenza and HIV there was significant mortality not officially assigned to either infection [1,2]. With Covid-19 the situation has become much more complex, since the pandemic [3] may have resulted in increased deaths from other causes such as weakened healthcare systems, fewer people seeking treatment for non-Covid diseases, less available funding for treating other diseases; or in decreased deaths from other causes, such as road accidents, mobility restrictions, air pollution, or a reduced incidence of influenza and other respiratory infections.
As a consequence, precautions taken by countries to stop the spread of the disease may have led to both increases and decreases in deaths from other causes.
The pandemic is monitored by using data from sources within countries that ultimately report to the WHO. The data obtained here from the Johns Hopkins University/WHO rely on summary data supplied by countries - or, in some instances, a variety of sources.
Covid-19 deaths are defined in two main ways. The first, based on the WHO definition, uses clinically confirmed or probable Covid-19 cases (as in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy) and is not dependant on the availability of a laboratory test. The second, on the other hand, is reliant primarily on a positive laboratory test (Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom) [4]. Thus, we note at the outset that deaths attributed to Covid-19 can differ substantially, complicating cross-country comparisons.
Excess mortality, defined as observed minus expected mortality, makes it possible to better understand the overall impact of Covid-19 on a population [5,6]. It captures not only confirmed deaths, but also deaths from other causes, which may be either increases or decreases attributable to the overall pandemic. In some countries, excess deaths due to Covid-19 are fewer than the number of reported Covid-19 deaths, while in others they are greater.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the full extent of the effects on death of the Covid-19 pandemic, the possible shortfall in the number of cases reported to the WHO, and to suggest explanations for differences between countries.
2 Data sources
We used data from several sources.
Our World in Data (owid) database [7]: Their data on confirmed deaths due to Covid-19 comes from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). This is done on a country basis and the period considered here is 5/01/2020 to 2/01/2021. Other variables are also provided that are collected from a variety of sources (United Nations, World Bank, Global Burden of Disease, Blavatnik School of Government, etc.). More information is available in their codebooks. These variables include the stringency index, population size, population density, median age, aged 65 or older, aged 70 or older, GDP per capita, extreme poverty, cardiovascular death rate, diabetes prevalence, female smokers, male smokers, handwashing facilities, hospital beds per thousand, life expectancy and human development index.
The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) systematically collects information on several different common policy responses that governments have taken to respond to the pandemic on 20 indicators such as school closures and travel restrictions. The data from the 20 indicators is aggregated into an overall government response index, a number between 1 and 100 to reflect the level of government action. This stringency index for each country was also added to the data [8]. Its value changes over time and as an ad-hoc measure, the value on 2/01/2021 was used.
The owid website [7] also provides data on all-cause deaths, sourced from the Human Mortality Database Short-term Mortality Fluctuations project and the World Mortality Dataset (WMD) and the UK Office for National Statistics. Some countries were excluded based on data quality criteria. Australia’s data (all years) is “Doctor Certified Deaths” rather than “All Registered Deaths” so was omitted. We calculated the number of weekly deaths for the United Kingdom by summing the number of weekly deaths from England &Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
The mortality data and Covid-19 data were merged to give a database for 34 (plus two below) countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and the USA. For some countries, data on observed all-cause deaths were not available for the entire period and therefore files were matched to the most recent available data. These were Greece, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea and Taiwan.
Data for all causes of deaths in China and population sizes for 2015-2020 were obtained from the United Nations database [9]. For Ireland observed deaths for 2020 were taken from the WMD database, which were also available on the owid database [7]. Because the average death rate 2015-2019 was increasing due to an ageing population, the figure for 2018 was taken as the most recent available statistic from The Central Statistics Office, Ireland [10]. The variables relating to economic, health, demographic and the stringency indices were not included for Ireland or China. China and Ireland were then added to the database above.
All databases were accessed March 4, 2021
3 Methods
Data on the following three numbers were assessed for 36 countries:
Observed deaths 2020,
Average number of death 2015-2019,
Covid-19 deaths in 2020
In addition, we used available population sizes for 2020. Excess deaths were defined to be (Observed 2020 - Average 2015-2019) on a country basis. We noted Covid-19 deaths + change in deaths due to other causes (positive or negative) = Excess deaths; or Excess deaths - Covid-19 deaths = change in deaths due to other causes (positive or negative) – these we labelled as residual deaths. Residual deaths per 100,000 of population is denoted as residual mortality rate (RMR).
Assuming a Poisson distribution for counts of total deaths in each year 2015-2020 and Covid-19 deaths respectively, the difference between excess deaths and Covid-19 deaths was tested for statistical significance i.e. the countries for which residual deaths increased or decreased significantly were found.
Regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationship between economic, demographic and health variables and residual deaths per 100,000 of the population. Global spatial autocorrelation of RMR was assessed using Moran’s I as follows. The centroid of each country was found, distance between the centroids calculated and the inverse of the distance matrix used to produce a matrix of weights for Moran’s I. A correlogram was used to explore Moran’s I over different spatial lags and statistical significance was determined under the assumption of randomization. [11]
All statistical analyses were performed using R. P-values are denoted by p, and values of p < 0.05 were regarded as statistically significant.
4 Results
The countries for which residual deaths, were negative (i.e. fewer than expected) were: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Croatia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Switzerland, and significantly so in all apart from those italicised.
Countries for which residual deaths were positive (i.e. greater than expected) were: Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Estonia, Iceland, Israel, Slovenia, and significantly so in those italicised.
The increase or decrease in RMR shows substantial variation across countries [Table]. Figure 1 shows the variation in Covid-19 mortality rates as well as excess mortality rates; points above the line indicate where actual Covid-19 mortality rates were greater than excess mortality rates. Figure 2 shows the extent of variation in RMR between different countries with Taiwan and Canada at the negative extreme and Bulgaria and Poland at the positive extreme, over double the absolute rates in other countries.
Residual mortality rate per 100,000 population and associated p-value in () indicating significance of increase/decrease
Covid deaths versus excess deaths per 100,000 of the population for 36 countries, with a line of identity. Countries are numbered by alphabetical order: 1. Austria, 2. Belgium, 3. Bulgaria, 4. Canada, 5. Chile 6. China 7. Croatia, 8. Czech Republic, 9. Denmark, 10. Estonia, 11. Finland, 12. France, 13. Germany, 14. Greece, 15. Hungary, 16. Iceland,17. Ireland 18. Israel, 19. Italy, 20. Latvia, 21. Lithuania, 22. Luxembourg, 23. Netherlands, 24. New Zealand, 25. Norway, 26. Poland, 27. Portugal, 28. South Korea, 29. Slovenia, 30. Slovakia, 31. Spain, 32. Sweden,33. Switzerland, 34. Taiwan, 35. UK, 36. USA
Residual mortality rate per 100,000 population for 36 countries. Countries not significantly different from zero are denoted by a *.
In univariate regression analyses, with response variable RMR, the stringency index was statistically significant (p=0.045), while the cardiovascular death rate was the only other variable with p-value < 0.15.
In a stepwise multivariate regression that included population size as well as all the other explanatory variables listed above, stringency index (p=0.026) and cardiovascular death rate (p=0.087) were both positively associated with the response, the latter marginally. The analysis is complicated by the fact that some explanatory variables were missing for some countries, and therefore as the stepwise procedure progressed more countries entered the analysis.
There was no evidence of spatial clustering of residual mortality using Moran’s I (p=0.291). Furthermore, based on the correlogram, there was no evidence for spatial autocorrelation at different spatial lags.
5 Discussion
The results show that published data on mortality from Covid-19 cannot be directly comparable across countries. There are two factors that affect residual mortality rates ((RMR) - the reported Covid-19 mortality rate and the change in mortality rate due to other causes. Since the reported Covid-19 mortality rate is known, RMR provides a way of assessing the change in deaths from other causes not attributed to Covid-19. The results show that RMR did not differ significantly from zero in eight countries: Croatia, Estonia, Iceland, Israel, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Slovenia, and Switzerland. In the remaining 28 countries half had a significant increase and half a significant decrease. On the surface, there was no distinguishing characteristic between countries for which the RMR was positive or negative.
Considering first countries for which the RMR was negative, Taiwan was the most extreme. The pandemic seems to have had a smaller impact in Taiwan than in most other industrialized countries, with just seven deaths in 2020. Taiwan engaged in early actions to stop the spread of the disease, including early screening of flights from mainland China and the tracking of individual cases. As discussed in [12], the experience with Ebola, MERS, and SARS meant that several Asian and African nations, including Taiwan, had systems in place to mitigate the severity of the pandemic. Other authors reported the adjusted pneumonia and influenza mortality rates in 2020 in Taiwan were significantly lower than the 2019 rate and a deviation from the overall increasing trend since 2008 [13]. These authors concluded that the low pneumonia and influenza mortality rates in 2020 suggested that mask wearing, physical distancing, and restricting large social events may have had a positive spill over effect.
The RMR in Canada was also considerably lower than in other countries. Those who die from Covid-19 clearly cannot die later from other causes, which may reduce rates of other causes of death. Based on the WHO definition, Covid-19 is considered the first cause of death when it is thought that without the virus the patient would have not died in that moment, independently from the severity of her or his concurrent conditions. This may have happened in Canada where long-term care homes were heavily impacted by the pandemic [14].
For another twelve countries RMR was also significantly negative. Without cause-specific mortality in these countries, reasons for this cannot be ascertained definitively. A possible explanation is that precautions due to Covid-19 resulted in significant changes in behaviour, with accordingly lower pneumonia and influenza mortality rates, as in Taiwan. Using WHO data for six countries in the southern hemisphere: Australia, Argentina, South Africa, Paraguay, New Zealand and Chile, the total number of influenza tests fell by just 20%, while the proportion of positive tests reached record lows [14]. This indicates these countries did not have an influenza season perhaps due to social distancing and wearing of masks [13]. This seems to have been a global phenomenon as not a single case of influenza was reported in England in 2021 and a lower case rate was also reported for the U.S. [15]. These lower rates may have had a knock-on effect leading to a decrease in death rates due to flu-like illnesses. There may be some evidence that a significant decrease in travel may have caused less air pollution and thus less respiratory mortality. [16,17]
In addition, increased physical exercise in the population may have resulted in decreased deaths due to other causes [18] but there are varying reports on this. An app based study [19] reported worldwide step count decreases. As countries impose control measures, deaths from causes such as road accidents and homicides may also decline.
For fourteen countries residual mortality was significantly positive. For these countries excess deaths were greater than those reported as Covid-19. Possible explanations include misdiagnosed Covid-19 leading to under-reporting to the WHO, whose figures may be an appreciable underestimate of the true picture. RMR’s were significantly higher in Bulgaria and Poland, double those of the other twelve positive countries. By 18 December 2020, among twenty-six European countries, Bulgaria had the highest cumulative excess mortality rate among under 65s (12.3% above the five-year average) [20]. To understand this, data on the actual causes of death is needed but these countries could well have higher death rates due to Covid-19 than those published. China also had a high RMR, and in the Wuhan province of China, where the pandemic is assumed to have originated, an 8-fold increase in pneumonia mortality in the first three months of the pandemic suggested that Covid-19 went largely underreported. In addition, mortality from noncommunicable diseases also increased by 20% [21].
There are two hypotheses that explain RMR. The first is that RMR will increase if Covid-19 mortality is under-reported and in the second it will increase if there is increased mortality from other causes. The latter may be caused by a secondary mortality due to lower or delayed access to health care, or to resources being diverted to dealing with the pandemic. Cause -specific mortality data may throw light on these two alternative hypotheses. In addition, as suggested in [22], social determinants of health such as jobs, income, may also be a factor in increased mortality from other causes.
The results of the regression analysis indicate a positive association between the stringency index and residual mortality. This result supports the second hypothesis above, that of increased mortality from other causes, with lower Covid-19 mortality associated with high stringency measures. It must be reiterated that the value of the stringency index changes over time and as an ad-hoc measure, the value on 2/01/2021 was used here. This is far from perfect, as countries that have experienced low Covid-19 deaths were more inclined to relax lockdown measures over time. Moreover, as stated in [8], a higher position in an index does not necessarily mean that a country’s response is ‘better’ than others lower on the index.
The regression analysis also indicated an increase in residual deaths associated with cardiovascular diseases. This suggests the possibility that the residual deaths are due to cardiovascular disease, due to their being untreated or less well treated during the pandemic, as reported in the UK [23]. The CDC reported in late June that in the 10 weeks after the pandemic was declared a national emergency on March 13 2020, hospital emergency department visits declined by 23% for heart attacks, 20% for strokes and 10% for uncontrolled high blood sugar in people with diabetes [24]. In the study [22] of US deaths in March and April 2020, large increases in mortality from heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases in the US were found. There is also a possibility that these increases may indicate non-respiratory Covid-19. Other studies in the literature report similar findings [25,26]. These changes occurred after lockdown measures were instigated and thus may also explain the association between the stringency index and residual mortality.
Other variables, including demographic and economic were not related to RMR, suggesting that the individual countries responses to the pandemic were not affected in the main by economic considerations. Nevertheless, for example, health expenditure in Poland was just one half the average expenditure in Europe, while per capita number of healthcare workers was at the lowest end. This healthcare system was further stressed during the pandemic, and resulted in 7% decrease in fast-track oncological cards, 15% decrease in hospitalisations for myocardial infarction, 25% decrease in stroke patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy, just to cite a few examples. Excess non-Covid-19 mortality, denoted by high RMR, could be a natural consequence of this situation [27].
Finally, considering how Covid-19 deaths are reported, unlike a report in the Economist [28] no association was found here between the countries using the different definitions and the percentages of excess deaths accounted for by Covid deaths. This may be to testing policies having evolved over the course of the pandemic. However, published death rates due to Covid-19 must be interpreted with caution because there is variability between countries on how Covid-19 deaths are certified or defined [4]. In Africa, for example, cases of covid-19 were under-reported and there is evidence the impact of covid-19 in Africa has been vastly underestimated [29].
There was no evidence of spatial clustering of countries with respect to residual mortality with these data. This is perhaps because using the centroid of a country is a crude measure of location but also because countries responded to the pandemic in a relatively independent way. More sophisticated spatial analyses confirmed this.
There is a voluminous literature on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and it was not our aim to list all relevant literature here. We have endeavoured, however, to capture the salient issues.
In conclusion, residual mortality is a useful tool to explore the indirect and direct impact of Covid-19 on mortality. Further data on cause-specific mortality is required to determine the extent to which residual mortality represents non-Covid-19 deaths and to explain differences between countries. Time series modelling of timing and stringency of lockdown measures on Covid-19 deaths are also necessary to assess the impact these have had in different countries.
Data Availability
Data sources are listed in the manuscript in a separate section and all data are publicly available.
Ethical Approval
Not applicable.
Conflicts of interest
Funding source